
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Diamond Delight by Terry and a New Video by Me

Good Sunday evening.  It has been a lonely, quiet day around here.  I had one of those nights elderly people have when you wake up at two o'clock, and then you can't go back to sleep until five o'clock.  Terry and Doug had invited me to go to church with them, but I sure wasn't waking up early after a night like that.  They always go to the early service.  I did wake up in time to watch Pastor Hagee on  He preached about a FRESH annointing.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes!  I sure do need one of those.  I want to be FIRST in line!

Now, YESTERDAY was a different story.  LOTS of excitement around here, and I am going to SHOW YOU!

Terry and I have been SO, SO, SO EXCITED about her new quilt for her Master Bedroom.

You may recall this quilt that she made for a friend several months ago:

You can see that she quilted this one with a ROSE pattern pantograph.

It was very nice, and I love the colors in it, of course.
Terry liked the pattern so much, she decided to make one for herself.

It was QUITE the challenge because she had to make her own templates for it.  Then she had to figure out how many miles of fabric to buy for a King Size comforter.  She bought a LOT of fabric!  She said there is a ton of waste in this pattern to come up with the diamond blocks.

Terry finally got the quilt top put on the longarm last week.  She came over three different times to work on it, and was able to get it done about 8:00 last night.  We were jumping around like school girls because it turned out so GORGEOUS.

I told Terry she HAD to name it.

She said, "How about "Dazzling Diamonds"."

I said, "How about "Diamond Delight"?"

She liked Diamond Delight the best, so that is the name of this pretty new quilt.


 This is the back, and it is a brownish-gold color -- NOT green.  Isn't it luscious?

She has the binding ready to apply, but she said she was going to rest today.  I told her she BETTER get her bedroom cleaned up so I can come get a picture of this ON THE BED.

Before Terry came over to finish her quilt top, I made a new sleeve video.  I have many Youtube videos out there, but the one I made on how to gather sleeve caps is the MOST popular and gets the most comments. Mostly, "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!" comments.

So, now, several years later, thanks to Louise Cutting's tip, I know an even better way to ease the sleeve cap, so I made a new video. PLUS, my new camera takes much clearer videos, and you can see what I am doing so much better.

Here's my new sleeve "How To" video for those of you who sew:

For the lady who asked me about the Kai scissors I own and what size they are, I took a picture:

I tied a yellow ribbon around them because I took them to a Palmer/Pletsch class one time, and I wanted to be sure they followed me back home!

That's all for today.  Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. LOL! ROFLOL! "I sew faster because I use all these little short cuts....." Right! You sew faster because you move like your house is on fire and you have to finish whatever you are sewing before it burns down around you! On the other hand, I stand and stare and think about how I want to do things. Then I set my sewing machine on slow to medium speed and take my time. I enjoy the process and don't want to rush through it. At least not until I've been working on the same top for three weeks and ...,,,! As usual, we just do things differently. That is the two of us.

    I love Louise's way of putting in sleeves. If you can't suck up all the ease that way, then measure the sleeve cap and the armscye. The sleeve cap should only be 1-1 1/2" longer than the armscye. Also, I wrap the sleeve and the armscye around my finger with the sleeve side up instead of the armscye up. Obviously, your way works, but mine works, too. So, for others, if one way isn't working for you try it the other way. Also, Louise says to let the ends of the pins stick out so it is easy to pull them out before you stitch over them. I don't stitch over pins if I see a pin because I damaged the hook on my Ellageo when I hit a pin and had it get down inside the bobbin area.. It took two trips to the repair shop before I finally got it fixed. Computerized machines do NOT like it when you hit a pin
    Joy is absolutely right about Louise's patterns, Cutting Line Designs, the patterns give the most detailed instructions I have ever seen. You always find a lesson in how to do something so it is finished beautifully in her patterns. They are well worth the $20.00 price tag because of that.

    Terry's quilt is gorgeous and I'm sure it will be lovely on her bed.

    I've just got the hems and buttons and buttonholes to do on Louise's The Director's Cut top. I eliminated the extra drape and evened out the front of the hems, so I maybe I should not call it "The Director's Cut" top. LOL

    Love and Hugs, Phylly

    1. Just FYI, I pulled out a pattern of Louise's where she explains how to ease the sleeve. She puts the SLEEVE on top, so the garment is touching her finger. I don't even know how I showed it. I'll have to go back and look at my own video, lol!
      Hugs, Joy

    2. I shouldn't have said I sew over pins. I do, BUT, I do it very carefully, and I always slow way down to make sure I don't HIT the pin! That would be a disaster. I always leave them sticking out to the side to pull them out. I'm not sure what you meant by how you leave them, Phylly. Don't we do it the same?
      Hugs, Joy

  2. P.S. I always forget something!
    I didn't notice the band-aid on your ear. I had to really look to even see it.
    Your top with the Mums on it is really pretty.
    Kai Scissors are the best, in my opinion! There is such a difference between them and even Ginghers. Once you use Kai scissors, especially the Kai Professional Scissors and Shears, you will never want to use another brand. If you have small hands like I do don't buy any size bigger than the 9". The 10" has the same length of blade as the 9" but are made for bigger hands. I made that mistake and I keep thinking I'll give that bigger size to my husband, but then I think he would cut paper and wire and everything under the sun with them. So, he can't have them because I'm afraid he won't baby them like I do, so they are still setting on my cutting table in their package. LOL

  3. The quilt for Terry's bed is absolutely gorgeous and I, too, am anxious to see it on her bed - will she quilt pillow shams - or how will she handle the pillows? The only problem I see is the TERRY IS WEARING A 'HOOK 'EM HORNS TEXAS SHIRT! Oh No! But if you like her, I will, too! Your video was mainly about the new pink and white blouse, but the blouse I really liked was the blue one you were wearing! It looked so good on you! Sorry about your sleepless night. Had one of my own last week; they are so frustrating. Thinking of you (and John) and will be happy when Candi returns to work! Hi Jerry, Margaret

  4. This is just a test run, as my comments do not seem to be appearing...... Susan

  5. Terry's quilt is very pretty.. I am not a quilter but I once made a diamond shaped Christmas Tree skirt 90". What a bear with diamond shapes.
    Joy, your pink blouse is really cute. Where did you get that fabric? You mentioned it was a slinky, really? If it is, did you have to go down several sizes to fit it?

  6. Well, I could guarantee commenting would work when I don't say anything!!. Joy, thanks so much for this video, I can't wait to try this new method out as your previous suggestion of restraining the stitching behind the presser foot was a revelation. I'm on holiday (in Provence, so can't complain too much) and having to satisfy the sewing urges with English paper piecing. However, once I'm back in the sewing cave, I'll be attempting this. Terry's quilt is beautiful and I never even noticed your band-aid! Kind regards, Susan

  7. Thanks so much for all your sewing tips. They are so helpful. Please don't put pins in your mouth. Especially when you are talking. It's so dangerous. One inhale and that pin will get sucked down your throat.

    1. You are SO RIGHT! When I saw the pin in my mouth in the video, I could not believe it. Just second nature. I will be more careful, I promise!
      Hugs, Joy

  8. Yep, we do the pins the same, but I happened to notice that your pins weren't sticking up in the video, so I thought I'd mention it because if you pin with the sleeve up like I do, then you stitch with the sleeve down if the pin heads aren't sticking out it is hard to pull them out as you come to them. I have been trying to sew with fewer pins,(ala The Islander Method) but I just don't see how you can do it on sleeves. I need the control those pins give me.

    I didn't think you sewed over pins as a rule, so I was surprised to hear you say that in the video. I think you are like me in that you try to avoid it, but it does happen once in a while.

    Hugs, Phylly

    1. I sew with the SLEEVE against the feed dogs, so my pins are on top of the garment side. I do pull them out USUALLY as I come to them. One lady noticed I had a pin in my mouth, and so did I when I watched my video. VERY, VERY BAD NO-NO!!!
      Hugs, Joy

    2. I was brought up seeing that also. I was worried you would swallow it when you were talking.

  9. Terry's quilt is beautiful and Iove the name. I watched both of your sleeve videos and the Sandra's method does not always work for me, I'll try Louise Cuttng's method one of her patterns I just purchased. That's actually why I asked about using SureFit patterns with commercial patterns, Now I know.
    Thanks for all the wonderful videos, Carol Ann

  10. Thanks so much for this wonderful video, Joy. I can hardly wait to try it out on my next blouse! Your excitement is contagious...I NEED to hurry and cut something out just to try this tip!! Thanks again.

  11. Joy, I just watched your video from Oct 2013 on jewelry, then I read your blog for that day. OMG, that gold necklace with pearls & the green/blue. "Captured beads". Stunning. You are so talented and creative. I'll tell you, you have inspired me so much.
    TIP: I saw this also on YouTube and thought it was very clever. A lady used rain gutters for her ribbon rolls. Attaching them to the wall using the hardware with it gutters. That way you just pick up what you need and you don't have to take others off the dowel. I figured you could probably spray paint the gutter any color to match your room. What do think?

    1. I don't really use ribbon in my jewelry. I do have some rolls of ribbon, but I have a drawer they fit perfectly into all lined up so I can see them. Thanks for the suggestion.
      Hugs, Joy

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thank you for sleeve tutorial. I will try your method next time. Can you do a video about your favorite sewing machines?

    Thanks again


  14. Hi Joy, I am at least one person that recently asked about the Kai scissors. I have since ordered those exact pair. They should be here on friday. Thank you very much. I will give the new method a try on inserting a sleeve also. You must get stuck quite a bit on your index finger. The issue I have with learning is I'm doing this with no sisterhood help. No one to run to the phone and call for help or to evaluate if what I've done is best. So I appreciate your asking. Hope you can get back to me in the Dolman sleeve issue, dart change. I have a G dart and I just can't figure how to get that sleeve to side seam to sure up.

  15. I hope you guys are staying dry this weekend, it looks pretty nasty there today on the news. I got my Kai scissors a few years ago at the Puyallup Sewing Expo (you should go if you have not yet). I just love them. I would like to see a step by step on making your blue print pattern of SFD, please.
    I am still interested in your Herbalife, please let me know how to buy. Stay safe & dry.

  16. I loved the video. I will try that next time I sew sleeves. And I will buy those scissors for sure. Terry's quilt is beautiful.


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Hugs, Joy