
Thursday, January 29, 2015

New Look 6602 Tunic Pattern VLOG (Revised)

Hello, hello, hellooooooo!

I think I've gotten my groove back.

Nothing like sunshine to perk my brain up.  Did you hear it was 79 degrees here in Oklahoma yesterday?

It is pretty warm outside today, but the wind could blow you off a parking lot and rip the door off your car -- not to mention, it would blow this brand new top right off over my head!
I did make a new video for you today so you could really see my cute new tunic.  It is actually the "muslin", but I have done alterations for my body so many times that I can be pretty sure of the fit now BEFORE the garment is made.

Well, I THINK, it is a cute new tunic.  I am going to take some off the sides on the next one as there seems to be a whole lot of room on the sides.

Here is the video for those of you who care to watch it.

And here is a link to Peggy's broadcast about proper blouse and jacket lengths in regard to your torso.  Go to 29:29 in the video.

COULD I have done this with Sure-fit Designs.

Of course!

I just figured as much ease as was in this style that I could make it work.  I have found that New Look patterns have narrower shoulders than the other brands.  I cut out a size medium in this, and with the FBA, it fits really good.

Changes I Made:

#1:  FBA, +1 Inch

#2:  High Round Back of +3/8"

#3:  Sway Back of -5/8"

#4:  Shortened the Length by 6" to make my blouse be Two-to-One per Peggy Sagers 

#5:  Cut The Back ON THE FOLD, and Then Shortened the Right Shoulder (Instead of cutting a right back and a left back.  The only difference in the two is one shoulder is higher for buttons.)

#6:  This is one day later.  I took 4 inches out of the width of the top I made.  I like it MUCH better.  Here is a pic:

It wouldn't hurt to take 4 inches out of MYSELF!

I think the wind MAY have died down a bit, and I may have to go to Hancock's to look for a fabric to try Tunic #2.


I have to tell you something very important.

This pattern is described as "EASY" in big letters at the top of the envelope.

Welllllllllllllllllllllll, with me being such a highly trained professional (LOL), I didn't think I needed to read the directions.

The facing is unique in this pattern as it faces the neck and the armholes at the same time.  VERY NICE!

Only problem is, when I pulled the back through the shoulder to turn it right sides out, it tied itself into a very strange twist that wouldn't come apart.

I decided to read the directions.

You may remember that I have done this very thing not too long ago.  I had SEWN THE SIDE SEAMS TOGETHER, and you are NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT until AFTER you apply the facing and turn everything around.  I did quite a bit of UNsewing, but it all turned out in the end.

Gotta get.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I love the fabric. But yes you do look pregnant and skinny pants will make it worse. I have that pattern too. I love the pattern. A soft jersey knit would hang better in my opinion. We have been really enjoying the warm weather here in Arkansas too. Ground Hog day is almost here and it really doesn't matter if he sees his shadow or not. Duh of course there is seven more weeks of winter. IT'S FEBRUARY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Anyway you have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Charlotte. I will use a much drapier fabric for Top #2. Plus, I can take a few inches off the side. I'm always afraid everything is going to be too tight, so I add "seam insurance" that I usually wish wasn't there.
      Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy