
Friday, November 21, 2014

Jackie and Josie -- Black Golden Doodles

As promised, I made a little video with Jackie and Josie.

They are such a JOY in my life even though they are expensive to care for and a lot of work.  I took Josie to get her 2nd shot of some sort this morning, and it was $83!

Thankfully, there was a counter to hold me up!

I never understood my friends' fascination with their dogs and how they could possibly spend thousands of dollars on them keeping them well UNTIL NOW.  If I had to give up the little one right now, I probably could, but I would be very, very sad if I had to give up Jackie.  She is so sweet.

So without further ado,
here they are,
Jacqueline (Jackie) and Josephine (Josie)

I promise you, Josie has a very cute face, lol.  They are both so black.  I had a light to shine on them, but it was a bit early this morning, and I wasn't "fully loaded" yet.  I forgot to turn the light on.

I'm SURE there is something I need to be doing.

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy,
    Cute video of the three of you. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a fun video. My husband heard you talking to them and he had to come and watch too

  3. Aloha from Josie

    I am unable to see the video. I trust is a great dog video including josie my twin canine. Funny thing, few years back I was running a marathon with a group of nice ladies, we went along for a few miles talking. After introductions, the lady next to me smile, and she kept smiling every time someone asked my name. Finally, the lady say " I have a dog name Josie". You see, my full name is Joselina. Invariably, after I introduce myself 9 out 10 people will say "nice to meet you Josephine".To which I say that's Napoleon's wife and we know what happen to her...
    Long story short.
    Love to "hear" about your dogs, sewing. You crack me up.
    Hope Josie live up to her name. You sure do, you are a joy to watch (pun intended).
    Mahalo for sharing

    1. Oh my goodness! I LOVE your name: Joselina. The video is working for everyone. Wonder why it won't work for you. I'm sorry about that. So nice to read your comments.
      Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy