
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day Sermon of the Century by Pastor Matt Hagee

I wish I had the words to convey how awesome this morning's sermon was.  It is Father's Day, so the sermon was about fathers. It is a sermon for EVERYONE, however.  I beg you to listen to it if you can.  It is about what America needs more than ever:  Godly fathers. (and follow the instructions)

Matt does not do the expected talk about his own father and what it was like growing up.  His father actually commented that he hoped Matt didn't bring too many skeletons out of the closet.

I could tell -- everyone could tell -- that Pastor John (Matt's father) was mesmerized by his son's sermon.  He never took his eyes off him.

I said to Jerry, "Look at the love and respect that man has for his son!"

Before the sermon was over, Matt had tears streaming down his face.  I had tears streaming down my face.  I looked over at Jerry -- who isn't one to show emotion at all -- and he was wiping a puddle away from under each of his eyes.


You can hear it at 11:00 this morning, OK time, or a video of it will be available the rest of the week.  I am not affiliated with this church in any way other than we have chosen to attend it every Sunday via the internet.  Pastor Hagee, Sr. reminds me of my own Father.  Just go to if you are interested.

I promise you, it is a sermon every man and every woman needs to hear -- in MY opinion, of course.

Now I must run around the rest of the day getting ready for our family reunion next weekend.  #1 on the plan is for us to invite everyone to join us upstairs in front of the big screen for church next Sunday morning.  We put God first here, company or not.

Have a marvelous week my friends.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy