
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


My granddaughter -- John's sister -- is here with me today.  She is so photogenic, but she doesn't like to have her picture taken.  I convinced her to pose for just a few.

It is now the NEXT DAY -- Tuesday -- and we are at the Lakehouse -- our real house -- by Lake Texoma.  When Lindy and her brothers were little, they spent a lot of time down here with us, and it is "home" to them.  Yesterday, Lindy was lower than a snake's belly.  I had to MAKE her smile for that picture.  She has been through a lot in the last few years after her parent's divorce, and she is just so sad. 

Lindy wanted to go with me to meet Phylly for lunch, so we did that.  That cheered her up quite a bit.  While we were at lunch, we got a phone call from Papa Jerry saying he had just returned from the Skin Clinic where he was told to show up for surgery on his nose -- AGAIN -- this Friday.  Therefore, instead of joining us in Edmond, he was staying home.  Lindy perked up faster than an old-fashion coffee pot, and said, "Oh, Grandma!, We must go there right away so I can help take care of Papa."

She called her Dad, and he said it was fine, so within one hour, we were on our way "home".  We got here at 5:30 last night, and I swear, Lindy turned into a different young girl.  She unloaded the entire car -- she ran down the hall and put all of her clothes in a drawer and changed into fishing clothes.  She bounced around like Tigger as happy as could be.  I fixed dinner, and before Jerry and I even got up from the bar, Lindy had put all the dishes in the dishwasher.

It is 8:45 AM, and Lindy is over at the dock now -- by herself -- fishing.  I've got to go over in case she catches something too big to handle by herself -- not that I could do much other than call 911 -- but, at least, I will be there with my camera.  That, of course, is the important thing.

Here's some pics from last night. 

Papa had sores on his hands from having spots burned off yesterday at the Skin Clinic, so Lindy baited all the hooks.
That is Lindy's "I only caught a turtle face".   Papa caught all the fish.  I took pictures. 
If I'm not mistaken, I think Papa just got on the Mule to take Lindy a fishing net in case she catches a big fish.  I have a feeling, Papa may be late for work today.

Better run.  Want to enjoy my granddaughter.  We are going to make yoga pants sometime this week.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh......! I drove home at breakneck speed (okay, 20 mph in traffic) tonight just so I could read about the latest addition to the pond, and there is no story about it. I guess I have to wait until tomorrow! I don't think I'll make it. I may have to call you tonight, if I don't get busy sewing on my pink blouse.

    I'm glad Lindy is happier. She just needed to come "home".

    My fabric came from JA. It will be my next blouse. Maybe.
    Happy sewing!
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy