
Monday, July 21, 2014

First, Daisies -- Now, Mums

I finished what I am calling my MUMS blouse.  Remember, Jerry said, "Do you always use the same pattern?"

I think it looks quite a bit different with the longer sleeve.  The v-neck is a little different, although I wanted it to be the same.  Plus, the print and the colors are different.  

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND, I did use the red buttons.  It is no small miracle that I EVER got the buttonholes in the blouse.  I have two old Bernina machines here, and the automatic buttonholers on BOTH machines decided to croak at the same exact time!  

One would think I was fortunate to be at my Edmond home where there actually is a Bernina store 20 miles away, wouldn't one?

WELL, one would be WRONG!

I went to the store and I purchased what was supposed to be the right foot.  Since the Bernina store is right up the street from our store, I called Phylly to see if she wanted to meet me for lunch at Johnnie's.  While I was waiting in my car  for her to arrive, I decided to OPEN THE BOX and compare the foot inside to the foot I had brought with me from my machine.  TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

After lunch, I went BACK to the Bernina store.  I returned WRONG FOOT #1 and purchased another foot that was guaranteed to be the right one.  I wasn't going to be fooled twice -- no siree! -- so I got my foot out of my purse and compared it to the new foot the lady sold me.  They looked pretty much the same, but the big eye on the top was different.  She assured me that didn't matter.

I drove home to FINALLY put the five buttonholes into this blouse, and GUESS WHAT?!  I found out I had purchased WRONG FOOT #2.  I started to sew the buttonhole, and it sewed the first side practically the whole way across the sample I was using and never did switch.  AARRGGHH!  I was SO MAD!

I called the Bernina store.  The service guy, Robert, answered the phone.  I told him my problem.  He informed me that the MACHINE and the FOOT have to be calibrated.  

I asked him HOW I was supposed to do that.

He said, "You aren't!"  "You have to bring both into the store."

Can you believe it?  

ANYWAY, when I was in the store earlier today, the sales lady brought me this little plastic device that was $4.  I immediately assumed that some clerk had priced the thing wrong, as EVERYTHING in a Bernina store is $100 plus!  The buttonhole foot was $115.   She assured me it really was only $4.  So, I bought it.  

THANK GOODNESS, that little $4 doohickey allowed me to finish the buttonholes on this blouse.  They are a bit strange looking, but nobody but me will know.  The buttons cover up the buttonholes. 

Someone posted they like the green blouse the best.

So do I.  I just love that bright green.

I am TRYING to show you the slit in the sleeve here.

It isn't very slitty, is it?

This is a two-piece SFD sleeve with a dart in it for the elbow.

Very comfortable.


I also changed the bust dart from a French Dart to a regular bust dart.

And that is it for today.

Jackie is QUITE INSULTED that I haven't put this laptop down and come outside to play with her.

It is hotter than a firecracker out there, but I will go throw the ball until one of us wilts.

I'm sure which one that will be!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Well, you fall flat of your tailfeathers and spend four days sitting on two pillows and popping pain pills and look what you miss: three Joy Joy blog posts! How in the world did I miss all of these?

    I don't know why Jerry can't tell one new blouse from the other. They are very distinctly different to me. Let me see different colors, Different shape V-necks. Mums vs. Daisies. Longer sleeves. French dart vs. regular bust dart. That man just doesn't appreciate the subtleties of style like you and I do. It is a man thing!

    I like both of them, but my preference is the red one. You always look gorgeous in red.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Really looks good with the red buttons! The lighting, however, is better by the quilt wall hanging, but we can see it is so pretty. Don't own a Bernina - have always been put off by the prices- but know they sew beautifully.

  3. so what is this $4 item you got that helped u finish the buttonholes?

  4. I'll take a pic of it for my next post. It is kind of like a hump-jumper, but not really, lol. You put it UNDER the zipper foot and it raises it up a little bit. I took the machine and the foot into Bernina today, and for a MERE $175.00 I can get the feed dogs fixed so the zipper foot that came with it will work.
    Hugs, Joy

  5. which bernina is it? that is expensive...I have a 1230 that I love to deat


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Hugs, Joy