
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Back Pain and One Head Less

Here it is near the end of another week.  That much sooner for Candi to return to work after her surgery.  I haven't spoken to her in a few days, but I am believing for a good report every time I do talk to her.  Since she is still gone, I will be working all day tomorrow.  I look forward to it.  So nice to have people to talk to instead of just myself.  I did get to talk to Terry today and that was a treat.

I have had a little lower back pain myself off and on.  It is VERY mind-grasping.  I feel so sorry for people who have to live in constant pain.  IF I quit lifting heavy objects and quit pushing and pulling heavy objects, my back would be fine.

I feel like such a whiner when I have to ask someone to help me lift a small box as I did today when I wanted to move my Phylly crate up onto a table.  Terry was with me and she very nicely helped me.  When she started to lift it, I'm sure she thought I was being ridiculous.  I think she pretty much lifted it herself even though I was on the other side of it!  My back doesn't hurt though!

So I spent most of the day putting patterns away.  I have been making so many new Sure-fit Designs styles that they were all over my sewing room.  I finally got them all organized and put into envelopes.  Ready for a new project.

I actually have had TWO WADDERS this week.  That hardly ever happens to me anymore, and I was really upset about it.  Making your own styles can get complicated in figuring out how to put them together.  PLUS, I was using that slippery fabric that I hate sewing with, and it was giving me fits.  That stuff GROWS or SHRINKS every time you turn your back on it!  The blouses would have been wonderful, but....

Mother's Day is this weekend.  I want to go to Tulsa to attend Sunday service at my sister's church, BUT we have severe thunderstorms forecast for the next three days.

Looks like we will just stay home.  Jerry will give me my favorite gift:  Himself!  He says I can have him for the whole day to do whatever I want.  Too bad the weather won't cooperate.

I  bet I can find some Honey Do jobs though.

Terry is working on a huge quilt top for her bed.  She has had to make SO MANY blocks.  She almost gave up half way through and added borders, but I talked her out of it.  I KNOW it is really hard right now, but years and years from now, she will be so happy she finished it.

OF COURSE, I will show it to you when she gets it done and when she puts it on the longarm.  We found some real pretty thread in my stash to use for it.  Years ago, Phylly and I went to a big quilt show in Kansas.  Dozens of vendors were there, and I think I bought large spools of quilting thread from every thread vendor there.  I am really glad Terry is able to use some of them.

Did you see what Gertie is up to now?  It has something to do with the industry using drawings of women who are 8 heads tall instead of 7 -- or is it 9 heads tall instead of 8.  Something like that.  Something akin to the Barbie Doll, I suspect.

Let me see if I can snatch a picture:

She has come up with sketchable bodies that resemble actual human beings with the right number of head height.  I have just started drawing clothes on Sally Silhouette from Sure-fit Designs, so this looks like lots of fun to me.  Here is a link if you wish to read about it:     Gertie's Sketch Book

I won't keep you.  Stay safe.   I'll be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Was glued to the weather channel thinking about you guys out there. Really scary. I used to draw fashion designs when I was in hight school, many moons ago. I really like the figures Gertie is doing. I'm getting ready to order my Sure-fit designs. Hope I have as good as luck as you. You sure have the talent for it.

    1. I bet you will LOVE SFD if you used to draw. Be sure to let me know what you are making.
      Hugs, Joy

  2. I was worried about you, too!

  3. Joy, I just found you on YouTube and began watching all your videos. Love them! You make me smile. Thank you for doing this blog and the videos. I feel like a kinder end spirit to you. I am your age and the same weight, well, before you lost weight. I do have a couple of questions after watching most of your videos. 1. Did you get Marsha on sale at Fabulous fit? I found herbalife at WalMart, what would be the difference? How do you know what else to eat with the diet? 3. I laughed out loud when you spoke about Silhouette patterns, I feel the same way about her teaching, however her videos are better.. 4, I have been considering buying SFD, would explain why you like them?
    I am retired and am loving seeing again after a long hiatus. Sorry for the length. Please keep making videos. Keep smiling.

    1. 1. Marsha was not on sale. I ended up returning her and getting another as Marsha was all the wrong sizes. I now have Lucy who had to be padded. She needs to be UNpadded now, lol.
      2.Walmart doesn't sell Herbalife.
      3. I have learned a LOT from Peggy.
      4. SFD is wonderful because it FITS! Go to and watch some videos. There are over a hundred. You can watch all about it.
      Thanks for the comments and welcome aboard!
      Hugs, Joy


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy