
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

It wasn't really THAT terrific, but I was ECSTATIC that the sun shined all day long!

Sunshine makes me energetic, and I get a lot done!

I started out by getting the wash started, my shake made, my coffee consumed and my hubby kissed goodbye on his way to the office.

Then I headed upstairs.  I did not have any idea WHAT I was going to do up there today as I had just cleaned up my sewing room from the last project.

I was thinking of starting my new turtle quilt -- or maybe my new wildflower quilt -- or maybe a new top -- or maybe some more pants.  Since I couldn't seem to make up my mind, I decided to PLAY a new game.

I called it playing "Fabric Store".

I was having so much fun, I took a video of it to send to Terry, so I will share it with you if I can figure out how.  Please pardon the chewing!

Hey!  It looks like my short cell phone video is actually loading up here.  Hope it works for you!

So I played Fabric Store for hours until it was time for lunch.  I had a shake for breakfast, but I had not had any of my "three healthy snacks".  I save those up so I can have a sandwich before my noon shake which I have an hour later now.

Phylly says this "lunch" sounds like torture, but I really love it.  I call it a "lettuce sandwich" although it does have a thin slice of cheese in it too.  I make it on 45 calorie bread that I buy at Braum's.  You can see it in my video, but here is a close-up:

This bread has a big hole in the middle of each slice, so I figure it isn't even 45 calories!

Soooooooooooooo, after I ate my sandwich and I went back to my fabric stash I found the prettiest two pieces that went together.  I decided I would stop everything, and make a pair of pants today and a top to match tomorrow.

I worked the rest of the afternoon making the pants.  They are done except for waistband and hems.  They take a long time because I have to have pockets in them on each side.  There is a zip fly in the front.

Now it is 8:20 at night, and I am waiting for Jerry to come in after mowing the lawn.  He is so good about that.  He is pretty good about everything though.  I would be out there with him, BUT something in the air doesn't like my nose right now.

Be back soon modeling my new outfit.  Have no idea WHAT blouse I'm going to make.  PLUS, I took out at least four other pieces I loved to make four more blouses.  While I was sewing this afternoon, I watched Peggy Sager's Youtube videos which are very good.  I started one video of hers, and when it was done, another popped up, and then another, and then another.  It was a lovely afternoon.  I have learned so much from her.  She really is the MOST generous teacher and lovely person.

If you are new to sewing, PLEASE introduce yourself to Peggy Sager's videos.  Her newest ones are excellent quality and much better lighting.

Hugs, Joy


  1. So glad you finally got some sunshine. I love the fabric and I know you will make something gorgeous out of it. Can't wait to see it. Take care and stay dry.

  2. Joy, I really enjoy reading your blog. I am teaching my Grand daughter to sew now and I am loving every minute of it. Especially when we are shopping for patterns and fabric. I have to travel 20 miles to Joanne's Fabrics and 45 miles to Hancock's Fabrics. Thanks for teaching about Steam A Seam. I had never used it but just bought some and plan to use it next week on a Kimono top my Grand daughter is making. When you are purchasing your fabrics, do you already know what you plan to make or do you usually buy a certain amount of yardage that you could make either a blouse or skirt. I usually buy extra yardage just in case I change my mind. I was just wondering if you do that also. Thanks for all the tips. I love your videos also. Faye from NC

    1. Hello Faye from NC!!!
      YES! I buy fabric all the time. I just filled at least 12 bags FULL of fabric that has been in my closet since my grandkids were little. They are now over 18, 20 and 22. There was a bunch of fabric I bought because it was on sale, but now that I sew a lot better, it looks cheap to me. I always buy 2 1/2 yards if it is something that COULD BE pants or a top. If just for tops, I buy 2 yards which is almost always too much, so the leftovers go to Goodwill -- eventually. I ALWAYS prewash my fabric before even bringing into my sewing room so it will PREshrink and PRErun. If I can't wash it, I don't want it.
      When my granddaughter, Lindy, was little, she LOVED to sew. I taught her to make quilts. She made one for her cat and then one for her Dad. When she got a little older, she decided she didn't want to sew anymore, and she never has. I was so sad about that.
      Thanks for the compliments!
      Hugs, Joy

    2. PS: Faye, I forgot to say. I buy the fabric having NO IDEA what pattern it will eventually be.
      Hugs, Joy

  3. Joy, are you still creating videos because there have not been in for a couple of weeks and I'm having withdrawals...LOL. If you have, they are not on your You Tube under your following. Do you have any videos on fitting and making pants. I believe you should have been a teacher as you are so good at explaining the processes. Thanks.

  4. Hi JoyRee .. no frequent comments, but I sure enjoy your blog and wouldn't miss it. And I would kill for the sewing spaces you have .. LOL. Must say my fave fave fave outfit is the gorgeous black and white maxi skirt and matching top with the cap sleeves. It's so classy and elegant, yet fun. You did a great job .. kudos! Just starting to get into summer maxi skirts myself.

    Found a jewelry site messing around on youTube .. and really enjoyed this one. You may not, but, after mostly ignoring the mindless chatter in the beginning, got ideas for making simple earrings, etc. that I found interesting and helpful. Let me know what you think.

    Be well .. keep praying for our dear America .. God bless,


    1. Thank you SO MUCH, Joy! I love watching jewelry-making videos. My husband makes fun of me because I am always watching either a jewelry video or a sewing video before bedtime as he watches the naked people in the mosquito-infested jungles starve nearly to death. I will check this one out tonight.
      Hugs, Joy

  5. Hi again, JoyRee ~~ regarding that jewelry making site, I watched another video, and really enjoyed her chatter while she makes bearrings .. earrings from
    soda or beer caps .. or any beverage cap for that matter. So, my impression of her isn't negative at all .. she's fun to watch and listen to, and maybe you'll enjoy her, too. Sounds like she has very active web and facebook sites.



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Hugs, Joy