
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sure-fit Designs Maxi and Cutting Line Designs Jacket and Top

I actually did a short video of all three of my latest creations.

#1:  The Royal Blue Jacket, Cutting Line Designs "A New Dimension

Don't you LOVE my doggy?!

#2:  The Daisy Top, Cutting Line Designs "Anything but Ordinary"

It looks like I'm crying.  Good grief!  Could You Tube pick a more awful shot.  I am showing you how the tab at the shoulder unbuttons.  I'm really happy with it, lol.

NOTE:  I picked a terrible place to do this video.  The camera is focusing on those red baskets on the quilt, and you can't even tell there are DAISIES all over my blouse.  You can see them below.
Here are a few stills of ABO:

The daisy fabric is from Gorgeous Fabrics.  It seems to have faded already from dark navy to dusty navy.  Oh, well, it matches my dusty house covered with dog hair from my "non-shedding" dog.

#3:  The Sure-fit Designs Maxi Dress

And I DO hope my head isn't cut off in the whole thing.  At least, the dress shows.  Another lovely pose chosen by You Tube.  I look like a wind-up doll!

Here are a few stills of this dress.  I really like it.  I am making jewelry now that makes it look NOT dressy.  I don't like "dressy" on me.  I figure some clunky colored beads will tone it down.  Either that or it will look like I am really bad at making jewelry!

 I am showing you the side vent here.

Sure didn't do a very good job of that did I?

The earrings look fancy, but they are NOT.  They are just plastic beads.

I may try a belt with this.  I doubt it will look good, however, as it will fall into the cavern above my big belly and emphasize the part I'm trying to cover up.

You should have seen me when I was young.  Sometime I'm going to dig out a picture.  I USED to have a waist!  I remember working out at the gym and how embarrassed I would be that someone might SEE when the girl measured my waist and it was 25 inches.  For some INSANE reason, I thought it was supposed to be 18 inches.  I would be really excited if I could get it down to 32 inches right now so I could be 42 - 32 - 41.

I better get back on my DESM diet.

ACTUALLY, that would only make my bust and hips smaller, and the loss of inches on my waist wouldn't even show.

I'm going to work tomorrow.  I was there on Monday and smelled something horrible in the kitchen next to my office.  The aroma was drifting into my space, and it was gagful!

I asked the two darling new girls to come SMELL for me.  They did.  We got near the refrigerator which is only used by me.  I opened it to see if something croaked and rotted inside.  No!  It was empty.

THEN -- UNFORTUNATELY -- I noticed the corner of what I thought was a piece of paper sticking out under the frig behind the open door.  I stuck the toe of my flip flop on it and pulled it out.

I could not have been more SHOCKED if I had been struck by lightning!!!  Ask the new girls.  One of them has scratches on her arm, and I probably scared the other one nearly to death when I jumped up in the air -- screamed -- and ran out of the room!

The "paper" was a flat sticky trap someone had slid under the frig and it had a dead mouse stuck on it.


My scream brought everyone else into the room.  I'm sure they thought I was the biggest goof ever.  Tim came in and bravely walked over and picked the thing up and removed it.

Anyway, I will be much happier to be there tomorrow -- mouse free and rotten smell free.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I don't know how you are going to make that maxi dress look less dressy., you make that dress look elegant. The jacket is gorgeous as I said before. Surprise, surprise, I love the blouse even if it has a bit of orange in it. The button is perfect with it, too. It wouldn't look good on me, but it does on you.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Joy, I look forward to your postings and videos. You are such a breath of fresh air. Thanks. All three pieces are really cute and they look good on you. Good job and thanks for sharing.

  3. All three pieces look great and fit you so well. Thanks for the tip about the jacket snap.

  4. Joy, yet again (as always!) you have done some amazing work!

    When you have a spare minute-like that every happens-would you mention what tools you use for marking. I have not yet found a product I like as I worry about leaving marks if I don't erase them prior to pressing. So, I use pins mostly and they fall out--then I have to go back to the pattern - UGH!

    Thank you so much for your wonderful blog - I am touched by your faith and I am inspired to keep sewing for perfection.

    Debora from NM

  5. Joy, I have to agree with Phylly on your maxi dress. It is just elegant on you and fits so well. That side view is just spot on. The fit through the bust looks just perfect. Your daisy blouse is just my style. Just a easy everyday top to wear with my jeans. I already commented on how much I love your jacket. I was having problems playing the video at first so I watched it straight from the you tube site .I hope you had a good swing and Jackie got some exercise chasing her ball. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

  6. All three pieces are very nice. I like the dress on you, especially!

  7. Joy, you are amazing! So productive with a variety of styles and fabrics. That jacket is a stunner- in color and fit. My mother used to say something similar to you about minute imperfections on sewn garments- on a galloping horse you'll never know the difference! LOL. Thanks for saying that- it would have been her 92 nd birthday. She was an excellent seamstress, too.
    Nancy Jo


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Hugs, Joy