
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You Know What "They" Say

What doesn't KILL you, makes you stronger.  Or something like that.

This was a hard day emotionally, but a very pleasant day with Aunt Betty Jane and Phylly.  Thank God they both came along today.  It made it so much easier for me.  We even managed to stop at a quilt shop in Hennessey on our way back from the hospital. 

That is an actual picture of the store, although I did not take it.  There are several more rooms full of fabrics not shown in this pic.  I would show you what I bought, but the fabric is in my car, and I'm too tired to walk outside and get it.

You can see below what an old landmark building it is in.    

Jerry's Mom ("Mom") has digressed so much in just the last few weeks.  We took her to the Geri-Psych Ward at a very nice hospital today.  It is called "Generations".  She was okay coming along with us UNTIL she realized she was in a hospital room.  She was VERY upset about that.  She would not get on the bed.  She said it was NOT HER BED and she wasn't getting on it.  She told Phylly and BJ that if she had KNOWN we were bringing her there, she would NOT have come with us.  It was a hard thing for all three of us because we knew Mom when she was in her right mind, and "she" just isn't there anymore.  Such a total change, and I'm sure many of my readers have experienced it with their parents. 

From what I was told today, she is supposed to stay there for 3 to 7 days for them to EVALUATE her and determine if they can stabilize her so she doesn't hurt herself or someone else.  If they can do that, then she can go back to her little apartment at the living center.  If not, then we have to do something else.  We will take one day at a time and cross that bridge when we come to it.

Meanwhile, I am sitting here at her almost empty house attempting to blog with a not-very-fast internet.  Reminder:  Mom's HOUSE that she still owns is just 5 blocks away from the LIVING CENTER where she now lives.  Her house is for sale, and I always stay in it when I come here.

The air conditioner is working well today, however, and that is a blessing.  A brand new system will be installed tomorrow, so that will be another worry behind us.  I will go to her apartment tomorrow and clean out her closet and check all of her things.  You can only do that when she is NOT there!

The living center has an excellent cook on staff that used to have a Bakery here in Kingfisher.  He gave us three cinnamon rolls -- homemade fresh today -- to take with us this morning.  I put them in the trunk, so they had been there for about 4 hours, and they were just the right temperature when we got back to Mom's house.  The three of us sat at her kitchen table and enjoyed every single mouth-watering morsel.  Phylly didn't even leave a stain or a crumb on her plate.  They were GOOOOOOOOOOOD!

It is almost 8 PM and I have to entertain myself until bedtime.  Hard to do with no TV and a slow internet.  My sister, Judy, gave me one of those find-a-word books for my birthday, so I may sit and do that for awhile. 

Need a new book to read.  Any suggestions????

Hugs, Joy 

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Hugs, Joy