
Friday, September 21, 2012

Bubba Fired and SFD Blue Dress!

Yep.  I emailed Michael -- Bubba's boss -- with pictures attached -- and I told him all the stuff I told you yesterday.  I received the NICEST email from his secretary, Julie.  She told me they were VERY SORRY and promised me Bubba would NEVER be at this job site again or any other job site.  They fired him today.  I am so glad I always have a camera close by.  A picture speaks a thousand words -- it is true.

I have been home all day, and I washed and pressed my new blue dress.  After looking at the pictures of myself in it, I've decided the DESM diet will DEFINITELY continue!  Here are the pics.  No jewelry YET, and I was barefoot.  I want to make a pretty long necklace and earrings to go with it.  Maybe tomorrow.

This dress was made from my Sure-fit Designs Blouse pattern.  It is the one with the boatneck on it.

I surely have a picture of the blouse I made SOMEwhere.  (See there, Deanna, I can't find anything either!)

Okay, there it is.  Notice it has sleeves.  I just left them off and made facings for the blue dress. 

I simply put my SFD SKIRT blueprint under the blouse pattern, and added a skirt to the blouse.  I also added pockets in the side seams.


I cut out a cute tie belt to attach at the side seams to pull forward and tie in a bow in the front.

I decided I didn't need stomach emphasis, so left it off.  Maybe if I look less like Santa in the middle after losing more weight, I'll attach the tie belt. 

Here is a picture of the back of the dress.

I don't know why I decided to stand with my legs spread apart like a tripod and my hands in my pockets.  Hopefully, without those oddities, the diagonal pulls across the back disappear.

That's it for today.  I'm going to go play with my jewelry-making supplies to see if I like anything I already have to go with this dress.  I'm thinking a pretty scarf would look great with it, and I bet I have one.  Back in the olden days when I was an executive secretary, and I had to dress up every day to go to work, I owned a lot of pretty scarves.  I still have some of them and I actually KNOW where they are!

Hugs, Joy 


  1. Fabulous colur and the dress looks great - very flattering.

  2. Hi Joy...Love your dress. The color is fabulous on you. Don't know why you don't wear dresses more often (I remember your commenting that you DON'T wear dresses). This looks great on you. Good job on the pockets. I'll be adding this to the SFD Customer Photo Gallery.



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Hugs, Joy