
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hello on Sunday Evening

I've been working hard all day long, but I'm not sure I accomplished much.

Church, of course, was great as always.

Pastor Matthew Hagee talked about Living the Truth.  (John 8:31)  He and his father were very excited about the election and had high hopes that things would move back toward Godliness in America.  They had a lovely orchestration of all the military songs, and they asked each member of the applicable branch to stand as it was played.  Really something to see how many people were Veterans.  There was loud applause for them all.

I am working on a project for my Sure-fit Designs readers.  Hopefully, I will have it done tomorrow and can post the videos and pictures.  I am really happy with the way everything turned out.  My videos are anything but professional or complete, but they might charge your Designer battery a bit.

Phylly told me that my comment about Sgt. Tahmooressi was very upsetting to her.

I apologize to anyone who I may have upset.  I have removed it.

I have the utmost respect and admiration for our volunteer military!  My grandson is in the Army.

I didn't mean to convey that I didn't care about the Sgt. or that I thought he was a bad person.  My only thought concerning his behavior was that he probably should not have had several LOADED weapons in his vehicle -- whether here in the US or somewhere else.  I don't know.  Maybe it is common for soldiers to do that.  I find it hard to believe that a Veteran with PTSD would be given a permit to carry guns.

I have a permit to carry, and I certainly would not carry several loaded guns in my car.  I can see one loaded gun for protection, but not several.  I guess he was moving, but still.  I don't see how that justifies it.  And my real point was how Greta talks incessantly about a subject, and recently, it has been the Sgt.  I am very glad for him and his family that he is back home.  My comment was really about how the news is the same thing over and over and over, and now that the election is done, I hope it will change to something positive and uplifting.

One can hope!

And YES, thank God for Fox news and reporters like Greta who are tenacious enough to shed light on darkness.

Guess I'll call it a day.

Wishing all my readers a fabulous week ahead!

Hugs, Joy


  1. I hate to enter unpositive (is that a word?) comments on your always cheerful blog. But I thought you should know that Pew Research,, and many other unbiased organizations have found that Fox News is the least trustworthy source of news chanels. They are incorrect about 57% of the time, and of that, 7% of the time are outright lying. Fox News viewers are actually less informed (or more misinformed) than viewers of Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert on the Comedy Chanel. The Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Guardian (of London) are all available online and I hope you check them out for your actual news.

    1. I'm really sorry but your facts are not right. The only channel you can trust for the truth is Fox news. When they do make a mistake which is rare, they admit it and apologize. Really, how can you watch anything else with so much information out there about the "mainstream media". Didn't mean to get political but sometimes I just have to speak up.

    2. And you base your comments on which source, please? As a former journalist and historian, I prefer to have the sources named, as I did in my post.

    3. I replied to this yesterday, but it evidently, flew off into space.
      I have heard people accuse Fox of lying. Bill has asked, "Tell me ONE lie we have told." They say they don't know any. They just "heard". I think that is the case most of the time. Liberals hate Fox news. I think we, as Americans, have to decide who we trust in our homes via the television. Not only the news but everything else. In MY opinion, MOST everything on TV is regarding the occult or what some call "modern home" life. What it is -- again, in MY opinion, is "GODLESS home" life. Each of us must decide.
      Hugs, Joy

    4. Take the enormous amount of misinformation that is taken for truth by Fox audiences: the belief that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and that he was in on 9/11, the belief that climate change isn't real and/or man-made, the belief that Barack Obama is Muslim and wasn't born in the United States, the insistence that all Arabs are Muslim and all Muslims are terrorists, the inexplicable perceptions that immigrants are both too lazy to work and are about to steal your job. All of these claims are demonstrably false, yet Fox News viewers will maintain their veracity with incredible zeal. Why? Is it simply that we have lost our respect for knowledge?

      My curiosity about this question compelled me to sit down and document the most oft-used methods by which willful ignorance has been turned into dogma by Fox News and other propagandists disguised as media.
      from: 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans By: Dr. Cynthia Boaz
      also, see:

    5. Carole, you say Fox viewers believe such and such and Fox Viewers maintain this or that. Have you asked them all? I watch Fox News and nobody has asked me what I believe. FYI, I don't believe any of those things you've listed above. Also, FYI - you accuse Fox and their viewers of spreading lies and propaganda and then recommend a list of media outlets that spread left-wing lies and propaganda. As soon as I see someone recommend The Grauniad, I know what their agenda is. I can't wait for the day when the pendulum swings back in the direction of common sense, rather than the present fashion for politically correct brainwashing and left wing romantic dogma dressed as fact. Don't bother replying to this comment because I've only come here to learn how to use my fish bowl for crotch correction and won't be reading the comments section again. Have a nice day!

    6. Carole, it's difficult I know, to keep up with all that's been ongoing all these years since that tragic day on 9/11 and continues today; and it's easy in our busy lives to miss facts and revelations. Truth is some of the so-called major networks do gloss over and at times obscure even fail to report some factual news. And honestly, as we know, the country is polarized politically, so many folks who are more liberal stick to getting their information from those above-referenced networks and avoid Fox News, because as JoyRee said it seems many liberals do not like Fox. That's OK, we're all entitled to our tastes. But truth is, they do report some items of news the others don't, such as the revelations this week of lies by Prof. Gruber to pass Obamacare.

      I don't want to take up too much space, but this issue is an important one, which was reported by AP and by NBC and Fox but certainly not dwelled upon on the air at any great length by NBC/MSNBC or any other of the so-called major standard networks, thus the false widespread belief that Pres. George Bush and his administration fabricated the scenario that Saddam had WMD, to wit:

      U.S. Delivers Iraqi Uranium to Canadian Firm

      Bush finally vindicated on WMD in Iraq

      Excerpt: (Retired Maj. Gen. Jerry ) Curry says the president kept mum about the discovery in order to keep terrorists in the dark. "He made a very brave stand, a resolute stand..., in which he decided that he wasn't going to blab everything to the press," Curry commends. "...And in the meantime while he kept it quiet, he was buying time from the terrorists to get all that stuff out of the country. So that's what was done -- he just very quietly kept his mouth shut."

      "The press beat him to death for the last several years," he continues, "and now it turns out that, yes, there were weapons of mass destruction...." Curry also maintains that Saddam Hussein had an active nuclear program and the material could have been made into a nuclear weapon. "When Bush attacked Iraq, he was right. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that were moved in 2002,"

      'Bibi, help us wipe out Assad's regime'

      Excerpt: Sello addressed the issue of Syrian-held chemical weapons and claimed to know the location of every cache. According to him, yellow trucks loaded with chemical weapons arrived in Syria from Iraq in 2002. "When Bush attacked Iraq, he was right. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that were moved in 2002," Sello said in the interview which took place in Istanbul. "The Americans attacked on March 19, but the weapons of mass destruction were exported between the end of 2002 and the beginning of 2003."

      ~ ~ ~
      Today, we have to search, diligently hunt for and verify what's presented as truth and consider the sources even for that verification.
      Some have been proven to have a certain agenda; i.e., what MSNBC may present as news is often opinion appealing to a liberal mindset and that narrow ideology and many times isn't factual news at all. Their ratings prove their lack of credibility. Folks apparently getting their 'news' from Jon Stewart, Colbert, etc. is a sad reflection on the apathy of many Americans not evidence that those outlets present truth. Many are disengaged, want to be entertained and not face today's harsh realities.

      Now back to something fun I'm trying to learn for Christmas gifts: cute little fabric cord bowls using clothesline. Pt 1 on youtube: and Pt 2 World's on fire ~~ God bless & save America. God bless our brave military & their families.

    7. Carole, when I read the articles you posted, I was shocked to find that most of these were about comments made my political figures who were speaking on Fox News (Dick Cheney, John McCain, Sarah Palin). If you want to use that type of data then I would think that CNN would be far worse if you used the comments made by guests on their network as a measure of the truthfulness of their news reporting. The purpose of the news is to bring differing viewpoints of current events to the attention of the viewers. Since I try to watch both CNN and Fox, I have to say that I cannot count the number of new items that I hear on Fox and never hear on CNN, CNN seems to get stuck on one subject at a time and fails to bring so much news to the attention of the public. Jonathan Gruber, as mentioned above is only one such incident. Hearings on Benghazi, hearings on the IRS scandal, and many other important items seem to fall by the wayside, so they can offer 24/7 coverage of things like the ebola outbreak or the crash of the Virgin Galatic space ship.

      And as to the article of the 14 techniques used by Fox News to "brainwash" viewers, I found that hilarious. Liberal stations such as CNN also use techniques for putting their spin on the news; and if you didn't consider their ebola coverage as fear mongering, I don't know what was. I also think they tend to foster racism & sexism in their coverage always mentioning it even when there is no justification for doing so. I honestly don't see how you can be so critical of Fox when all the other networks are doing it just as much if not more. I used to enjoy Anderson Cooper as i felt that he was the most fair and balanced news host, but I got so discouraged at the limited range of topics, i just quit watching him. If I want to know what is going on in government, I'm better off watching Fox because at least they "tell" you about what is going on.

  2. Dear Joy,
    All Nobama would have had to do is call the president of Mexico and give him 24 hours to let the soldier go or the border jumpers would start being deported. But to do that Nobama would have to obey the law on illegals. And as for the polls and research on Fox News, it depends on who you ask and the answer you want to put out there LOL.

    1. Absolutely. My assumption is the new congress would have not been so forgiving, so Mexico decided to give up on that one.
      Hugs, Joy

  3. Gee whiz! All I did was not read the comments for a few days and look at the fun I missed!

    I'm a Fox News watcher. I've watched CBS and ABC news programs as well as Fox, but I always come back to Fox. There is good and bad from all the different stations. But, for me, Fox has the most accurate news programming. Maybe that is because they reflect my point of view closer than the other channels do. I find that I am better informed than other people that I work with because I watch Fox News. I also listen to Talk Radio. I have attended Tea Party Rallies and though there is no official party, I consider myself to be a Tea Party Member. That does not mean that I am an ultra right wing conservative militia member. No, it means that I believe that we should be following the Constitution as it was written and not as it has been misinterpreted for the last 100 years. I believe that we have the right to own and use guns in the protection of ourselves or our homes. I believe that the Constitution protects our right to worship and serve our God; it does not protect the government from religion, but it protects us from having a religion forced on us. I believe that the government should be limited in what it can do. I believe that if one person has to pay taxes then everyone should have to pay taxes, even if it is only $20.00 a year. I don't believe that the government has a right to take a person's wealth and distribute it to other people, therefore, no one, not even the wealthiest person in America should have to pay over 25% of their income in taxes. I also think that if you want to vote in this nation then you ought to have to take classes in citizenship and pass a test before you can register. I believe that English is the language of this nation and that is exactly what it should be. We handicap immigrants by not encouraging them to learn to speak English. I welcome with open arms immigrants that come here legally. But to those that come here legally, I say "Go back where you came from." If you are going to break our laws to come here, you will not likely obey them once you are here. The government needs to stay out of marriage, healthcare, nutrition, the environment and global warming (oh don't get me started on that one!)

    Oh, Joy Joy, it is after 11:00 p.m. and I need to get into bed. How did I go off on such a tangent this late at night? I will probably bring all the nut cases in the world down on your blog because I went crazy at 10:00 o'clock at night and decided to go on a little rant. I'm not going to go back and edit it. Just delete it if you want to. It actually felt good to say it all.
    Hugs, Phylly

    1. Oops! I meant to say, "If you come here illegally, I say "Go back where you came from." Adding now: If you come here legally, learn our language and become part of this great nation that is America. Value your heritage from your previous home; but become a part of our culture. Don't try to bring your culture or language here. You saw something greater here than where you were. We have our problems, but you can't find a better place to live and raise your family than in America. Just don't try to make America into the country that you left behind you.

      I could go on and on, well, actually, I did in the comment above, but the blog wouldn't publish it because it was over 4000 characters. So, I took out a few things. But it is too late to write them over again tonight.
      Hugs, Phylly

    2. ALRIGHT Phylly! I've decided Margaret and I will help you campaign, and YOU can be the first woman President of the USA!!! Totally agree with everything you said.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. Carole, you are very brave. Thank you for standing up to Fox News and their inept reporting of the "news". Unfortunately, too many people in this country do not want to take the time to find out the facts. I will not say "truth". "Truth" to one person is different for another. The facts do not change. However, most people will continue to Believe what they want to, regardless of the facts.


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy