
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A HIGH Compliment! and So Much To Show You

I started to talk to you on Memorial Day about all my new creations, but then I decided that was too sacred of a day to talk about my sewing adventures.

Honestly, what the men and women of America have suffered for our freedom and the right to act as horrible as some Americans act is just shocking and unbelievable.  I can't go on, or I will be in tears, and I won't want to show you anything but wounded vets that sacrificed so much and FOR WHAT!?  (Referring to the current administration, of course.)

So, WHERE shall I start.

How about the Spider Mum top.  Remember it?

I got this fabric from Gorgeous Fabrics, which means it is NICE fabric.  I had some fabric left over that I didn't want to waste, and Phylly suggested that I make a scarf with it.

So, I did.

Here, I am modeling all the ways I could think of to wear the scarf.  I never can remember very many.

As a BELT:
Just tied in a KNOT:

 WRAPPED around my neck which won't really work because it just flops around in the back.  But it is pretty, I think.
 Here, I made a loop on one side and pulled the other side through, which makes it hang longer.
THANKS PHYLLY for that great idea!

I finished the black and white outfit and, of course, jewelry to go with it.  Not sure if I like the necklace and earrings, or just the earrings.

 Here I am in JUST the earrings:

 Here I am in the earrings AND the necklace:
 Here I am showing you more of the skirt:
Here is the back that has colored marker on it that WILL NOT COME OUT!  I put everything in my house on that mark, and it won't budge.  It is WASHABLE marker -- supposedly!  It is at the center back at the TOP of the collar.  Hopefully, nobody will see it.  I bet the lady sitting behind me in church will see it though!

Here is a closeup of the jewelry:
And here is the picture that PROVES Phylly was right.  I had 3 out of 4 vote for print sleeve caps.  Phylly said, "NO!, NO!, NO!, make them both black."  But she was slow to respond, and I had already taken the advice of the other 3.  What do you all think???

And I'm not done yet!!!

I made another outfit, and this is the one that received the HIGH compliment.  Terry came over this morning to tell me about her trip to England, and I was wearing this.  Later in the day I mentioned to her that I had just made it to go with my pants.

She said, "Really!?"  "I thought you bought that at a store somewhere?"

Now, my mother would have considered that a terrible insult, but I am NOT my mother in about three million ways.  I consider that a very nice compliment!

This is my FRINGE blouse.  I don't know if you have been out shopping lately, but there is fringe on EVERYTHING, including jewelry.  I bought a blouse from Belk that has fringe on the bottom.  I decided to make a new Sure-fit Designs blueprint for KNIT fabric, and this is what I came up with:

When I got the blouse out of my closet this morning, I noticed that the OTHER purple pants I made a few weeks ago also match this top perfect.  K E W L !!!

Here it is with a rubber band wrapped around inside the blouse.  I like it this way too.

And that is all -- except for some jewelry I've made.  Let me see if I can find some of that.

Here is a bracelet I made to go with one of the pretty blouses I bought on my shopping spree with Terry.

I love the blouse.  

Gotta go.  Been sitting in this chair way too long!!!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Your outfits are very are a very good seamstress, Joy. You are an inspiration, hope to be able to close my eyes to the dust in this house so that I can sew! Thanks for your blog. I look for your postings every single day.

    1. What a NICE thing to say! I love it when someone actually likes my BLOG, as does every other blogger, I'm sure. I LOVE to sew, and I am blessed to have wonderful equipment, a large sewing room, a generous husband and lots of time, and MOST OF ALL, my good health! Honestly, I seldom ever clean much. My secret is to not mess it up, and then I won't have to clean it.
      Hugs, Joy

  2. Love everything, but especially the fringe with the rubber band. I have that same fabric--love all the colors1

  3. I love your blog too, Joy! The purple and red tunic looks great with fringing. I think either sleeves look fine on your black and print blouse, but if pushed, prefer the black sleeve version. Kind regards, Susan

  4. Great additions to your wardrobe. I like the print on the sleeves, in fact I may copy it. Did you use a pattern for inspiration for the black top? I would love to see a line drawing.

    1. Hi Becky!
      The black and white outfit is not SFD. The top is Simplicity 1806. The skirt is New Look 6288.
      Hugs, Joy

  5. Love all the tops but especially the fringe. Will have to try that. I wish I had the a tiny bit of your talent. I'm working on the black travel knit dress and find working on black will drive me batty. Thanks for all your information. Your blog is great. Look forward to it every week.

  6. Interesting tutorial on fringe, thanks. Like the black and white sleeves best. You must change clothes a zillion times a day to get to wear all you make!

  7. I missed the vote for the sleeve cap and I agree the print sleeve cap looks great. (There's my belated vote). All of your outfits are FAB partly because of your mad skills but also because they look really cute on you.
    I LOVE your BLOG, too. I have been reading all the past blogs and just chuckle over some while also getting upset along with you on others. I love the waiter blogs as I too, am a stickler for good service.
    I just recently saw your old video about the hateful person that blogged on your site. I am sorry someone has such a horrible life that they feel it necessary to be mean. Just ignore them for that one you have at least 10 of us that just LOVE your blog. I tell my husband at night I have to go see what my girlfriend in Oklahoma is doing. He just gives mean one of those looks of. " and I love you in spite of your quirkiness, honey". I kiss him and he goes to sleep while I read on about your delightful adventures. THANK YOU.

  8. And did you get the circle skirt fabric from Gorgeous Fabrics, too?


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Hugs, Joy