
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Comments about "Comments"

I have been so discouraged lately because I seldom receive a comment when I check my blog.  I read other blogs, and the comment sections are always full.  I realize that my blog is just chatty stuff that doesn't really matter when you throw it in amongst all the weighty matters of the world.  Really, my blog is my email to my friends everyday, and I really like it when they "comment" occasionally.  I know my friend, Pam, is on vacation with her grandkids, so I haven't heard from her for weeks.  I'm looking forward to her return!  She is my jewelry instructor, and we can all see I NEED instruction!

ANYHOW!  I brought that up to say that I was just pushing various buttons on the blog background page, and I saw I had over 450 comments.  I thought that was really strange.  If there have been 450 comments, WHERE have they been hiding from me???  I started reading through them with GREAT DELIGHT -- thank you for them all -- and I discovered that MY BRAIN needs a comment! 

     "Learn how to use Blogger!!!"

Here's the thing:  After I type my daily post and publish it, Blogger moves to another page.  It is a page that is kind of a REPORT of how many people read my blog and what posts they read.  There is a little section that shows "Comments" and the number of them.  I KNEW it was there, but I just ASSUMED that I already knew if anyone commented, so I never paid attention to it UNTIL TODAY.

What happens is if someone reads a post that is BEFORE today, and they go down to the bottom of it and click on "comments" to write a comment to me, the comment shows up under that date's post. 

So if you read something I wrote a month ago -- or you watch a tutorial -- and you put a comment there TODAY, I won't know it.  I will never see it, because I only see today.  BUT, when I go to that "report" page and check on "comments", I can see every post that is posted TODAY! 

Isn't that EXCITING!!!  I am so excited that I am going to get showered and dressed and email Phylly to see if she wants to meet me for lunch today so I can tell her all about it.  She just LIVES to hear whats on my mind, you know.  (Don't I wish!)

I will probably have an exciting waiter story when I get back, so watch for another post today.

Hugs to all and THANKS for the comments!



  1. Testing, testing. I have left you comments, most recently on the same day as your post. After I select profile (drop down menu), then click Publish, there's a message that indicates that you need to approve it before it will appear.
    I don't comment on many blogs, so when your blog shows "No Comments" when I know I've sent one, I feel less likely to comment in the future. I don't have a blog so of course I have no idea how to help you with this. Just thought you might like to know. Blessings to you today!

  2. Ten seconds later... my comment appeared. Mysteries of the Internet, I guess. ;)

  3. That is strange. When I leave a comment, I am asked to select a profile - I choose anonymous because I don't have any of the others. Actually, I am not sure what the others ARE.

    I hit publish and -voila- there is my comment. Nothing is said about Joy needing to approve it first.

    Carol (aka anonymous)

    See Joy - you DO get comments!

  4. Believe me! I have nothing to do with the way the comments work. If I did, I would change it. I know what you mean, Sandra, because there are some blogs that won't let me post either without a sample of blood and an Act of Congress!
    Hugs, Joy

  5. I have tried to comment before to tell you how much I like your blouses! I haven't been using SFD very long but really like it and Glenda is a treasure. Love reading your blogs--your life is an adventure!


  6. I just tried to leave a comment. Will try again.


  7. Something showed "error" the first time. Joy I really like reading your blogs. Your life is certainly and adventure! Also love seeing your SFD blouses. I haven't used SFD very long but like it and Glenda is a treasure!


  8. Have I left enough comments? LOL, ROF!!!


  9. You sure are right about Glenda, Sheila! She is part of the reason I started doing a blog. I wanted to show off how great SFD is. One of these days, I'm going to make a pattern for a tee shirt for Jerry. He needs a round back correction.
    Hugs, Joy

  10. I checked for your blog last night and didn't see the one you posted for the 21st. As for comments, well I usually leave one for you, but since I email and talk to you a lot, sometimes I just don't have anything new to say. I wouldn't want to repeat myself you know. Okay, I'm going to work on my red dress. I'm determined to get it finished so I can move on.

    There is a beautiful blue printed challis on Gorgeous Fabrics. It was a coordinate to a royal blue knit. Much prettier than the samples I showed you today. Oh, you texted me at lunch and I never checked to see what the message was. I better go check it out.

    Hugs, Phylly


TO COMMENT: Scroll down a bit and find the word "comments". It may have a number in front of it. Click on it, and you will be able to leave a somment. I realize you have to choose Google, Facebook or Anonymous or ? to post a comment. If you choose "Anonymous", you will be able to post a comment, but please leave your first name in your comment so I know you aren't a machine.

I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy