
Sunday, January 11, 2015

VLOG for Sunday, 1-11-15

Yep, I made a video today.  I was in the mood to talk to somebody, and Jerry wasn't here.  I just HAD to tell you about the new project I am going to work on with Terry.  I thought maybe some of you might want to join me.

Here is the video:

Correction #1:  The sermon was called "Hope Thou in God", NOT "Trust Thou God".

Correction #2:  The program I like to watch at is called "The Difference".

My friend, Rhonda, over at Rhonda's Creative Life Blog took on the special project of making ONE THOUSAND pillow cases for children at a certain hospital.  I think I made 20 pillow cases for her.  It was fun.  PLUS, PLUS, PLUS!  The greatest thing about projects like that is you USE UP YOUR STASH of fabrics you may never use otherwise.  Especially, if you are a quilter like me, and you used to buy a half yard of every cotton fabric in the quilt shop OR at least, a fat quarter of it.

I'll post more information and pictures -- OF COURSE -- when Terry and I figure out what the heck we are doing!

I was daydreaming about MAYBE -- someday -- Terry and I going down there to teach some classes.  I suppose that could never happen because you can't teach a class in just one week, and I sure wouldn't stay any longer than that unless our hubbys were there teaching the kids how to fish or drive race cars.

And those people don't speak English, do they????

I FINALLY got a pot of Terry's chili on the stove downstairs.  You would NOT believe what I did!  I have been going to make this chili ever since we had it at her house.  First, I didn't have the spices.  Then, I didn't have the right tomatoes.  Then, I didn't have a bell pepper.

Today, I had ALL the ingredients to make the chili.  I had the hamburger meat browning in the pot together with the chopped onions and chopped bell peppers.  I picked up the pepper grinder to grind some pepper balls onto the meat.

You won't believe what happened!!!

The bottom of the grinder came off in my hand, and WHOLE black pepper balls spilled out into the pot!!!

Jerry tried to come over and smash them with a potato masher.  I wouldn't let him even try that.  I didn't want my meat to me pulverized!  I tried picking them out one-by-one with a wooden spoon.  It took FOREVER!  Anyway, it is time to go add the pinto beans and bake the cornbread muffins.  Hopefully, Jerry and I don't bite into whole pepper balls and DIE!

Have an AMAZING week my friends!

And THANK YOU SO MUCH for your very sweet comments in my last post.  I cannot tell you how much they mean to me.  There are people in my family that say the ugliest things to me, and it is so nice to have someone say something NICE.  Even my husband commented on how fortunate I am to have you say such nice things.

Hugs, Joy


  1. This happened to me when I was preparing pulled pork for our ASG Christmas dinner in 2013. I thought I had all, when after the dinner one member remarked about the lovely pepper taste on the pork. I didn't roast the meat this year!.....Lydia as Anon.

  2. I just want to say you are one heck of a lady. I enjoy your blog so much. Thank you for being you.

    1. THank you, Ramona! I keep on blogging because of such nice ladies like you.
      Hugs, Joy

  3. Please post more info as you receive it regarding the tank top dresses for the girls in Nicaragua - maybe others of us could sew some dresses and mail to you & Terry - I enjoy your uplifting blog so very much! Beth in AL


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Hugs, Joy