
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Joyful Zig Zag Quilt - THIS IS OVER!

Hello Everybody!!!


The time has come to give away this funky quilt one of you named for me as the Joyful Zig Zag Quilt.

Remember:  Put your NAME in the comment.  I don't know who "unknown" is.

Remember:  It is QUEEN size.

Remember:  You must live in the United States to be eligible to win it.

Here is a photo of it:

You can see the quilt again here in a short video I made today regarding it.

Here is what I want you to do please.

In the comments BELOW, please BEGIN your comment with:


for "Joyful Zig Zag Quilt".  (Think of it as a pattern number.)

You can say whatever you want to after you type those letters in.  Those letters will tell me you want to win this quilt, and you are not just leaving a comment.

THOSE are the ONLY comments I will count to choose a winner from.  I will get a lot of comments from people who are not interested in winning this Queen size monster.  I will not count those comments.

So, let the fun begin!

Who wants to win this quilt?

Click below on "Comments" (it may have a number in front of it), type the JZZQ first and then add whatever you would like to say.


Hugs, Joy


  1. JZZQ Please, please pick me. Thank you!

  2. JZZQ---I absolutely love the colors and would be happy to add this to my quilt collection. Love your videos and all things that make you YOU. Sharon Traughber

  3. JZZQ Joy what a beautiful quilt, I LOVE IT. I absolutely adore your's and Becky's videos, you guys are an absolute hoot. Thank you so much for all the wonderful tips and tricks with everything you have done, I have learned so much. Keep up the laughter and your wonderful sense of humor, it brightens my day. ALSO, thank you so much for the video on the thread racks, I contacted the person and am looking forward to getting mine soon. Take care.

  4. JZZQ, I love your quilt. I always enjoy watching your posting. Especially, your outgoing, down to earth personality. Please, pick me, please, please.

    Emiko Roe

  5. JZZQ. Love your videos! This would be my first quilt. I’m 67. Here’s to intelligent and fearless sewing! Jana Williams 💃

  6. Penny Vega here. pick me pick me I'm celebrating a negative pet scan. This quilt will give me Joy. Well congratulations on the winner if it is not me. Love to see your blog vlog etc. Thanks for sharing your time.

  7. JZZQ That quilt is beautiful! Love the bright colors! Thanks! Tonya

  8. JZZQ. Love this colorful quilt. You do beautiful work. Hope I win. Kathy Ebbers

  9. JZZQ It is a beautiful quilt! and I love watching your videos. Sandra

  10. JZZQ for "Joyful Zig Zag Quilt". Love the Quilt, Name Pamela Aycock

  11. JZZQ
    Dear Joy, I have been a follower of yours for a while now and so enjoy all of your posts and your happy outlook on life! You truely are a JOY! I love the quilt and how cheery it is. Thanks for the oppertunity to win it!♥️🌹♥️🌹 Debbie Mason

  12. JZZQ I would love to is stunning! meg peters

  13. JZZQ . Myrtha Reyes Lenox,GA Joy you crack me up whenever I watch you. I also learn a lot. Your quilt is beautiful and I would love it. You sew awesome and I wish I had just 1 of your sewing rooms. You are Blessed.

  14. JZZQ! I would love to win your quilt! :)


  15. Margaret E. HintherJune 13, 2019 at 1:06 PM

    Hi Joy.. my first time using a blog.. but I have watched your videos for months now ( yes I finally subscribed ) and feel like you're a good friend.. no I'm not a stalker just like watching youtube videos for quilt ideas.. I LOVE...LOVE that quilt.. but I have to tell you if I won it there would be a good chance I would donate it to someone who needs it far worse than me. But it is nice finally say hi to you. Thank you and God bless

  16. JZZQ
    Hello, Joy! Oh, I hope I win this quilt! It would mean so much to me to own
    something that you made with your own hands! You make me smile and you are
    always a welcome friend when I see your posts! Thank you for the chance to
    try to win this quilt! Have a wonderful day!
    Molly Pate

  17. JZZQ, Hello Joy! Brenda D here, looks like you picked my expression for your quilt name. Still patiently waiting for your video’s, Good Luck to everyone in the quilt drawing. So very considerate of you to give all that work away.

  18. JZZQ love this quilt and have a queen size bed in our guest room that needs a pop of color!

    Pamela Wilsie

  19. JZZQ
    I just absolutely love the quilt and watching your videos!

    Penny Lyon

  20. JZZQ. The quilt is lovely. I have just the spot for it. ❤️, Kelly King

  21. JZZQ I love your quilt! I hope to win.

  22. JZZQ Joy I have a queen size bed and would love to win this from you! Love from WV

  23. I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to submit my ballot for your Joyfull Zigzag quilt. So darn cheerful and uplifting. I’ll gladly reimburse you for shipping if I am fortunate enough to have the winning submission. Again thank you for always sharing all your tips and projects. You are a forever friend.

  24. JZZQ Nancy Mosley would love to win the queen size monster! It is beautiful.

  25. JZZQ Lynn Cobb I have a queen size bed and live in Florida. Love your vlog and blog. You are so funny.

  26. JZZQ, it is so nice of you to be giving away this beautiful and cheerful queen size quilt. I have a queen size bed, so it would definitely fit ! I am a member of the Quilting Marine's Quilt Nation . Im always making quilts to help what ever cause he is working on. Im not a longarmer , but i manage on my home machine. I love your channel because your always honest and mostly upbeat.

    Thank you for all you do💕💕
    Dianne Mayberry

  27. JZZQ, Sue Hill here and love everything you do, especially your beautiful quilt.

  28. JZZQ, it is beautiful! Ridgeley Reichert

  29. JZZQ Lynn Cobb. Love your quilt. Love the colors. Live in Florida.

  30. Hi Joy, I feel like I know you. There are a few people we meet in life that you just love right from the start. I never miss your blog or videos. I’m always excited to know what is going on at your houses..... one never knows where you’ll be. I have always sewed and quilted, so we have a lot in common. The love of fabric has been a passion of mine since a kid. My house burned in 15 and I live in an apartment now for convenience. I opted to not replace all my sewing equipment at my age. I’m 78, but in good health. Sometime I think that wasn’t a good choice!!!! Anyway, I would like to sew with you. That would be a lot of fun I think. I’d like to win the quilt unless you find someone who doesn’t quilt. You can never have too many quilts. You have to give them away because you would never find anyone who would pay what you think they are really worth😋. Your so open and sweet and i’m Sure you will have a million viewers soon. Love, Harleene

  31. JZZQ Hello Joy I hope all is good! What a beautiful quilt ! I would love to win to share with a tornado victims who has nothing ! We are still trying to get straightened out here in Jefferson city Missouri in a tornado and this would be nice for someone ! May God bless 🙏🏾🙏🏾 Patricia Barnes

  32. JZZQ. Love this quilt. My name is Nola.

  33. JZZQ
    joy love to see your videos and I would love to win this special quilt you have made.

  34. JZZQ - Love your quilt

    Brenda Lindsay

  35. JZZQ

    I think I figured out how to post...LOL

    I would love to try and win the quilt...would go perfect on our bed.

    Love the VLOGS and am now enjoying your daughter’s VLOGs.

    Thank you.


  36. JZZQ Hi Joy! I have the perfect Queen sized Sleigh bed for this beautiful quilt. I love watching your VLOGs. They are instructional, entertaining, funny and such a blessing. You keep up the good work.
    Cassie Staggs

  37. JJZQ
    What a beautiful quilt! It has been so much fun watching your vlogs.
    You really are a joy!
    Thanks for always making me smile,

  38. JJZQ, thanks for a chance to win. The quilt is beautiful. Always enjoy watching your vlogs.

  39. JZZQ
    I watch your Vlogs faithfully and learn a lot and laugh and cry with you. You have a Joyful Heart. Your quilt is lovely and represents a lot of work. It would look beautiful in our old farmhouse and certainly brighten things up just as you do.

  40. JZZQ - Hi Joy. I would love to win this beautiful quilt. Reminds me of the one I made for my grandson recently. He loves wild, crazy colors and I do too. I found you through Becky and I am so glad I did. You crack me up. You make me laugh and cry at times too but that is ok. Thanks for having this drawing. Good luck to everyone. Brenda K

  41. JZZQ - Love the quilt, it's so beautiful! Your videos always make me smile - keep them coming!

  42. JZZQ Love the quilt you did a beautiful job. Will be so happy when you get your internet up and running. I've really missed you the past few days. Carol C

  43. JZZQ. there is truly nothing like the feel of a handmade quilt. Would love to win yours.

  44. Love all your videos. This quilt is awesome. Thanks for raffle get it off. Janine G from Idaho

  45. JZZQ.. Joy this quilt is absolutely lovely! I can picture this on my canopy bed...And you are so nice to give this to one of your subscribers. I can see that took a lot of work.. Thanks so much for being a truly nice person. Roseann Archipolo

  46. JZZQ Hi Joy, I just love your quilt, and my guest bedroom just happens to have a queen bed that it would look great on! I also love the one hanging behind you in the video. Corey Fisher

  47. JZZQ really love the quilt, but not in the states I’m sad to say, look forward to all your videos so keep them coming please, and I would pay the cost of mailing it to me in the UK.

  48. JZZQ! Hi Joy! Love your vlogs. Never miss one. This quilt is beautiful, full of JOY!

    Lois Andersen <3

  49. JZZQ

    Love this bright happy quilt! I enjoy your vlogs.

    Judy Dobbins
    Battle Ground WA

  50. JZZQ I love watching your videos! I am always glad when you post a new one. I am sorry you can't get good internet service because I miss seeing your videos regularly. I would love to win the quilt simply because it was made by you.

  51. JZZQ Mariah Ashbacher here! :) Your quilt is lovely and I would be proud and honored to win it! Love all your videos, love the way you display your faith, love the way you are just yourself!!

  52. JZZQ
    That is a beautiful quilt Joy and I would love to win it. You are so kind to do this. I enjoy watching you. You are alway so fool of energy and you make my day. Thank you so much.

  53. JZZQ Joy, thank you so much for the time and energy you’ve given to make this quilt. You and I have traveled similar paths with our Mothers. Mom has dementia and the colors in this quilt are her favorites, if I’m lucky enough to win this quilt mom will have it on her bed to bring her joy and happiness. Celena Spencer

  54. JZZQ. Hello Joy: i love your videos and have been thoroughly enjoying getting to know you. Your name suits you as that is what you bring to the sewing world: Joy!!! It would be a “Joy” to win your quilt.�� Kathyrn. Plentywood, Montana

  55. JZZQ My guest bed is a queen and the room is blue, your quilt would have a happy home there.

  56. JZZQ, Kathy Hart here!! I would love to own something you made. A queen size would be perfect. Thank you so very much for taking time out of you day to make and post your videos. I truly enjoy them all. Take care. I hope you get that tower hooked up so we all can see more of your smiling face.

  57. JZZQ Hi there , I don't know why but I like you , even though you talk to fast and happier , I never had a quilt , I will like some day to make one , so I'm learning all I can from you until the day I can make one , I have an enbroidery and sewing machine all in one , I also have a to much embroideries desings by now , so if you ever one something I can send it to you , just ask me . Thank for being there you make may day happer after watching one of your videos . Bye have a lot of TLC .

  58. JZZQ how exciting and how generous you are, dear Joy! Thank you for this opportunity,

  59. JZZQ Love this quilt! The colors are great

  60. JZZQ: Dorene Nagy Love the quilt! Would be honored to have in my home on my bed. It is so sweet of you to give us the chance to get one of your beautiful quilts. Thanks again!

  61. JZZQ - Jackie Hill, love the quilt and would love winning it. You are such an inspiration with your perky & happy personality. Love watching your videos, I don't comment but it brightens my day when you post.

  62. JZZQ, hi Joy, I knew that Joyful was the only name that could be on that quilt. We have a cabin in the mountains of VA and it gets a little nippy at night. Nothing better than snuggling under a great quilt. Hope you get your internet soon. Pat Frye

  63. JZZQ! Hi Joy. Your Zigzag quilt would look lovely on my queen size bed! I check every day to see if you have posted a video! Keep them coming!

  64. JZZQ: Joy I would love the quilt!
    Plus I wanted to tell you I watch a video or two of you everyday. You are fun and you start my day off right!
    You let me know that being 65 years old as I am and still having fun is lol
    Thanks for all the work you do!
    Diana Harvey Clark

  65. Joyful zig zag quilt, oh Joy I get what u mean I am a Colorado country gal with very slow internet as well. I enjoy watching u sew and size both which I struggle with. Anyhow Joy I really need your quilt not only to think of u when your internet doesnt allow u to upload but for warmth as well as we loose power as much as internet in the middle of BFE,I forgot what that stands for, anyhow. I love to hear your news and I enjoy my cuppa with u. MARY JANE GOODE EMAIL IS WHO I am.

  66. JZZQ-What a beautiful quilt. If I am chosen, I will donate it to the Bible Camp for their annual quilt auction. The money raised is used to help kids attend camp regardless of their ability to pay.---Pat.M

  67. JZZQ...I love it!!!! Thanks for all the joy you spread with your channel. My email address is:

  68. JZZQ Hi Joy!
    Your quilt is beautiful and I just love watching your videos.
    Joyce Keller

  69. Jzzq I love your videos and enjoy you so much! I would love to win your quilt! Georgia Baughman

  70. JZZQ - Mary Jean Tarlton

    Hello Joy, this is the lady with six brothers. Ya need another one? LOL Just kidding. I would love to have your quilt and I do have a queen size bed. But maybe others need it more, so I just wanted to let you know that I won't cry when someone else wins. Love watching all your videos. (I even watch them over and over again when I don't see a new one posted)! Good Luck to everyone entering. M.J.

  71. JZZQ penny Vega love your quilt forgot to start previous comment with JZZQ chemo brain lol

  72. JZZQ, HiJoy, ive watched you for 5 years now. Everyday when i go to Youtube, you are what i look for first. Always enjoy your laugh and smile. It is also nice that im listening to a Christian lady. Also enjoy watching you do pattern adjustments.I still want to see how you turn a basic knit shirt from a scoop neck to a cowl neck. Please continue your videos.Jean Miller

  73. Jzzq. Hi joy. I would like to win the quilt. Love watching your videos you make me laugh. Keep on doing what you do Vignette

  74. JZZQ- Debi
    Hi Joy,
    I really get a kick out of watching your videos. I found you trying to get other's ideas on a FBA. That day you made me laugh, thank you, plus your explanation was pretty good. The quilt is beautiful and I hope it comes to live in San Diego. A sewing friend.

  75. JZZQ Oh Joy,your videos bring me such delight! Thank you for the smiles you put on my face and for the chance to win one of your gorgeous quilts!
    Lori A Justice

  76. JZZQ. Hi Joy, I would love to win your beautiful quilt with the pretty sunbeams as a I like to call them. My sweet dog Rooney is fighting pancreatic cancer. I am fighting it with everything I have inside me. I even am doing a novena to St. Francis of Assisi to intercede on my behalf to our Lord for healing that He sees fit. I am also trying a holistic approach to help rid his body of the tumors. He is my second baby. I would love this quilt on our bed so that Rooney can do his Sunday morning cuddles with my husband, son and I on such a cheerful uplifting quilt. Thank you for caring to gift your quilt to someone. I live in New Jersey. Virginia Harvey.

  77. JZZQ I think you are a "Joy" to watch. Thank you for sharing.
    Amelia Carey

  78. JZZQ, I have come to depend on your "Hey everybody, Joy here!" so much that when you don't post a video it throws me off a bit. Lol

  79. JZZQ Hey Joyful Joy I would love to have the quilt as I left in a message before but I on the other hand forgot to Type The JZZQ my slow thinking Brain with all that said I do love and appreciate your videos and the smile on your face always makes it a better day and sip your coffee as much as you won’t nobody don’t like that’s on them I love that you remind us of god and how good he is mot many people won’t to talk about God but you do and I admire you and pray you receive many happy blessings from him

  80. JZZQ Hi Joy! You are a delight! This is Sharon R. In Tampa Florida

  81. JZZQ Hi Joy! I just love listening to your VLOG. You are such fun and an inspiration. Even if I'm a little down you always brighten my spirit. Marti L in Niceville, FL I always say nice people live in Niceville! LOL

  82. JZZQ Enjoy your videos. Beautiful quilt!

  83. JZZQ - I love this quilt and hope I am the lucky one. I feel like we’re family, when you don’t VLOG, I miss you tremendously. I love it when you make your clothes. I can’t make a top or blouse because I am too big, so I quilt, Please stay as nice and happy as you are. God Bless you. Cathleen McSorley

  84. JZZQ I love this quilt and would love to be the winner. I really enjoy your videos.

  85., there are a lot of entries. 🙂 Like many others, I hope I win. Your videos have inspired me. When you share your faith, it seems to come at a time when I most need the encouragement. Continued blessings to you, Joy. ❤🙂

  86. JZZQ It's a beautiful quilt. Thank you your generosity. I hope you get your internet issues resolved soon. Have a great weekend.

  87. JZZQ it would be an honor to win a quilt like this. You are so gifted and talented. Stay safe and have a great week.

  88. JZZQ I hope you pick me! Such a beautiful quilt! I am redecorating a guest room with a queen bed and I would use this quilt to decide on color scheme.

  89. JZZQ I would love to win this! Just want you tell you that my husband now asks “so what is Joy up to lately?” You are wonderful and very talented and I look forward to your videos. Love you !!!

  90. JZZQ this quilt is stunning! I love watching your videos and look for them every day! And because of you I now watch your daughter a chick that Knitz , Vivmom, and Tomkat. Thank you ! I. A quilter but I’m becoming interested in garment construction. So keep up the good work. Thank you for YOU and don’t change. Hugs, Denise Wilcox ❤️��✂️

  91. JZZQ You are so enjoyable to watch! Your quilting is beautiful. Blessing to you. Sue Geese, Ohio

  92. JZZQ
    I know someone will win this quilt. So many people. Blessed you for yourlaborious gift( it will take me years to make it) Blessed too is the person who win this beautiful work of art piece.

    Have a great weekend. Thanks for sharing

  93. JZZQ
    I would be honored to win one of your quilts - especially one that would remind me of your personality.....LOL...bright & cheerful!
    Beth in AL

  94. JZZQ
    Greetings. My Mother and I enjoy watching your vlog as we always love your "Joy".
    One question: In one of your videos you mentioned that you cut your own hair. Amazing, how do you do that? Your style is very flattering.
    Thanks, Cindy

  95. JZZQ I love this quilt. Thank you so much for being so generous. Love your videos.
    From Patty G

  96. JZZQ - How fun of you to have a contest for the beautiful quilt you made! Spreading joy through video, blogs, humor and sewing! 😊

  97. JZZQ love the quilt and love you and your videos. Hope you get internet soon. Sue Smith

  98. JZZQ Yes, I love your quilt and would love to adorn my bed with it.
    Dee Murphy


  100. JZZQ Joy I just want to say you are such a blessing to me ! You make my heart sing and put a smile on my face when I watch your videos.
    God Bless You and that sweet husband of yours !

    Susan Phillips

  101. JZZQ Oh how I would love to win this beautiful quilt.
    Kathy McCully

  102. JZZQ Hi, Joy! This is Janet H. I'd love to win your beautiful Joyful Zigzag Quilt! My bedroom is done in shades of blue and our bed is a queen size and I love bright colors!!! :D You create so many beautiful things and it would be wonderful to own a piece of your creativity. This is such a thoughtful and fun giveaway. :D Good luck to everyone who enters! Hugs! xoxoJanet

  103. JZZQ Oh, that would look so pretty on my queen size bed!

    Diane Bianchi

  104. JZZQ. Love your videos, Joy. Keep them coming. Would love to win your quilt.

    Kim Andrews

  105. JZZQ

    Thank you for your joyful self!
    Hugs, Melissa Franklin

  106. Jzzq...I would love to win this quilt because it so beautiful and made by you.

  107. JZZQ Elizabeth Rusin
    Love the abstract pattern. Lovely bright colors.
    Would like to be the lucky winner!

  108. JZZQ - I love love love the quilt!! It would look so good on my queen size bed. I love your videos and look forward to new ones.

  109. Jzzq. joy you are such a wonderful giving person to give something as special as a homemade quilt. Anyone who sews knows how much time you had to invest to make that quilt. I would be honored to win such a special quilt. Thanks Veronica

  110. JZZQ I don’t see my comment☹️ I had to make sure I wasn’t a robot so many times I think I turned into one! Oh well, love ya!

  111. JZZQ.....I would love to win. This is crazy kind of you

  112. JZZO - I first want to say how thoughtful it is of you to give away something you have worked so hard on and put so much time into. Thank you
    Nieta Howard

  113. JZZQ, Brenda Berndt here hello Joy. I want your quilt lol. I would love to come watch you sew in person. Love your enthusiasm.


  115. Mary Flynn
    JZZQ, oh Joy it would be so lovely to have win something that you made!! I take such Joy watching all your videos it's truly my entertainment. I love your silliness, your name fits you to a T!!

    Much love and God Bless💓

  116. JZZQ, hi Joy, Vickie Davis here! Your quilt is wonderful and perfectly reflects your joyous personality. I really enjoy your funny, informative and generally uplifting vlogs. Thank you so much and God bless. Good luck to everyone.

  117. JZZQ This is Sandy S from Delaware I enjoy your vidoe S so much I learn from you.Your clothes and quilts are beautiful.You brighten each day and Thank our God which is beauty too.I would love to win your bright and love sewen quilt.Please keep sewing and smiling.Thank you Sandy S.

  118. JZZQ.....Hello Joy, I am enjoying your videos and learning several things from your sewing. All of your quilts are beautiful as well as the clothing you make. I sure hope your internet works out for you in Kinston America. Many people do not really realize how remote that area is. It is so very nice of you to give your beautiful quilt away.

    Looking forward to more videos,
    Vickie Copeland (Stillwater, Ok)

  119. JZZQ I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to submit my ballot for your Joyfull Zigzag quilt. So darn cheerful and uplifting. I’ll gladly reimburse you for shipping if I am fortunate enough to have the winning submission. Again thank you for always sharing all your tips and projects. You are a forever friend.

  120. JZZQ

    Hi Joy! So nice of you to give away such a beautiful quilt! ..and pay the mailing tax as well? Thank you so much for doing this generous gesture for whomever will win the quilt! It will be cherish for a long time. You have a great heart.
    ❤️ Catalina

  121. Joy I love your quilt and although I live in the UK, I think you should call the quilt ( which is so amazing ) A Stairway To Heaven.
    Best wishes to the winner. Oh how I wish I lived in the States, so I had an opportunity to enter and win.
    Joyful Love

  122. JZZQ Mary S from Wisconsin- Hi I love your videos and can't wait until you can post longer ones again. I found your you tube channel just a month ago and i am thrilled that I can watch the older ones while waiting for your internet to be up to speed. I just get the biggest smile when I watch them. They really brighten up my day. God Bless you all the other viewers who like me find the Joy you give every time. A big hug from Janesville, WI for everyone. Mary

  123. JZZQ Joy, praying you get your internet fixed so we can hear from you more often. That quilt is mine. Lol
    Love you!
    Doris Smith

  124. JZZQ Would love to have this quilt. It would look wonderful on our guest bed. The bed is a queen so how great is that?

    Enjoy your retirement.

  125. JZZQ
    I so enjoy your vlog and blog and would love to win the quilt. Never stop laughing! :-)
    Eliza Harper

  126. JZZQ
    Thank you Joy, this quilt is lovely!

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.


  128. Joy, I would love to win your beautiful quilt. I am envious of people with the patience to create quilts

  129. JZZQ Thanks for making such a fun quilt and giving it away. I would hope to be the chosen one! Have a Bless Day!

  130. JZZQ, Joy you are amazing! I have read all your blogs and look forward to vlogs. I would love & cherish the quilt. Thank you for your generosity.

  131. JZZQ, You are such a generous person. I love your videos. Thank you for being the uplifing person that you are. I love your quilt. It will look beautiful on my bed.
    Diane Smith

  132. JZZQ I love your videos and the quilt is just beautiful. It would be an honor to display it here in my home. I have been sewing for over 45 years. My first experience was with my grandmother as she would sit me at her treadle machine and have me sew on lined paper to learn to get a strait line. It is one of my very wonderful memories of my grandmother. Now I am passing this skill down to my granddaughters, what a wonderful time we have together. Thank you for this opportunity.

  133. JZZQ
    Joy, I can't believe you are giving that quilt away. It is so much fun and just what I would like to liven up the guest bedroom.
    Thanks for the chance to win,
    How do I subscribe to the vlog?

    Ann Hiler

  134. JZZQ....Hi Joy, Nellie here....Remember me I'm a charity quilter and have donated over 950 quilts to sick children foster/homeless children and our VETS returning home from serving our country. I'm not trying to brag but I'm proud of what I'm doing. It is my life now because my retired LAPD police sergeant is now in a private care home with dementia (I miss him soooo much)I make the quilts to make up for my loneliness and get such a blessing donating these quilts to comfort those who receive them. Thanks for listening.....I enjoy you SEW soooo very much and also I'd would like you to make longer videos and know you will when you get the "system" set up to do so. GOD BLESS YOU
    Bye for now

  135. JZZQ
    This would look great in my guest bedroom. Love the pattern.

  136. QZZQ hello Di-Ann Jones here on my front porch enjoying a cuppa.

    It seems as though many of your viewers love your JOYFUL ZIG ZAG QUILT including me. I wish we all could win.

    I have a queen-size bed that would be a perfect home for the JOYFUL ZIG ZAG QUILT.

    Patiently waiting for your fast internet so that we can enjoy your church services. However, I am concerned that your fast internet will not be fast enough to keep up with your lightning-fast mind. LOL

    You have blessed so very many people. I am glad to call you an internet friend. Sending blessings your way.

  137. JZZQ Hi Joy My name is Audrey. I love your videos and you are such an inspiration as my Mama seems to be in the early stages of dementia. Would love this quilt in my master bedroom!

  138. JZZQ Hi Joy, the quilt is beautiful and forever wins it will be thrilled. You're so generous to give it away. I love giving quilts away to our cancer center or kids at the hospital. One of these days I'll keep one. I see yours hanging on the wall and think, "I need to do that! " I do have a few small art quilts hanging up, but that's it. I'll have to get quilting a big one now. Have a great day Joy!
    Diana Bicknell

  139. Sheri HorbachewskiJune 14, 2019 at 10:10 AM

    JZZQ...What an opportunity and blessing to have a chance to own a Joy original. Thanks ever so much. Good luck everyone!!

  140. Cathy Coughenour ~ JZZQ

    JZZQ - Love your spirit and how JOYful you always are! So generous of you to give away a handmade quilt. I too am a quilter and really appreciate the love and time that goes in to each block! Would love to have something handmade by you! Love all that you do!

    Cathy Coughenour

  141. JZZQ. Karen Maddox. I would love to win this amazing quilt. It is so cheerful and happy!


  143. JZZQ Hey Joy! I've been watching your videos for a couple years now. You inspire me with each video! I love quilts. I was blessed with a quilt that my great grandma made and another made by my husband's grandmother. The first quilt that I made was for my son when he was born 15 years ago. I still consider myself a beginner. There's so much to learn, but you are right, there's nothing like the comfort of a quilt ~ Charity

  144. JZZQ
    Judith Perry "Clogdancero6"
    If I win this beautiful quilt I will be so Happy I will do a Clog dance lol . And at my age that should be quite a feat ��

  145. JZZQ
    Donna Mason
    I really like watching your videos. I would love to win this quilt it is beautiful!

  146. JZZQ, Entry from Marilyn Hines. I really love this quilt! I would love to win it, it matches my walls perfectly! It is beautiful and your craftmanship is so wonderful! I watch your videos pretty much all day long, I just enjoy them and love listening to you. You are such a happy person, and even on your worst days, you manage to turn things around and be cheerful! Thank you for the opportunity to win. Have a blessed day, bye for now!

  147. JZZQ
    Such beautiful colors and I love the pattern

  148. JZZQ
    Hello again Joy
    Debbie From New Jersey going to North Carolina
    First time iam doing this I for got to put my gmail in the right spot
    Hope you read the my Comment be for this one
    Thank you for your time

  149. JZZQ Hi joy Please ad my name in the quilt give a way. Thank you keep the post coming love to hear from you. Belinda Denise

  150. Jzzq

    I would also love your quilt. It would be an honor to win it. Thanks for all you do! You and Jerry have a great week-end and especially a great Father's Day! Maybe some fishing. Take care!

  151. JZZQ

    Joy I love your new tops! I plan on sewing up a storm this weekend and make myself some new ones.

    You have given me inspiration! Thank you.

    The quilt is lovely and I would love to win it. We will see!!!

    Laura Sublette Greer

  152. JZZQ I would love to win your beautiful quilt. You are so generous.Thank You Paula

  153. JZZQ Hi Joy! What a beautiful quilt! What a talent you have. God's blessing to you. Thank you for doing this for all of us. My name is Patricia from New Mexico!

  154. JZZQ Joy you are a gift. My name is Cathy

  155. JZZQ. Hi Joy, love your videos, love all your projects, you have me addicted to Fabric Mart. That is a beautiful quilt. You keep me smiling.

    Drusilla Ausmer

  156. JZZQ. Hi Joy, lovely quilt, would love to win. Love this pattern & would like to do one like it myself. Thank you Mary Williams for the beautiful fabrics used. I will see your video of the winner. Good luck y'all!

  157. JZZQ Hi Joy, I love drinking coffee with you while watching your videos. I love the quilt because of all of the bright colors and zig zag pattern. I would love to have a quilt made by you. You are a joy to watch.

    Brenda Reed

  158. JZZQ I would love to receive the quilt. It looks so fun and whimsical. It would definitely add some life to my otherwise dull bedroom. Thank you so much to you and Mary for making this wonderful gift available. Thank you Joy for making me smile all the way thru all of your videos. Your mother definitely chose the right name for you.

  159. JZZQ.

  160. JZZQ - Tara Daggy - - Joy, I just love watching you, I've been following you since your first few videos on YouTube. I love to sew, but never quilted until I watched you. Didn't think I could do it, but you made it look so easy. I finally sat down and made my son a quilt and he loved it! Please never stop making your videos, I always look forward to them.

  161. JZZQ
    Hi Joy. How exciting that your are giving your quilt to a lucky person
    My hubby and I both watch your videos on YouTube. Thanks!
    Kathy V

  162. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  163. JZZQ- Yvonne. Hi Joy! First I have to comment on that HAPPY HAPPY quilt. I love it, it makes me think of a party, I am keeping positive thoughts that I will win that quilt. It will be like a party or Mardi Gras on my bed 24/7 what more can a person ask for then to go to sleep and wake up to something that reminds me to have fun. Anyway on to telling you that after watching you over and over again take that sip of your coffee and hearing that "mmmmmmm", always makes me want another cup when I've already had my every morning one cup. You sure can lift a person's spirits with your laughter, such a great personality and what an inspiration. I love how you include God in your messages. Thank you for being our mood booster. God bless you and your family.

  164. JZZQ Carol Jean here! Thanks for a chance to win the Zig Zag queen size quilt. Love the colors and design. 🦋

  165. JZZQ I think it is so generous of both you and Mary to share fabric and your talents to make and share this quilt with others. I enjoy our 'visits' very much. Oh, my name is Shirette incase it doesn't show. Thanks!

  166. JZZQ

    Hi Joy!!!! thanks for giving us an opportunity to win this beautiful quilt. I enjoy watching you on youtube, you have inspired me to sew.:)

  167. JZZQ Hi Joy, thank you for your kindness in giving away your beautiful quilt; what an honor it would be to own a quilt that you've made. God Bless You!

  168. JZZQ I follow you on you tube. Giving away the quilt is coming from your heart and Thank You!
    I would love to win the Joy Zig Zag quilt. I would share the quilt with my daughter as both of us love bright colors and designs!

  169. JZZQ I started watching you last year and have not stopped.....I so would love to win this Joy Zig Zag quilt....and I so would love to see your Edita Sitar quilt, bought all my stuff and am ready to go...and I so relate with the internet ours in awful we live in the country and I swear if the wind picks up it doesn't put a smile on my face everytime I watch you.....Penny Siemen

  170. JZZQ I would love to win this quilt for my daughter who is a single Mom to two beauriful girls. She works full time and never has anything left for herself. This quilt would be gorgeous on her queen bed. She lives in Michigan. Thank you for this opportunity. Love your vlogs!! Vicki Fenlon (formerly Holdwick)

  171. JZZQ I love your videos and the quilt is just beautiful. It would be an honor to display it here in my home. I have been sewing for over 45 years. My first experience was with my grandmother as she would sit me at her treadle machine and have me sew on lined paper to learn to get a strait line. It is one of my very wonderful memories of my grandmother. Now I am passing this skill down to my granddaughters, what a wonderful time we have together. Thank you for this opportunity. Sandy Ragucci

  172. JZZQ Hello again Joy. I’m Elizabeth Goldsberry. It seems I can’t get all of this right. Third time is a charm I hope. My first post disappeared when I hit publish and my second one I forgot to put the JZZQ. I don’t want to wear you out and write too much again(I’m a talker). So I know you read every post so I will just say thank you for giving us this opportunity. I will also go to Facebook and leave my thanks to Mary Williams. Thank you again.

  173. JZZQ Hello Joy, I've been watching you for yrs and now your daughter. Love, love, love your videos! I know you don't think you teach us anything, but I have learned a lot from you. I was making a cowl neck pattern and couldn't figure out how to do the neck then you had a video showing us how to do it. I also did FBA you showed. Another one I love is how you attach two ends of elastic together with fabric. I could go on with what I've learned from you so please never think you aren't teaching us, because you are! Thank you very much for all the time you put into making videos for all us. I never stop laughing or drinking your coffee, because I enjoy feeling like were close friends. Congratulations to who ever wins the beautiful JAAQ quilt. Thanks to Mary for her part of it. Sherry

  174. JZZQ Hi Joy! Sharon R. here! Tampa Florida

  175. JZZQ Shirley Cramer from Terra Alta, WV. Hi Joy. I absolutely love this quilt and would love to win it. It's the perfect size for my bed too. I watch all your Vlogs and have also been watching Tammy since she first started hers. You do wear your heart on your sleeve and this giveaway is just an example of your generosity.

  176. JZZQ Sorry forgot my email to notify my if I win. Thanks for being so generous. Love watching you on your vlog. Jeanne

  177. JZZQ love the quilt. I enjoy your Vlogs you and we were born in the same year. I was born in December of 50. It feels good to watch you.

  178. JZZQ. Joy, I love watching your videos, and I pray for you as you continue to stay upbeat through all your challenges. I like the way you "modeled" your mom with your your original sewing patterns. The love you share is so wonderful. Winning this quilt would be an honor.

  179. JZZQ. Love the quilt would love to win it. Thanks for all of your videos. Karen Benson

  180. Hi Joy, this is Diane Bianchi. Thank you so much for picking me! My email address is:
    And yes, I live in the U.S., in Minnesota!

  181. the winner of the Jazzy quilt you said was 104. 104 is Janet H. Diane B is 105

    1. Thank you Sharon. I will recheck that right now and make the necessary correction.

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. Joy - Love all your blogs/vlogs; I just got interested in making jewelry and can you please post the brand of tools you use when making jewelry. There are so many out there it's difficult to choose. I will not be doing jewelry professionally, so a good solid brand is all I need to know. Thank you. Nancy P.S.: I know this has nothing to do with this particular post.

  184. Joy,
    I just started watching your U tube channel about six weeks ago. I love your channel as you always make me feel happy. I have sewed for many years, yet you have taught me quite a few things already.

    Keep up the good work and ignore the trolls. They are just jealous that they don’t have your talents.

    Say a prayer for me as I am having a battery of medical tests this coming week and things don’t look promising.

    I just wanted to tell how much I enjoyed watching you. You make me laugh a lot, something that I need now.

    All the best,


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy