
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Good Tuesday Evening from Edmond, OK

Hey everyone!

Here we are nearly half way through another week.  They truly do fly by.  We have had some issues this week including somebody running into a pole and knocking out our electricity at the store for most of Monday.

I had an employee give notice and nearly send me into major trauma, but I was able to talk her into staying.

Jackie got sick after eating part of a turtle, and we had to take her to the vet.  I think I told you that one.  She is fine now.

We have this new black, furry, totally adorable puppy that we can't resist picking up and hugging the guts out of 20 times a day.

Our next door neighbor called and said her back yard was a flood zone due to our water sprinklers, so we had to call a guy to come service those today.

But OTHER than all of that, all is well.

I finished the binding on the two quilts I brought here.  Josie's quilt is so cute, and she is sleeping on it in front of my feet right now.

And here is Mom's lighthouse quilt.

No biggy to anyone but, hopefully, my Mother.  She LOVES lighthouses as she grew up in Boston, Massachusetts near the ocean.

We head back home to our "real" home tomorrow morning.  I am anxious to get back to work at our store now that Jerry is safe and sound and able to do all things through Christ who strengthens him!
(Phil. 4:13)

I just snapped this pic.

Must be bedtime!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Oh my goodness, that puppy on the quilt is just so precious. My husband and I have been sleeping in a different room because we are having new windows put into our bedroom. In order for the dogs to be comfortable, he and I split up. My Gracie is in heaven, sprawled across the bed. It's a good heart that loves an animal :)
    So happy that Jerry continues to improve.

  2. So glad that Jackie is ok afer eating part of a turtle. I had cat (Ben) that would chase stalk frogs in our yard, one time he put one in his mouth and I had a really bad time prying his mouth open. The frog thankfully hopped away just fine and we watched Ben for a few days. Later on he put a frog in his mouth and immediately spit him out, must have had a bad taste on his skin to keep predators away. That cured him.
    I love lighthouses, I made several blocks of North Carolina Lighthouses a few years ago.

  3. Absolutely LOVE the lighthouse quilt....and I am not a quilt person. I am however a dog person and I could just snuggle them to pieces. They are beautiful.


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Hugs, Joy