
Friday, July 4, 2014

God BLESS the U S A !!!

What a nice day this was.  Usually, in these parts -- where fireworks are allowed -- they go boom-boom-boom all day and all night beginning weeks before the 4th.  We have only heard a few booms after dark this year.  Now, tonight, may be a different story.  Jerry and I are just sitting on our bed already at 7:42 PM and have no intention of leaving the house.

When one has seen fireworks a zillion and one times already, I don't see the point in hauling lawnchairs in the car trunk to be unloaded and set down on the damp grass at the park at which time we sit in them and wait, and wait, and wait -- and while waiting, every mosquito from here to China decides to snack on my face, my neck and my arms -- and every chigger within a hundred miles crawls up my pants and decides to die inside the elastic bands of my underwear!

I think that must be why I see so many people drinking beer while they wait.  Maybe the bugs don't like alcohol!

Remember the shrimp boil we were going to last night?  I told you I would take a picture, and here it is.  There were so many shrimp, I left TEN of them untouched.  We could have split one of these if they had just thrown on another ear of corn.  YUMMY!
 And here is Jerry getting ready to enjoy it.  Check out the eyebrows and the hair on the top of his head!  He even has sideburns again!  Praise God!
And tonight I fixed a new dish.  I found this recipe SOMEwhere on the internet.  It just came in one of my emails or maybe on Facebook or Pinterest or WHO KNOWS!

Anyway, you MUST make this!  It is really, really, really good.  Jerry loved it.  Jackie thought it was the most delicious leftovers we ever gave her -- and we have given her Prime Rib.

Here is a picture:

It is SUPER easy.

All you do is mix ONE CUP French Dressing,
ONE CUP Apricot Preserves
ONE PACKAGE dry onion soup
together in a bowl.

Dump it on top of all the chicken thighs (mine were boneless/skinless) you can fit in the pan, and bake it for an hour.  I trimmed all the fat off the thighs with kitchen shears to reduce the fat.

The sauce was delicious on the rice I served with it.

Gotta go.  Time to get Jackie in her bedroom (laundry room).  

Hugs, Joy


  1. Jerry is looking mighty handsome!!!!

  2. As you've figured out, I'm not much of a meat eater, but I do serve it to my husband and guests. Thanks for the recipe. This will be a great dish for parties.
    My husband and I rented a movie and watched it bed last night, with the dogs scrunched under the bed. Fireworks aren't allowed in Chicago, but you would have thought we were under attack last night. I couldn't even get the dogs out for a quick pee! Oh well, the worst is over. Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  3. That is an interesting combination for cooking chicken. I'll have to keep that in mind. Anything fast and easy after work is great. Not to mention tasty.

    We had a quiet Independence Day, too. Justin conked out at 7:00 and the other two went to see fireworks with our neighbor. I sat and knit all evening and watched whatever crazy program Roger was interested in, He switched between Pickers, Country Artists, car shows and even the Gaithers. I love the Gaither's musical shows, so I didn't mind that one at all. He did turn it on one that I refused to watch, but I don't remember what it was. Wiped it from my memory. Oh, we had some Duck Dynasty in the mix, too, on a show they did with Shawn Hannity. Phil had some really good things to say. I just wanted to say, "Preach on Brother Phil". I say, "Phil for President". We wouldn't be in the mess we are in if he held that office.

    Oh, how did I get on that subject? It seems all roads lead to that destination anymore. There, and our Southern Border.

    I will be so glad to see you this week. It seems like you have been gone for ever and ever. I bet Jackie is six inches taller than she was when you left here.

    Hugs, Phylly

  4. Joy...I think you mentioned you would send me something about SFD when you got to your other this the other house? any info you can give me would be great...I have my dress body blue print ... but don't want my clothes that email is .. I am not too good at this blogging stuff yet...


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Hugs, Joy