Now, I'm not saying the prices are the lowest you will find anywhere, but when you are 61 years old, CONVENIENCE trumps price every time. You gotta figure all that gas money you save too not having to drive all over the place looking for just the right item -- which, in my case, I don't even know what that is until I see it. Then there is the walking which I don't really mind unless the weather is bad, and here in Oklahoma the wind blows so hard you are lucky if the door doesn't blow off your car when you open it, never mind losing a package. Then you have to haul around the packages/bags/boxes because your car is parked down at the other end of the Mall. And the WORST, most horrible part for me is this...
If I am familiar with the store, I always walk way AROUND the perfume counters. But if it is a new store to me, I seem to always choose the entrance where the perfume-sprayer-lady is waiting to squirt unsuspecting shoppers with whatever the fragrance-of-the-day is. It might as well be Raid when it comes to me because of allergies to perfume. My throat swells up, my glands swell, stuff starts running down my throat like a river from a secret snot manufacturing plant inside my head.
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Okay, back to Here is how amazing it is. SATURDAY afternoon -- a weekend day -- I went to and ordered a new purse, about 8 pair of shoes and a little cell phone wallet. They arrived here on my front porch MONDAY, before noon.
Everything comes very well-packed inside one large box.
Out of the 10 items in the box, these are the only two things I kept:
How DARLING is that shoe! Look at how well it was packed:
And how AWESOME is this purse??? It is mega huge, so I can carry my Ipad in it like Phyllis does. She carries everything but the kitchen sink in her purse!
Remember, I can return these two items for a WHOLE YEAR. Very easy to return stuff! You just go to Zappos -- look up your order -- put a little check in the box next to what you are returning and print out the paper. Then they email you a label to slap on the box. Or you can get the label other ways.
Everything else that was in that box is sitting on my front porch right now waiting for the UPS man to pick it up. I know he will be here today because I had to order those shoes in a smaller size, and they will be here TODAY!!! How I love organization!
I better get off this chair and do something that requires a little more movement. I'll start by jumping on my little trampoline for a few minutes. And just to prove I have NO PRIDE AT ALL, I made a video of me on the trampoline to show you how wonderful it is. Right in the middle of my demo, the UPS man showed up at the front door. You will see my reaction. Poor guy probably won't recover for days!
Hugs, Joy