
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Brilliant Ending to Dress Form Saga

Hey everyone!


I had an adventure yesterday searching for SOMETHING to use to finish my Duck Tape manikin.

I was having some real issues holding Pinky up.

I tried lying her down on the bed.  She liked it there, but I sure couldn't put any clothes on her that way!

Just WATCH THIS short video, and you will understand.  (LAUGH WARNING!)

So you SEE, I HAD to do something.

So I went to Hobby Lobby, and I found the most PERFECT thing to use as a "pole" to thrust up Pinky's back.

Here is a picture of what I found.  I took it to text to Tammy so she could get one too.  She had decided to hang hers from the ceiling like a Pinata because she couldn't think of anything else to do.

Look at that nice neck!  I was really excited to have a neck so I could put my jewelry on it.

Here is a video I made to show you how I put it all together, and you can see my almost-finished new Vogue/Sure-fit Designs blouse.  Still have to hem the armholes and the bottom.

Here is a picture of what the floor looked like after I pulled all the stuffings out of Pinky to insert the new dress form.

It was a real fun job getting all of that BACK into the bag it came out of.  The stuff puffs up and grows when you aren't looking!

For some reason, I like to clean house on Sunday.  It is relaxing to me.  I've had the vacuum cleaner in the middle of the living room all week.  Time to turn it on!

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. That looks really great. You were really lucky in finding the dress stand. I was looking at the pictures before I watched the video and when I saw the picture with
    the stuffing all over the room, the only thing that came to mind was that your dogs really hate the color pink and tried to get rid of Pinky. I couldn't watch the
    small video at the top. It said I had to sign in to view the video. Anyway I loved the other video and your new sewing tool. LOL

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Charlotte. I have unlocked the first video now.
      Hugs, Joy

  2. Joy How smart of you to put Pinky on the dress stand. Your new blouse is very pretty.
    The quilt behind you is one of the nicest I have seen in that pattern. Would you mind telling me what size the squares are?

  3. Joy, you just crack me up. I have to say that was so clever of you with the dress form. I need to ask, though, will you be pinning into it or is it just to check fit after garment is out together? I am still watching and reading your old blogs. I just love them and I cannot believe (well, actually I can) what you went though with the kitchen and dining room and your mil's house. Wow! I hope you guys and staying dry with all the storms going your way.

    1. Yes, the MIL situation was very stressful. I am pretty much having major stress at the moment because it is time to do the same for my own mother.
      YES! I do pin into Pinky. That is a really nice feature about her.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. What a great idea. Will be going to Hobby Lobby this weekend. Hope I have as much luck as you did. Pinky looks great.

    1. Hancock's sells the same dress form. I saw one there yesterday here in Edmond, OK.
      Hugs, Joy

  5. I love both the tops you have on, the black and print one and the chevron print, did you make both and if so what pattern did you use? I love your videos about making Pinkie!

  6. I bought the orange top at Beck in Texas several weeks ago. I really like it too. I made the other one using my Sure-fit Designs pattern-making kits. I copied a Vogue pattern V8856.
    Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy