
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Sermon, New Knit Duo and Blessings Galore

Hello on Sunday evening.  Jackie is sound asleep, and I am sitting up in my bed with my laptop on its little holder-upper thing.  I am still at one house, and Jerry is at the other.  We are having computer issues at our stores, and it seems the home computers are not able to connect with each other.

That may not seem like a big deal to you, but I guarantee you it is a big deal to our employees on Pay Day, which is tomorrow.  I will have to go into the OKC store to print the checks tomorrow.  Since Jerry and I no longer have offices in the OKC store, I will have to move someone out so I can move in and finish payroll.

Then I have to wait for some new kind of "boxes" to arrive here on Wednesday.  When they arrive, I have to take them to our computer-fixer people who I call "The 9 Nerds" (they are really "The 3 Nines" but I like my name better).  The 9 Nerds will configure the "boxes".  Then, somehow, the "boxes" will get put in our two houses and everything will magically work again.

Whew!  That wasn't easy to describe, and I'm sure nobody gives a hoot anyway, lol.

So, it is Sunday.  Since I am alone, and I don't mind watching church on my computer instead of on the television, I was able to bring up our preacher from Durant, OK.  His name is Duane Sheriff, and he is a fabulous teacher.  I was able to get him LIVE this morning.  He was preaching about humility and the true meaning of it.

True humility -- in my tired memory -- is knowing that in yourself, you are NOTHING and you can do NOTHING of any lasting value.  With God, however, ALL things are possible!  I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me.  (Phil. 4:13)

Jerry called to talk to me after that, and he told me that the guest speaker at Cornerstone was really good today.  So, at 11:00, I watched him on my computer.  I don't remember his name, but I remember he was so well dressed that I couldn't quit studying his shirt and his pants and his shoes.  He was a nice looking 60-ish black man, and black men seem to have a knack for dressing especially fancy.  Those preachers must have their clothes hand made by tailors because the fit is perfect.

His sermon was about how SPOILED we all are with our "fit in our pocket" cell phones, washers, dryers, televisions and endless modern conveniences.  I could preach my own sermon from here, but I won't tonight.  I'm too tired.

I did finish a new outfit this weekend.  It started out to be a red knit SLEEVELESS top with a long skirt.

I decided I wanted to wear a scarf with it because scarves are really popular right now,


It draws eyes to your face instead of to your hips and belly.


If you wear it long and skinny down the front of you as below, it cuts your width in half.

I decided the BACK SIDE of me looks better if more of it is covered up,

so I happened to have another yard of this fabric from Peggy Sagers, and I decided to make a blouse with sleeves to see how I liked it with the long skirt.

The blouse is NOT hemmed,
it is NOT pressed,
and it has not been paired with the skirt yet,
but I took picks of what I have so far.

I've decided I need to start doing those anti-bat wing arm exercises again.

It wouldn't hurt to do a few hundred sit-ups every day either, but that isn't going to happen!

I have to accept the fact that this body has been around for 64 years, and it will be requiring MORE fabric and MORE scarves and MORE jewelry for camouflage.

Might as well enjoy it as cry about it.

It is a brand new week!

We have SO VERY MUCH to be thankful for.

Can you imagine in your worst nightmare having Godless barbarians come to your home -- tell you and your family you have to LEAVE and take nothing with you -- tell you that if you don't believe as they do, they will torture you and kill you -- watch them as they gouge out the eyes of your children and hang them on crosses -- and more and more horror each day if you are unfortunate enough to live after all of that??????

It goes through my mind nearly all the time these days, and my heart breaks for those people.

I'm ashamed that I'm concerned that my body looks so old.  God forgive me!  How many of those dear people won't ever get anywhere near "old".  Being old is a blessing that many will never share. I'm changing my attitude about it this very second!!!

Have a great week, and remember to count your blessings.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy,

    I really like your top with the dolman sleeve. What pattern did you use?

  2. Oh Joy, that red is really striking on you. Did you make the scarf too? Let us know what pattern you used for the blouse with sleeves. I really like how the hem is cut on that one.

  3. Love your sleeveless blouse and skirt. It is so eloquent. I like the long sleeve blouse also, looks great with your pants but I'm looking forward to seeing it with your skirt.
    Carol Ann


  4. Hi Joy. You look very nice in the skirt outfit and the scarf really pulls it together. The blouse and jeans outfit looks like it could be worn just about anywhere, great job. Both looks are keepers. I do believe with your happy face and contagious smile you are going to look good in just about anything.

    You had me chuckling when you talked about the guess preacher wearing this tailored made looking suit, and then he preachers on being "Spoiled". Something tells me he has all of those modern conveniences and then some. Perhaps he should be listening to Pastor Sheriff sermon in "humility". Just kidding of course....I'm sure he is a humble servant of the Lord's.

    We all have so much to be thankful for each and every day, even on our bad days, but we take it all for granted until something happens. We have so much and yet seem to be so unhappy. When I'm out and about I look at other people faces and they look like they are caring the weight of the world on their shoulders. It is so sad to see and hear of so much pain and suffering in this world.

    Hope you had a great day and everything went smooth with the payroll. Thanks for the postings and the video's, enjoy then all.
    Jane from Az.

  5. Wow! Wow! Wow!. The top and skirt with the scarf are so elegant! I love the top with the sleeves, too. I bet it will be beautiful with the skirt. You are going to be the best dressed at the Expo. I'm going to look just plain dowdy!

    Hugs, Phylly

    1. Thank you Phylly! You have a brand new pretty dress you can wear after we tweak the neckline in the back. I'm sure I will end up wearing jeans and tee shirts like always.
      Hugs, Joy

  6. You literally make me laugh out loud and I love the outfit! And the second top you made. The scarf is the perfect finishing touch.

  7. Hi Joy, I love you long skirt you made in red and later in black. I believe you posted that it was a Silhouette pattern, but I could not find the number. I've searched your blog and also your youtube videos and cannot find it The closest I could find was # 2350, but it has only one seam in back and the slit in back also. Yours has the slit on one side and only one seam in back. Would you please share the pattern #. I would appreciate it very much, Thank you, Carol Ann in AL


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Hugs, Joy