
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Sermon Notes and Alaska

As you can imagine, the sermon was about fathers today.  Very sad the state of the family in America.  So many homes without fathers at all.  It wasn't the intent of our God or our forefathers, that's for sure, for America to be what it is today.  I don't even want to go into all he said, because I don't want to depress my readers, but I do pray that the younger generation "sees the light", and they turn things back around.

John Hagee's daughter sang a surprise song for him that was really sweet.  She was crying through most of it and could barely sing.  I don't know how he didn't fall apart.  He said he knew nothing about it.  My Daddy died 14 years ago of lung cancer.  I sure miss him.  Wish I had a picture of him here, but I don't.

I spent a couple of days with Hollie last week before she flew to Alaska to be with John, my grandson.  The first day she went to the airport was Friday, but her plane was delayed due to some kind of mechanical problems, and that made it impossible for her to make her next flight in Denver, so Hollie just came back home with her Mom.

The next day, she tried again.  John was VERY upset at the airport -- not Hollie -- and I don't blame him, but I think Hollie did the right thing going back home.  She finally arrived in John's arms at midnight last night.  She called me earlier today, and she told me that it was as light at midnight there as it is at 8 AM here.  John told me he has to remind himself to go to bed, because it never gets dark.  Really strange.

I begged them to send me pictures.  I told John I want to see his bedroom, and the house he lives in, his car, his bathroom, his grass -- EVERYTHING!  He sent me a couple pictures late last night of the lower level of his friend's house that he and Hollie are living in until they find their own place.  It was quite nice with lots of room.  He had an air mattress and some furniture that he made out of what he could find.  Hollie's furniture will arrive later.

Here is the first pic I just got a few minutes ago.  They slept until noon today, so they are out seeing the town now.

Hollie says it is really beautiful there.  It must not be very cold if what they are wearing is any indication.

John's little sister, Lindy, called me yesterday and asked if she could come stay with us for awhile.  I am going to pick her up later today, and she is going to spend the night tonight.  When I go back home to Kingston, I will take her with me.  That is a real treat, let me tell you.  You will be seeing Lindy on my blog real soon.

I did make something today that I have never made before.  It wasn't that hard, but it was tedious.  I don't think I would want to do it too often.  Actually, it would be good to do it again right away and write down the things I've learned as I do it, but......  I'll have to settle for a few notes.

Here it is.  The one it replaced was 7 years old and quite delapidated.  (That's a cool word!)  I ordered the innards of this cushion online because it is suppose to be some special material that the water falls out of, and it is rot-proof.  We shall see about that.  Here it is with me deciding if it was worth $80 for the innards.  I LIKE IT!  I bought this outdoor fabric thinking it would be so cute with butterflies all over it.  You can barely see them because the fabric repeat is so big.
Notes for next time:

Mark center points on side strips and top and bottom pieces!!!!!

Choose a better print or a solid.

Learn to do piping in the next one.

Hollie is taking pictures for me.  She just sent this one.  That is the prettiest blue sky!

And is that a snow-covered mountain I see in the background? 

The road doesn't look paved, does it?  They must be in a park or something.

I better go do something.  It will probably involve eating!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely adorable couple! She
    is beautiful ... truly. Hard to believe
    she's still a teen.

    Good luck with all the back and forth
    on the redo. Lord knows, you've had
    such a huge project to get repaired ..
    and, there's always the sequence things:

    the painter's waiting for the drywall
    guy to finish, etc. etc.

    Your outdoor cushion looks great .. one
    step at a time .. ;)

    Hang in there .. keep the faith!



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Hugs, Joy