Sunday, September 6, 2015

Death and Hell are the Riders!

Oh, my!

Wonderful readers, you probably have surmised that I am a Bible-thumping Christian.  I love Cornerstone Church in San Antonio where Pastor John Hagee and his son Matthew take turns preaching.  Today and the last three Sundays, Pastor John has preached on the FOUR HORSES OF THE APOCALYPSE.

Today was horse #4, the GREEN horse.

The rider of the green horse is DEATH AND HELL.

Pastor John Hagee is the BRAVEST of preachers knowing how preaching about Hell has become very politically incorrect, but he preaches it still.


Because it is the truth my friends.

I would love for you to go to under the archives and listen to all or one of the horse sermons.  All are very scriptural, and they are done like I have never seen in my life.  The new technology is so helpful for permanent enforcement in our brains of what the preacher said.  Check it out, and you will see what I'm talking about.

I am shaking from just hearing this sermon, and my mind is dwelling deeply into the possibility that some of my loved ones may not be ready.

Fortunately, I am NOT the type to "just not talk about it" and "let them figure it out for themselves".  I shout it loud and clear.  Ask my friends, x-friends, my kids or my grand kids and they will confirm that.  It probably won't be complimentary from some, but they will tell you.

Some will say, "She is SO self-righteous!"

Some will say, "She thinks she is better than everyone else!"

Some will say, "Bless her heart, she thinks the Bible is STILL applicable."

Some will say, "She really believes there is a Heaven and a Hell, but she never went to college, so she is uneducated!"

My husband's brother will tell you that we are CRAZY, and he can't stand to be around us because of our constant talking about the Bible.  Funny how he came here three times to get free of drug addictions, however.  And, as far as we know, he is free and clear of that today!  Praise God!

My own brother will tell you that if we ever lose our money, we won't serve God anymore.  That one has been the WORST blow of all!  I guess he has forgotten the years I was raising my child alone because her drug-addict father ran off with his druggie friends and left us all alone.  We lived on Campbell's soup, and I worked hundreds of hours of overtime to try to make ends meet since my X paid ZERO child support for our daughter's entire life!

I loved God BEFORE that -- DURING that -- AFTER that, and I will FOREVER!

My grand kids will tell you that when they come to Grandma and Papa's house THERE WILL BE CHURCH ON SUNDAY!  Period!  No excuses.  They don't argue.  They don't complain.  They just KNOW that is what is going to happen if they are here on Sunday.  When they were little, I used to ask them questions about the sermon to see if they were listening.  Now, we just discuss the sermon.

My grand kids will tell you that if they are sick, we will lay hands on them and pray for them to get well.

My grand kids will tell you that when we sit down to a meal, grace will be said BEFORE we consume it.

Yes!  Thank God!!!!  I never was liberalized by the lies taught by God-haters in the so-called "higher" institutions.  It is too late for me now.  I already know Jesus.  You could never change my mind.  But for those who don't know Him, my heart aches and breaks.

I made a VLOG for you and took some fun pics, but I will post those tomorrow.  My mind is whirling with this morning's message, and I'm not ready to jump off that track.



  1. I, too, love the Lord with all my heart. My mother raised my brother and I alone because my father left and wanted nothing to do with us. She worked very hard to provide a home for us and every Sunday we went to Church and mom taught Sunday School. I know I am blessed and will always love God.


  2. Good for you Joy. I to remember the rough days. Life has been tough for a lot of people but hopefully with a good attitude like yours we will get through it. Look forward to your vlogs.

  3. I love hearing from you Joy. I love to know that there are strong people like you in this world.
    It is so disheartening to hear what goes on in this world because of non-believers.

    On another subject...the sleeves on today's short sleeved shirts are too short for a middle-aged
    woman like me with the flappers. I have been trying to figure out a way to lengthen them so that they look nice. Would you
    have any pointers or ideas? My shirts are print and I tried adding solid fabric but it looked like I just
    added solid fabric. Yuck. I would appreciate any help or if you could point me in the right direction.
    I have googled without luck.

    Have a super day.



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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy