
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Simplicity 1539 "Muslin" - My Latest Wadder

Yes, this top was destined to be a wadder when I ran out of fabric.  I just assumed I could grab another piece of knit and "color block" it.  I stayed with it thinking that just MAYBE it might look good once I got the sleeves in.

Jerry came upstairs to ask me something, and I had this blouse on.  I asked him how he liked it.  He looked at it for several seconds and then announced:

"It looks VERY strange, Joy."

I am wearing it now, but it is about to be discarded.  I may cut the fabric off the bottom to use for something else, but I can't imagine what.  After all, I didn't have enough to make this blouse -- how could I make another one?

Here is a short video of me showing you the completed blouse and the issues I am having with it.

Wave goodbye to it!

Other than this blouse and a few emails back and forth from Phylly, who by the way TOLD me she didn't like this pattern before I made it, I have washed and folded all the laundry and had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch.

Terribly exciting, I know!

I still like the pattern enough to try it one more time.  Or maybe I will choose a different view to make.

Jerry's brother is living with us for 30 days for a third round of free rehab.  The other two times were for long weekends.  He made it for a short time, but got right back onto the same sad Merry-Go-Round.  I don't understand that personality, as I am the opposite of it.

A little different here with a live-in brother-in-law, but we are adjusting.

I better go.  Jerry is loading the truck for a trip to Goodwill, and I want to see if I have anything BESIDES this blouse to throw in it.  Just kidding!  I wouldn't want anyone else to see it but you.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Personally I like it! Can you make that tab in the front thinner maybe. Add a pretty black or white button to hold it down. You make pretty jewellery - maybe you can make something not to heavy or you have some beads you can sew onto it to keep it down. Just some thoughts:) Fan in Canada:)

    1. I wore it all afternoon. It sure feels good on. I have thrown blouses away before and later wished I had kept them. I found a picture the other day of one I thought was awful and tossed, and now, when I see the pictures I took, I really like it. I should have just put it away for awhile. Thanks for the fun thoughts!
      Hugs, Joy

  2. I really like your new blouse. Maybe a piece of ribbon would do the trick.
    I am having a hard time finding that Kwik Sew pattern that you made 5 tops out of. I was at Hancocks today hoping to find it and use a coupon that I had. As you know patterns have just gotten out of this world pricey . You know it was not even in the pattern book. I have searched the internet and did find it on Amazon for full price. I read somewhere that it was discontinued . I may just bite the bullet and go ahead and order it. I really do like what you have done with it. Thanks so much for the entertaining video.

    1. Anita, you always say the nicest things! I can't believe that KW pattern is so hard to find. Someone told me they found it in Outdated Patterns -- or Out of Print Patterns -- or something like that. Wish I could remember.
      Time for bed.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. Yes Joy you're right - it is at Kwik Sew website in Out of Print Patterns - I believe it's about $11.00 or there about. I plan on ordering it - you are an inspiration - thank you:) Fan in Canada:)

  3. Cute top - keep it awhile and see if the design grows on you. Have recently stumbled upon your blog and oh how I wish I could sew and fit garments to myself like you do! I have just about given up and only make quilts. You refer to the Sure Fit Design system several times - do you recommend it? Would it be worth a try for me? Keep on blogging - you are a breath of fresh air! Beth in AL

  4. I've been following your blog for awhile now but never commented. I kind of like this top but was thinking how cute it would be if the overlay came down lower, like to your waist, with the bow between the boob area. If the top striped part was covering a larger area, it might not flip up. I like the different prints together.
    Brenda from Texas

  5. Hi Joy, I love the blouse and don't think it would bother me, but then there are some things that bother me and no one else. I would not throw it away, I just know you will find a solution to your problems. It looks very good on you too.

    Carol Ann

  6. I like the blouse--I think it looks nice!!


  7. The blouse is very stylish. Just think of all the clothing designers who have produced something similar and charged a fortune. Maybe you could hand baste the bow from the underside to just catch enough of the blouse so it wouldn't sag. It really doesn't look as bad as you make it out. Don't toss it!

  8. I think giving the loop a few tacks would hold it in place a bit better.

  9. I really like the top too!

  10. Joy, your dance moves cracked me up! I really needed that this morning. Your top is cute, I agree with the comments that urge you to hang onto it for awhile to see if you change your mind. Maybe if you tacked the bow loop on the bottom as well as the top it would stay in place better? Definitely salvage the main fabric if you decide to scrap the top, it's lovely! You could use it to accent a solid black top...


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Hugs, Joy