
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

VLOG for 2-10-15 -- What I've Been Doing

I only had a few minutes this morning, so I hurried up and made you a little video to show you what I've been doing.

And I said in the VLOG that I would snap a picture of the yellow bead necklace for you.  It is prettier in person and on.

The beads do NOT light up!  They are solid yellow.   They look real pretty on the black blouse over the sunflower skirt.

Nancy was SO NICE to hang out with this afternoon.  She INSISTED on buying my lunch, and we had steaks!  Very delicious.  Then we did a grand tour of Hobby Lobby where Nancy bought a few things.  I managed to get out of there without buying anything.  I was trying to be good since we were in her car.

Then we went to Walmart to buy a few groceries and some tank tops, and we came back home.

NOW, I have to prepare a return of a bunch of beads I bought to use for my former friend.  Sad.  I had so much fun making things for her because I knew everything she made.  She wore a lot of soft colors, and I don't wear them.  I like bright and bold -- obviously.  (-:

My friend, Nancy, is an EXCELLENT decorator.  If I can ever get my whole house clean on the same day, I think I'll ask her to come help me make some changes around here.

Gotta go.

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy