
Monday, March 2, 2015

Quilting Fun with Terry

Well, hello everyone!

How are you today?

I went to work this morning fully intending to stay there all day.  I probably didn't get there until 9:30.  I worked for several hours doing this and that, and then Jerry arrived just before lunch.  We left for a REAL MEAL at Gecko's.  I had Fajitas without the flour thingys you wrap around them.  I ate less than half of what was on my plate.  I did not keep track of how many chips with salsa I ate before my meal came though.  The scale will tell me in the morning, I'm sure!

While we were eating at Gecko's, I got a text message from Terry.  She wanted to know if I was home and if the longarm was empty.  I told Jerry we had to HURRY UP and finish eating because Terry had an emergency!

Then when we got back to the store, I told the girls I had an emergency at home and I had to leave right away.  When I told them what it was, they just laughed.

Terry came over with ANOTHER QUILT FOR SOMEONE ELSE!  It was a quickie she had made up to originally be a baby quilt, but she decided to put the pretty rose pantograph on it and take it to her 93-year old MawMaw to use for a lap quilt.  I saw a picture of her MawMaw, and I would love to go visit her myself!  She looks like the most PERFECT Granny ever!  Terry says she is.

Here is Terry's MawMaw quilt:

While Terry was quilting with the longarm, I was doing NOTHING!  We are leaving town tomorrow, so I didn't really have time to start anything.  Terry stopped quilting long enough to show me a picture of the next quilt she wants to make -- OF COURSE -- for someone else.  It reminded me of a pattern I thought I had.  It wasn't terribly freezing in my attic, so I went out to look through the quilts I had put away in containers.  I was shocked to find at least 12 quilts all ready to make.

I pulled out two.

The first one is crazy cats.  I started to make this when my granddaughter, Lindy, was young and loved cats.  I wanted her to help with it, but the event never happened.  I pulled all the blocks out.  I sewed in a few sashing pieces, and I put it down on the floor to see what it was supposed to look like.

The long sashing pieces are just LYING THERE, as is the border.
I didn't have enough of the outer border cut to go all the way around, but you get the idea.
 And here is another quilt I really like and have all ready to go.

The sunflowers are appliqued on top of the background.  It will be a lot prettier than in the picture.  It is SO HARD to take a good photograph of a quilt.

Here is a picture of the quilt on a rocking chair and all my fabrics ready to cut.  Looks like I better add some blues to the mix.
I will take the sunflowers to Edmond tomorrow, and I will bring it back here finished next week.  I will never catch up with Terry, but at least I will have something to put on the longarm.

Gotta run.

Need to pack up the quilt and the Herbalife and the outfit I am wearing to a funeral on Wednesday.

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Oooooohhhhhhh! I love the Sunflower quilt. Just beautiful. More blues would b e nice, but I like what you already have there.

    I'm tired. I've been fighting with kids all evening. Between work today and the kids tonight I think I'm about ready for the looney bin.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. I wish I had the time, money and expertise to make such beautiful quilts. I am very envious eventhough I know it is not a good virtue. Feeling blue today got a chest infection and like you got a funeral to attend on Wednesday. It's a burial and it's very cold here. Bad chest, cold graveyard don't mix lol


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Hugs, Joy