
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tattoo Lunch and Earrings in a Flash

I met Phylly for lunch at Applebee's today.  It is the Applebee's that I ate at years ago and decided it was horrible, so I have not been back until today.  I guarantee, it will be NEVER before I visit that place again!  It was worse than the last time.  The dress code at that place evidently requires you have giant holes in your ears, and at least, 20 tattoos up and down your arms, and another odd piercing or two located someplace on your head!  One guy had what looked like bright lime green wire coiled through his earlobes about 3 times.  Lovely!  Those people scare me, and I sure don't want them waiting on me.

My own grandson has those big holes in his ears, and I HATE them!  He knows it too.  For awhile, he covered them up when in my presence, but now he proudly displays them AND his tattoos on Facebook.  I never see him in person since he is now a teenaged father, and his girlfriend doesn't like me.  How DARE I suggest she might go back to High School after getting pregnant at 16 years old -- among other things I don't approve of. 

America is looking more and more like a heathen nation -- to me. 

So, that was the help working at the less than half-full restaurant.  You would think the management there would get a clue.  The next issue was the food. 

I ordered a dish that looked awesome in the picture on the menu.  When I got it, it resembled something I would have thrown away.  They aren't into presentation there. 

Evidently, the tattooed, pierced people burn all the vegetables, throw them in with some chicken, toss it a bit, and pour it over a kind of pasta that ISN'T the pasta in the picture.  It stands to reason that if they don't care what THEY look like -- why would they care what the food looks like.  Thank goodness Phylly ordered a salad, and it was enough for both of us.

Speaking of piercings.....

When I got dressed this morning in one of my now favorite blouses -- redesigned from a Silhouette pattern that had a wierd collar -- I realized that I didn't have any MATCHING earrings.  It was 11:15 AM, and I was meeting Phylly at the "Tattoo Parlor" for lunch at 12:00.  I hurried into my jewelry-making table -- formerly my cutting table -- and quickly made two earrings to match my outfit.  I LOVE doing this! 

Turns out that the beads I used yesterday in the "cocoon" necklace matched this blouse perfectly too. 

I didn't have any silver ear wires, so I took two silver plated head pins and twisted them.  Turned out great. 

I've decided I am going to have to purchase a small U-haul trailer to pull around behind me now that I have to travel not only with my fabric and patterns, but with my jewelry-making paraphernalia. 

Did I tell you that Jerry finally allowed me to buy the LARGE tool bag that I wanted in the first place?  He is using the small tool bag to carry some kind of wheelchair fitting implements he takes to customer's homes. 

I'll take a pic for you.  It is just TOO KEWL!

Hold on ........................

I took 4 pics for you.

Notice all the plier compartments all around the outside of this tool BAG and all the handles. 

Notice the gray and black zipper bags.

I have them both full also.

One has headpins.

One has beading wires.

The fishing tackle-type box came with it too.

I love these little screw-on containers to hold my beads in.  You can easily see through them, and they come in three different sizes.  Gets my organization juices running wild!

I can't believe how much this one tool bag full of stuff cost!  Yes!  I will be having earrings to go with EVERY new blouse.  Too bad I can't wear the large dangly kind so I could use up more product.

Anyone want some earrings?

Guess I better do something besides sit here and let my backside spread further than it already has!  The weather here is GORGEOUS today.  Hope it is where you are.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy, I am posting a comment for you today. I have left some comments on previous posts (you will find them when you get through your 450!)

    I found your blog this weekend and have been devouring your funny, insightful, and honest words!

    I love your sewing tutorials on YouTube.

    I would so like to learn about your cutting table. I will be receiving as an "all year" gift the SFD Works combo - can't wait! But, first I have to finish the 21 no sew blankets for the kids and grandkids (OMG - a lot of tying). So..after the blankets are done I can get back to sewing - which I LOVE to do! Your cutting table looks inspiring!



  2. PS - love your jewelry too - your bag appears quite handy

  3. Hi Debora!
    I bought my last cutting table online. I'll have to look around to see if I can find it again. I have had the others for so many years, I can't really remember WHERE I got them. Maybe from Nancy's Notions. I'll let you know if I can find a source. You want a sturdy one that can fold down to a smaller size. That is what mine is.
    Hugs, Joy

  4. Cutting Tables: You can google "cutting tables" and several will come up from 1/2 price at JoAnn's for a not very good one, to $700. There is one that looks like one of mine (I have 3)here:

    I could not sew without one!

    Hugs, Joy

  5. Joy,
    It took me forever to figure out how to leave you a message.
    Your blog comes thru on my e-mail and there isn't a place to check off comment.
    At the bottom of my email, I finally checked off Joyfull Expression, which took me to your main page that has all your information on it. When scrolling to the bottom it has the comment section, and I would fill it out and nothing would happen. FIRST you have to open up an account or you can't publish your comment.
    When you post your blog it doesn't get to me until the next day on my e-mail. Comments made to you would not get to you on the same day.

    Possible at the bottom of your blog at you signature area, you could post a note that would have your readers go to JOYFULL EXPRESSIONS.

    Glad you are having wonderful weather. We are in Central FL, and keeping an eye on Isaac. Not a good thing for the Republican Convention starting on Monday. They are expecting 50,000 people and we sure don't need a Hurrican to change all the plans. It is a little early at this time, the band takes up the whole State of FL, and being on the East side is a rain maker for us.
    Joan Schofield

  6. Good heavens! No wonder people don't comment. I am a member of several blogs, but I don't get any via email. I don't get notices when they post either. Strange.
    Good to hear from you, Joan. I heard about the hurricane on the news yesterday.
    Hugs, Joy

  7. I would but say to you all "impressive information" Fashion Buzzer


TO COMMENT: Scroll down a bit and find the word "comments". It may have a number in front of it. Click on it, and you will be able to leave a somment. I realize you have to choose Google, Facebook or Anonymous or ? to post a comment. If you choose "Anonymous", you will be able to post a comment, but please leave your first name in your comment so I know you aren't a machine.

I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy