
Friday, June 15, 2012

Uninvited Breakfast Companion and Slumber Party Tonight

I hardly ever take a tranquilizer.  In fact, what I have is Xanax which is left over from four years ago when Jerry had back surgery and a very long needle that was supposed to take a sample from his spine BROKE OFF in two pieces inside his spine.  I tend to lose my cool when things like that happen.  Anyway, I have taken one-half of one pill, and I believe I am calm enough to type this post now.  Poor Jerry.  I always call him all panicky like he can do anything 150 miles away.

It rained quite hard last night, and I guess some of the outdoor creatures attempted to find shelter.  This one decided to find shelter on my living room carpet.

Before I ever noticed my guest, I had walked past him a dozen times.  I always walk across this room to my favorite chair where I glide for about 30 minutes each morning while I drink my first cup of caffeine.  No contacts in and no glasses on, so even if it was right in front of me, I would have missed it. 

While I was on the phone screaming hysterically at Jerry to DO SOMETHING, I managed to put on my garden gloves and pick up a kitchen utensil and go after the thing.  Going through my mind was all those guys on TV that just pick giant snakes up and hold them up in the air and look them in the eye.  I thought it surely couldn't be THAT dangerous, or why would they do that?  Just the other day I saw some girl on the news holding a giant snake above the news desk.  With that, I convinced myself to just pick it up and throw it outside.  I was afraid he could just crawl out the cracks in the tongs I was using, but it was the best weapon I had. 

Shortly after this happened, my brother called to let me know he is coming over to work on our computers which haven't been working right since I arrived this time.  When I told him about the snake, his brotherly response to me was:  "Well there is never JUST one."

Well, that was certainly calming to my already very jangled nerves!!!  I spent the next 30 minutes or longer hunting all over the place for the others.  I didn't want them to bite me, so I went in my closet and got on the thickest boots I own.  This is me this morning:

If I do see another snake in this house today, I guarantee you I will NOT be sleeping here tonight!

Phylly is coming over after work and is going to spend the night.  I'm making spaghetti.  I emailed Margaret to see if she wants to come, but I haven't heard back.  With three of us here, surely we will find any other critters that might have taken up residence.  I did wash the sheets on Phylly's bed, and there weren't any in it. 

Gotta get busy.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy