
Monday, October 6, 2014

Two Great Sewing Tips

Some of you have commented on how much you like it when I give you tips.

I just happened to be using two of my VERY FAVORITE sewing tips today, so I decided to turn the camera on and share them with you.

For those who sew and care to know, here they are:

I finished the black top.

It is cute, and I like it, but I want one that is fuller and longer for my black skirt.

I will make black top #2 tomorrow.

The sleeves are supposed to be gathered, but not nearly as much as I have done it.  If I was going to go to all the trouble of putting gathers, I wanted them to SHOW.
Bedtime here in the woods.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO quiet and so dark and so peaceful!  Makes for a great night's sleep.  Jackie is already sound down.

I'll be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Fabulous blouse. Love the sleeves and hem. I have been using steam a seam for a long time, but did not know about cleaning my iron with Mr. Clean. What a great tip that one is. What iron and board are you using? I have been wanting a new iron. Only problem is the steam sound scares my little dog. I know you and Phylly are going to have so much fun!!! Thanks for the video.

  2. I discovered lite steam-a-seam and regular steam-a-seam last winter and oh yes I love it just as much as you do! So true...hems don't pucker at all...very worth buying. Nice tips!!!

  3. I picked up a package of steam-a-seam last time you talked about it and I still haven't tried it. Sigh. But it still sounds like a good idea and I'll get to it one of these days. Going to try the Mr Clean pads on my older iron; it's in pretty good shape for its age but I'd love to see it all shiny again. Have fun at the sewing expo! Ours happens in late February and I'm already looking forward to it. ;)

  4. HI Joy, Thanks for the tips, the Mr. Clean one was new to me, great tip and will certainly put that one to practice. Love the black top, it looks really cute and the sleeves look really fun. Enjoy your blog and video's you are such a kick. Hope you will be able to take photo's next week at the Expo, would love to see what you are up to. Thanks, Jane

  5. Joy Joy you forgot to tell them that the SAS (Steam-a-Seam) has been difficult to find lately because the company that makes it lost their paper supplier, so they have not been making it. However, right now they have reported that they have found an even better paper supplier @nd will be producing it full blast very soon. We did find it at Hancocks recently so the famine may be over. I hope so because it is great stuff. It has saved me from a nervous breakdown many times. Louise Cutting says to use it wherever you would use pins. Love the stuff. Hugs,

  6. Joy, I don't always have time to research out which patterns you've made that I really like. Any hope that perhaps you could put the name etc as a 'stamp' of sorts on the photos. maybe down in the corner? I'm still trying to figure out which pattern is the black one with the gathered sleeves.

    how did you gather the sleeves if the sleeve was already sewn? maybe I'm confused. wouldn't be the first time. lol


    1. That is a GREAT idea. I'll try to remember to do that. I'll let you know the pattern # later today when I get upstairs. I'll put it right in that picture for you! Guess I never thought about my readers wanting to make the same patterns I make. A lot of my readers don't even sew, lol.

      Hugs, Joy

  7. I love the black top with the gathered sleeves. My style exactly. Love your e letters also but can't get the videos to play. I watch your tutorials and I have to admit. I crack up sometimes watching you and Phylly.

    1. Hi Ramona,
      I'm surprised my videos won't play for you. If you can watch ANY of them, you should be able to watch them all. Maybe if you go to Youtube, you can find the videos on my channel. You should be able to click on "youtube" up above in the picture of my video. That should take you there.
      Phylly is going to be here next week. MAYBE we will have enough energy after EXPO to make a new video.
      Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy