
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Target Practice, New Blouse and Bad Jewelry Design

Hello late on Tuesday night.  Jerry and I went to the gun shooting place and practiced shooting our guns.  After the break-in of his truck and the theft of my $2500 laptop, Jerry decided I should keep my gun loaded and in my nightstand.  He brought it to me and showed me it was loaded.  That made me VERY nervous.  I do not feel totally comfortable with that gun yet.  He understood and decided we should go shoot some more.  My new paper man is VERY dead, I'm happy to say, and I took my sister's suggestion and hung him up in my garage so any theft-minded passersby would see that whoever lives here owns a gun and can shoot it!

We must hope the thief doesn't find out that my nightstand not only has a gun in it, it also has a bottle of Benadryl, a bottle of antacids,  Kleenex, a baggie full of precut rectangles of Nyquil (as one could die of congestion by the time one got one open in its original packaging) and various lotions and nail files.  I don't think the thief would be too scared if he saw me reach into my nightstand and pull out a bottle of Vitamin E Oil which usually has a Kleenex sticking to the side of it.  He would probably think I was waving a surrender flag!

The top of the nightstand wouldn't work either.  I could grab the lamp, or the alarm clock, or my glass of water and all of that would have to be AFTER I found my glasses on top of the nightstand and put them on my face!  My point is, I'm not sure if the nightstand is a good place to put the gun.  The policeman at the class we went to said that his wife has hers ATTACHED to the back of the headboard.  Wish I had thought to ask HOW she attached it.  Would it be hanging from a string?  Stuck on with velcro?  Be inside a holster that was superglued to the headboard? 

I took a picture of my new blouse today.  It isn't that exciting really, and it is a pattern I have made before.  Remember the Amoeba blouse?  My sister saw the Amoeba blouse hanging in my closet and said it was awful, so I guess I was right about that one.  Phylly and Jerry said yellow buttons looked good on this blue floral blouse, but I don't like them.  I am going to change them to blue. 

I think the reason I don't like them is that they would distract from the necklace I am trying to make for it.  I made a necklace today, but it looks awful.  Jewelry-making is definitely an art. 

I picked out some beads from my very large collection that matched the white and the blue in the blouse.  Then I strung them together in what looked like a pretty design.  I finally got gutsy enough to actually use a bit of the 14K gold filled chain I bought and attached it to the necklace.

Here it is laying on a scrap of the fabric, and then a picture of it on my neck.  The idea was to make a hanging bobble to make the necklace form a V-shape, like the neckline.  You can see that was a total failure! 

The white beads look terribly out of place to me -- sort of like cocoons -- and the whole thing is too big and bulky for my neck -- except for the tiny gold chain that is more my style.  I hate drawing attention to my 62-year old neck anyway.  Tomorrow, this necklace will become a bracelet with just the blue beads and the gold spacers.  I can make some simple earrings too. 

The blouse is so busy with all those gigantic flowers, that it doesn't really need jewelry at all.  Plus, everything I make and wear is casual, and jewelry is so fancy.  BUT, I have spent a small fortune on all these pliers, and jewelry MUST be made!

It is after 10 PM, and I am tired.  I shall get in my jammies and snuggle up in my bed with my Ipad so I can play Scrabble with Margaret. 

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy