
Monday, April 20, 2015

Television and Bust Adjustments

It is 9:11 PM on Monday, and I have just landed in my night time laptop blog posting/checking position.  I always check to see what Rhonda is up to.  Sometimes, I still check on Gertie, although she seldom posts now that she is rich and famous.  Stitcher's Guild seems slow too these days.  Pattern Review seems boring now, or maybe it is just me.

I need some NEW blogs to read.  Any suggestions???

My husband just came in to take his place on the other side of our king size bed with a large bowl of vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate syrup in his hands!  HOW ON EARTH am I supposed to keep the weight off with temptation like that!?  Fortunately, I just brushed my teeth, so I don't want to get them dirty.  His excuse is he has braces, and he has to eat something soft.  WATER is soft!  That is what I have to "eat" these days.

And, of course, we are now watching that Alaska family with the Dad that has the long gray mustache blowing in the wind and the grown son who thinks he really is a wolf and a bunch of other kids.

All of them are in various stages of tooth decay.  The mother had to have some of hers pulled in one of the shows we watched.

Shocking to me that people live like they do.  In one show they were building an outhouse for the girls to use as they described how they all currently tended to the call.

Funny thing is they all seem to really love the way they live, and not only that, they are on TV doing it!  Sure don't see any TV people banging on our door to film how Jerry and I live!

I worked all day at our store today.  I really enjoy it.  Everyone seems as happy as can be expected, and I love seeing their smiling faces and talking to them.  I talk to myself here at home!

Not much happened to talk about today, so I'll sign off.  I may make a video of a bust adjustment tomorrow for the lady that asked me what I do.  I use the Palmer & Pletsch method.  There just happens to be a new Craftsy class with Pati Palmer and her daughter showing you exactly how to do all the blouse/top alterations.  I highly recommend it.

It is on sale right now.  You can see in the paper pattern on Pati that there has been a Full Bust Adjustment put into it.  AND LET ME POINT OUT that in this class they use all sizes of women to fit.  They do the two pictured, plus another over 60 woman with lots of issues, a large-breasted young woman, and a very plump young woman.  Most fitting videos use models that are 19 years old with a B bust and perfect figures.  A LOT of teachers on Craftsy use manikins!  Worthless to us over 60 shapes!

Let me know if you read any other Blogs that I might like.  I'm going to check on Rhonda.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I love reading your blogs and have learned so much from your videos. You are an inspiration whether you are showing us your latest garments or quilts or just talking about life. I have been watching The Great British Sewing Bee on YouTube. The show ran for 3 seasons on the BBC. Season 1 was 4 episodes, season 2 was 6 episodes, and season 3 was 6 or 7 episodes. What is great about this show is that unlike Project Runway, these are just ordinary men and women who love to sew as a hobby. There is no monetary award for winning, just a small gold-looking dress form. If you get a chance, check it out. God bless you and your family. Marianne

    1. I tried several times in the past to watch Season 3, but I never could get more than 1 or 2 episodes. Maybe the whole thing is available now.
      Thanks for the comment Marianne. I will sure check it out again.
      Hugs, Joy

  2. Hello Joy,
    I wonder if you might like these blogs or perhaps their list of blogs they follow might lead you to others:
    I enjoy seeing what you make. Have a happy day.

    1. I will check them out. I believe I've seen a couple of them in the past.
      Thanks for listing them for me.
      Hugs, Joy

  3. Try Debi's blog, I love it, her tutorials are very good. There is also a Facebook page I follow. Here is the link

    1. I just checked her blog! She reminds me of myself with that dress form. Wonder how she gets all those FREE patterns! I have already downloaded one. Thank you so much.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. You might enjoy

  5. Have you perused Rhonda's Wednesday showcase list? Lots of good blogs there....


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy