
Monday, February 2, 2015

Back Home and Magic Cubes

While we were at our other house, I wiped the cobwebs off my Bernina 180 Embroidery Machine and made a label for Nida's Garden.  I really enjoyed it, and I'm so glad I got it done before we left.

Jerry and I got back home in Kingston about 1:30 today.  We were so glad to get here.  The weather was cold but not windy enough to blow your clothes off, like yesterday.

We came in separate cars because the car we planned on selling has not sold yet.  Now, we will try to sell it down here.  Anyway, I am buying Audio Books these days.  I have one teaching me how to speak Spanish -- one by Dave Ramsey and his daughter -- one called "Still Alice" -- and a new one called "The Girl on the Train".

"The Girl on the Train" has over a hundred chapters in it, I think!  It goes on and on and on.  The alcoholic girl in the book reminds me so much of someone in my family.  It confirms what I have known for years.  I listened to the book in my car over the speakers (VERY COOL) until I tired of listening.  I decided to turn the book off and turn the radio on.

A few days ago, I discovered the Joel Osteen station on Serious radio in my new car.  When I turned on the radio, Joel Osteen was talking.  You will NEVER GUESS what words came right out of his mouth and into my ears.

He said (and this is very close to his exact words):


Can you believe that???

It soothed my sad heart and gave me lots of hope for an even better friendship -- maybe one that will finally last a lifetime.

Now, of course, I do have truly wonderful friends already, but not the kind you talk to every single day of the world via email or Skype or phone.  You know what I mean?  I am working on Margaret, however.  Only problem is, Margaret would rather watch Thunder basketball with Jerry than sew with me.  As sweet as Margaret is though, she might sit and watch me sew for awhile.  Funny thing is, I haven't even felt like sewing lately.

While I was putting away all my sewing paraphernalia, I found this partially finished quilt top I started in 2007:
It is advanced paper-piecing  I pulled it out from under a table at my other house, and I brought it home with me along with a quilt for Terry to make for the babies at church.  The one I brought for Terry is ladybugs.  NOTHING like this one, lol.  I will really feel like I've really accomplished something if I finish this.

This one is called Magic Cubes.  Here is a picture of one in the magazine I got the pattern out of from 2007.  I don't like the way the border corner blocks on the right are different than the corner blocks on the left.  Maybe between Terry and me, we can figure out how to fix that.

I looked at the instructions and wondered HOW ON EARTH I ever understood them to get this far on the quilt.  Not easy!  I'll take more pics as I work on it.

Terry came over this afternoon and we talked for hours.  It felt SO GOOD!  Seems like if the words in me cannot come out, I get depressed.

A lady NEEDS to talk!
Terry is working on the PRETTIEST red/black/gray quilt.  I'll take pics of it for you too.  She is coming over again tomorrow.

Jerry is really tired tonight.  Very unusual.  I think his knee is hurting him a lot, but he never likes to complain.  I handed him 2 Aleve at dinner tonight and asked him to please take them.  I need to go down and check on him.

Be back real soon!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it home safe. You really are going to be okay. Just takes awhile and you do have a lot of friends that care about you. Hope Jerry does well. Love the quilts. I got a new embroidery machine for Christmas and haven't even had time to try it out. But I'm getting back in the groove slowly. Take care and I look forward to hearing from you.


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Hugs, Joy