
Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Quick Saturday Hello

I had the funnest NON-shopping spree with Phylly this morning.

She went to the brand new Helen Enox location in Oklahoma City, and she texted me pictures of the store and different fabrics here on my cell phone in Kingston -- 150 miles south.  She said the store was packed and she got worn out because she just got over the Flu.  I think she did buy one piece of fabric and got a swatch for me.  It was VERY tempting, my friends, to run downstairs, jump in my car and drive up there.  I didn't though.  I have to be good until Candi gets back to work.

Other than that, I almost finished my non-muslin Snap To It Top.  By tomorrow afternoon, I should be able to show it to you.  I love it.  I also made a bracelet to go with it.  It was a hard pattern to learn, but as all things new, once you learn it, you can do it.  I'll show it to you too.  It is called Cubic Right Angle Weave or CRAW for short.

Jerry wanted to go to Lowe's and to Walmart this evening to get some grass seed and various other non-girly things.  I texted Terry and Tammy while he got his things.  Now, a thunderstorm is winding its way here quickly.  Jerry is outside putting his boat and his truck under cover.

Josie keeps digging her way out of the back yard, and he is trying to find her THIRD escape route in two days!

That dog can really be trying!  It is a good thing she is SO DARN CUTE!

I hear thunder.  I better go downstairs and make sure my hubby is safe and sound inside the house.

Oh, Rhonda!  Thanks for the advice.  I used five buttons both times.  You will see them in the upcoming pics.

Be back soon!

Hugs, Joy


  1. I just discovered your YouTube videos and want to say thank you for making such uplifting & helpful presentations. Gail from California.

  2. I love CRAW. Haven't done it myself yet but I've admired many a bracelet done in that weave. Looking forward to seeing yours!


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Hugs, Joy