
Wednesday, September 3, 2014


The day FINALLY came!  Terry came over to play.

You remember Terry -- my new neighbor that loves to sew and quilt, and she even wrote a book.  Her book is darling.  She brought it so I could look at it, but I think she took it back home.

I was home alone today and thrilled to have her company.  She had purchased a Flynn Quilt Frame, and the open space on her sewing machine would not allow her to move enough.  She asked if I had a machine with any more space.  The only one I had was my Ellisimo.

Terry decided to bring her gadgets over and try it out.

We had to move the sergers and the embroidery module.  Only problem we had was the fact that I have never used the Ellisimo to sew on.  I have only used it to embroider with.  THEREFORE, we had to get out the book and figure out how to make the Ellisimo do free-motion quilting.

The directions said, "Push this button" and there was a teeny tiny illustration of the button.  NEITHER ONE OF US could find that button!  Fortunately, a little later when we weren't even looking for it, it suddenly appeared, and we pushed it.  We had to change the needle plate and turn the machine sideways.

About this time, I decided that just MAYBE we should practice.  I would hate for her to ruin her darling bow tie quilt because I was clueless as to how my own machine worked.

I can hear you, Phylly!!!

I put a little quilt sandwich together and got my Sharon Schamber circle thingy, and Terry practiced.  I could tell immediately that this was NOT her first rodeo.
Terry is making final adjustments here to all of the knobs on her Flynn rollers.

We figured out how to get the foot pedal somewhere in the vicinity of her foot, and she started quilting like she had been doing it forever.

I'm sure glad Jerry wasn't here to see this because he may have thought I should have had one of those instead of that longarm in the background, lol.

For a small quilt, it is really a great gadget.

Isn't Terry nice?!  She wants to learn how to sew clothes.  She doesn't even have a fabric stash yet!  I TRIED to conceal my shock, but I probably didn't do a very good job of it.

Time for supper.  I must run.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Great fun playing with a sewing friend.



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Hugs, Joy