Monday, January 9, 2012

Knit Top #4

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....Everything on this blog looks different this morning.  I tried to link to Glenda's blog.  Didn't get that done, but I screwed up something else.  There it is.  I can link it here.  I want to link it on the main page.  Where does one go to blogging school?

Alright, Knit Top #4 is a red knit from Hancock's.  Now I know where I've been getting that knit that feels like it is made of rubber bands.  It is thick, like Ponteroma, but not as drapy (is that a word?).  I am getting really close at getting what I want.  The thing is, I could use the exact same pattern on a different knit and get a different result.  I hope I get that engrained in my brain!  The trick seems to be to start a little big on purpose and take it in as needed -- where needed.

Stay tuned for pictures ....  I'm getting so sleeeeeeeeeeepy .... and it's time for beddy bye for me.

Night, night.

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Hugs, Joy