
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Video Blog Today Re: Nasty Comments, Shopping and The "New" Math

It is so nice to just sit and talk to you, and with super fast internet here, I can upload videos quickly.

This was one of THOSE days.

There are TWO videos because I had to stop right after I started to turn the AC down.  I always turn it up when I'm going to be gone for several hours, and I had forgotten to turn it back down when I got home.

Just watch the 1st video, and then the 2nd.  It is all the same video.

This is #1

This is #2 -- It continues where #1 left off.

Shortly after making the videos, my daughter surprised me with a visit.  I was so excited to see her. She came baring gifts, as usual.  She is trying to teach me to knit, and I am really bad at it.  She brought me a beginner's knitting book, and I am looking forward to starting over.  I wish she would learn how to SEW so we could do that together, but that shall remain a secret desire of mine.  Maybe someday the bug will bite her.

Until soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy, sorry that you received such a nasty e-mail today and that someone thinks that this is acceptable behavior. No one is twisting this persons arm to watch your video's, if she didn't like it then don't watch any others. However, the purses are great and what a steal. Good job. Love your stories about your adventures at JCP. Our sales clerks move about as fast as paint dries. Tomorrow will be better.

  2. Well what a sad and sorry piece of work that commenter was! Such a pity they had to take out their inadequacies on your blog. And good on you for not taking it to heart. Try to stick with the knitting, I'm sure you will love it ... J

  3. Joy, what a day you had yesterday. I just love your attitude and the way you handled the awful comments that were left on your video. I for one can't wait to see what you have to share. What a blessing you have been to me. Following your blog and watching your videos has lifted my spirits more times than I can count. So keep on blogging and making those videos for us out here who just love you to pieces. Can't wait to see how you use that blouse pattern again.

  4. Isn't it sad that people think they can leave the most hateful comments just because it's on the internet? Kudos to you for handling it so well. Your purses are lovely! I can tell you aren't a Project Runway fan if you've never heard of Michael Kors. LOL He was one of the judges for awhile but hasn't been on the show the last two seasons. I'm with you, I don't care to have a designer's name emblazoned on my purse / clothing. I commend your persistence at JCP, I think I'd have given up about halfway through that encounter...

  5. Just found your blog...and love it. You have such a sunny (and funny) personality and a great positive attitude.

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments. I didn't post today because I wanted to see if anyone would "talk to me", and say something nice. Sure 'nuf, you did. Welcome aboard to the new girl!
    Hugs, Joy

  7. WHAT!!!!!!! You bought a Dooney and you didn't tell me that! A Dooney! Then you get two scarves practically for free and you didn't tell me that! Have you forgotten your sister-by-choice? I need to know these things. At least you didn't buy one of the Brahmin handbags that I drooled over last night. I wanted the gorgeous blue ones so much. But the Brahmin people are even more proud of their handbags than Dooney is of theirs. Unfortunately, none of the purses that I wanted were 30% off and then another 40% off if I opened a charge card, which I didn't want. I did go back at lunch today and bought the only wallet that I found that was big enough. The sales clerk recognized me from last night and commented that I looked at every wallet they had the evening before. I told her I had to be sure it was big enough and I wanted to think about it. I might have wanted to make it myself.

    I like the Pink bag you bought, too. I loved all the pockets!


  8. I love your attitude about receiving ugly hate comments which you certainly don't deserve. You are a joy to watch and I learn a lot from you. I loved your video about the coverstitch and that's when I knew I made the right decision. I enjoy all your videos, you always seem to have such fun and they are also helpful and are sometimes good for a good laugh.
    I've experienced young sales clerks before and they are annoying. I've even had sales clerks ask their supervisors what to do then the bill is something like $10.02 and I hand them a $20 bill and 2 pennies. One time the supervisor said you can't do that, it doesnt make sense. I spent way more time explaining than it was worth, but I was determined to stand my ground. It really throws them when the bill is $10.02 and you hand them a $20 bill and a nickel. Also aggrivating is the way they give you change in your hand: receipt on bottom, dollars next and them change, but I've griped enough.
    I love your purses, I also love purses. Thanks for your blogs and videos.
    Carol Ann

  9. Hi Joy, Barb from Australia here; I reckon those people who left negative comments should as we say here "build a bridge and get over it" I enjoy your blog and videos, and I think you and Phylly are a hoot. Keep on keeping on!

  10. Hi Joy! Eva from Chicago here. I just discovered your blog recently as well as a sewing friend of mine. We were extremely interested in your crotch fitting with the bendable curve (we each bought one) I also saw the one with the caliper and I don't know if you thought of this, but since the bendable ruler could flop out of the correct curve, the caliper from the side would help you get the definite front to back horizontal depth at say the hip line you established. I struggle with fitting on every pattern. Your blog is so encouraging and enjoyable, thanks for sharing your sewing journy! BTW, did you get a successful pant?


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy