
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Earring Tutorial and Name That Quilt!

WHAT a combination in a video!

Remember that show that Kathie Lee Gifford used to be on called "Name That Tune"?  Well, I need to Name That Quilt.  More on that later.

I spent hour after hour after hour today learning my new Photoshop Premiere video editing software.  I have several other versions of PS Premiere, but I never could get those to upload my videos to Youtube.

I had figured out how to remove parts from the beginning and end of my videos to make them shorter, but I could NOT get the videos to upload.  Then I would put them back in the other software I use, and that software REFUSED to acknowledge them because they had Photoshop labeling on them!

So, I decided if I bought the LATEST, GREATEST, NEWEST version, it just MIGHT work!

It always takes just a few minutes for me to make a video.  It takes way longer to get them ready to show to you.  I learned a LOT today, so the next one will be much easier.

You will NOTICE that I did some video editing FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER on this video.  I cut out the part at the beginning where I have to run around and sit down after I start the camera.  That is why I SUDDENLY say "I'm Joy".

I cut out several other things too -- just to see if I could -- and you will notice some odd places.

Just shake your head and say a little prayer for me!

I can only get better, right?

Tell me if there is anything you would like me to show you or demonstrate, because I need to practice.  If it wasn't against the law to play music in a video, I could show you some dance aerobics I do.  I do a quick sashay back and forth the whole distance of the room, so it may not record too well.

So here is my video.  It starts with Jerry's new braces,
goes into how to make an earring,
and then I show you my new quilt with the Panto Terry bought me that is in need of a name.

Feel free to fast forward, pass over, not watch at all, or whatever suits your fancy!

That's all folks.

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hey Joy, sure enjoyed you video today. As usual you always make me smile. I was wondering how you finished up your earrings after you cut the wire and thanks to you I now know. Good job on showing how that is done. I sure hope Jerry is able to get something done that will allow him to eat again. I am sorry to say that I cannot think of a good name for your quilt. Maybe one of your other followers can come up with something .Have a wonderful rest of the week. Hope we get that warm weather and sunshine that the news people are talking about.

    1. Hi Anita,
      Appreciate your nice comments! The sunshine was DElightful today and the dogs didn't come in all wet for a change. Phylly has been sick for three days. If she isn't back to work tomorrow, I may send you up there to haul her to a doctor!
      Hugs, Joy

    2. So sorry to hear that she is not feeling well. Any time you need reinforcement just give me a shout.

  2. Thanks for the jewelry lesson, Joy. I've got one of those segmented boxes with a variety of head pins, jump rings, clasps, some tools, etc. Have to give it
    another try (( IF I can ever get away from my fabric mania and little projects in the sewing room ;)) The quilt is fantastic .. love the pantograph design and total
    perfection in the binding. Maybe a love of cats will once again emerge in your granddaughter .. never know. I wouldn't discard the idea of giving it to her
    now .. it's such a beautiful, loving gift for her. How could she not treasure it and maybe she'd want to pass it down to her children as she re-tells her toddler kitty
    tale and how much her Granny loves her. My suggestion for the name: Feline Frolic. Hope your hubby gets through his braces phase easier.. that's gotta be
    tough. God bless ..

    Joy (wish I had 1/5th of your incredible energy!!)

    1. LOVE that name, and it is the ONLY one I got. I was thinking of naming it "Whiskers", but I like "Feline Frolic" too. I may ask Lindy if she would like to have it. Lindy is an amazing artist. An artist with NO training. She can draw anything or paint it. This quilt might seem babyish to her now. I don't know. I will ask her though. Thank you for the suggestion.
      For jewelry: If you don't know how to do the loop part, you can google "how to make a beaded earring" or "jewelry tutorial" or "how to a wire-wrapped loop". There are many Youtube tutorials that show you very close-up instructions.
      Hugs, Joy

  3. Hi Joy!
    I enjoy your blog and videos. I am new to sewing (about a year) and I was wandering if you could do a video on how you choose fabric and how you cut it out. I think I have the most problems with that. Thanks & have a great day! Teresa from WV

    1. I made a video today just to test my new software. I talked a lot about how to choose fabric. I will do a more detailed one for you next time I cut something out.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. Love, love love you Joy. Who needs a cup of coffee when I can read your blog or flip on your videos. Zoom, zoom, zoom! You do so much, sewing, quilting, jewelry making (and very well I might add), I'd love to see a video of your work room how you came about to organizing your "stuff". Keep it coming amd keep,it real!

    1. You might find I would drive you crazy if you had to watch me all day long. I had a friend look across the table we were having lunch at in a restaurant one time and say, "JOY! Will you PLEASE BE STILL!" I had no idea I was even moving.
      Hugs, Joy

  5. As usual you've out done yourself. Such a great tutorial on making the earrings but I just can't get interested in another hobby. I just can't. Well, maybe I'll go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow and just look. haha You make everything look like so much fun. I've gotten all my patterns organized and my small cutting room set up so I need to get back to my sewing. I haven't done much lately because I've been working and I did go to Key West last month so I've been on the go. Sounds a lot like you. lol. I love the quilt and will try to think of a name. I'm in to making island dresses right now but I got a feeling I'll be making earrings ove the weekend. lol. Bye for now.

    1. Goodness!!! I just typed a comment to you, but it has disappeared.
      You really must try a bracelet, at least. Just buy some stretchy cord and string beads on it. Tie a good knot in the cord -- put some glue on it -- let it dry -- and you are done. Lots of fun. Hobby Lobby has lots of strands that already have a variety of beads that go together for bracelets. It wouldn't take more than 10 minutes ONCE you have the beads and the stretchy cord.
      Hugs, Joy

  6. Love your blog and your videos. I always learn from them and you bring a smile to my face. I, too, adore cats and have always had them in my life. You could consider naming the quilt, "Too Many Cats," or "Cool Cats." Just some thoughts. I hope Jerry is feeling better soon. It's awful when your mouth hurts and you can't eat. God Bless.

  7. FELINE FANTASY would be my suggestion, the quilt is beautiful and I love the colors. I so enjoy your videos and learn so much each time you show one. Love your energy and you make me want to try more in my sewing but the jewelry is so pretty I might do that also.

  8. Joy, I enjoy your blog & videos. I learn a lot from them. I check each day to see if you have posted anything new. I love to sew and I am always inspired by what you share and teach us. The cat quilt is beautiful, whimsical and the cats look a bit mischievous. All the names that have been given are really good. I would also like to add a couple. "Fancy Cats" or "Fancy Felines". Thanks for making me smile.
    Faye from NC

  9. Always love your blog and videos! How about Lindy's Love of Cats quilt? She could be honored and loved at the same time by her grandmother making it for her. Just a suggestion.
    Nancy Jo. SC

  10. I just found you on YouTube andcommented there as well. Kitten Caboodle is what I wouldname it.


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Hugs, Joy