
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Life is a Beach and DESM Dieting

What a GREAT day this was!  It was like being on vacation on a private island beach, and I was only sitting at my desk in my office at our store.  Women to talk to who actually look you IN THE EYE, and they acknowledge that you have spoken to them!  My Service Tech, Tim, who can't help me fast enough if I make the slightest move toward doing something he can do for me.  He even insisted on packaging up my Fire Mountain jewelry returns this morning.  Too bad every company can't have help like we do.  We are VERY blessed right now with amazing employees.  Thank You, Lord!

I don't have a single crazy story to tell you.  My whole day was lovely.  Even lunch at the "Greasy Spoon".  I lovingly call it that.  It is really a very nice little restaurant.  They serve plate lunches every day with a few variables.  The girls who work there are very "woodsy", if you know what I mean, and I really like them both.  They are so real and down-to-earth and easy to correspond with.  They never screw up my order -- except for one time when I got burned chicken -- but that was just a fluke.  Maybe a substitute cook that day or something.  Phylly was with me that day, and she probably got them all flustered.  (-;

Jerry and I went to Gecko's for dinner since we both worked until 5:30.  I had a taco salad served by Carlos, another of my favorite waiters.  He always remembers that I need a little bowl of chopped tomatoes.  He told me I am the ONLY customer who gets them and, of course, that is because I am the ONLY customer who ever asked for them.  Jerry thinks I am way too much trouble to the poor servers at the restaurants, but the servers don't seem to mind at all.  I know all of them by name.  The waiter at The Olive Garden in Oklahoma City runs up and hugs me.  Remember Heath? 

So now, I am up here on my computer talking to you because when I went to get my Ipad to watch while walking my mile-a-day-on-the-treadmill, I noticed it had only 23% charge on it.  I decided I better let it charge for awhile. 

Remember my DESM diet?  I have lost 4 pounds so far.  Jerry actually noticed it.  I couldn't believe it.  I can hardly notice it myself.  I can tell a little in my face.  I have been walking AT LEAST one mile on the treadmill every day.  I figured out that I can prop my Ipad up where a book is supposed to go -- but doesn't -- and I can watch How To videos while I am walking.  Sometimes, I walk two miles without even knowing it.  KEWL!  All I am doing is eating less.

Breakfast today:  One piece of toast with butter.  Lunch today:  Chicken Tetrazzini, Summer Squash, Double Salad (2 little ones instead of mashed potatoes) and half of the roll they put with it.  NO DESSERT!  That has been one of my main downfalls.  It is Phylly's fault, really, because when we go out to eat, I need a dessert to share with her.  Not anymore! 

When I make a sandwich, I use half the mayo I used to use -- half the cheese -- and tons of lettuce.  No meat.  If I do meat, then NO cheese.  I ate one cookie today, and one kolache.  I'm not going to take away all the joy of eating!  I figure I put an extra 10 pounds on gradually, and I can take it off gradually.  I don't want to lose too much because I don't want to have to start over on all the blouses I have made - -and the pants -- and the dresses!  I'm aiming for 148.  Not skinny, of course, but it sure beats 158!

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, we must never forget, what comes off of my body, must come off Lucy's body too.  And this dress fits her so well right now. 

Sure hope I have the right color beads to make some jewelry for this dress.  My sister, Janice, suggested I wear it June 1st next year to her youngest son's wedding.  Sounds like a "plan" to me!

Guess I better get my body in there on that treadmill.  I'll be back tomorrow, and I SHOULD have my blue dress finished!



  1. Who makes who eat dessert?????????

    I think slowly is the best way to lose weight. It makes it easier to keep it off if you lose it slowly.

    Your blue dress is really pretty. Can't wait to see you in it.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Hi, I’ve been a lurker around your blog for a few months. I love this article and your entire site! Looking forward to reading more! daily dieting plan for weight loss Top post. I look forward to reading more. Cheers


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Hugs, Joy