
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jerry's Back and Butterick 5824 "Gertie's Coat"

Helloooooooooooooooooo everybody!  Isn't this just the greatest day? 

My husband arrived yesterday afternoon, and I have been HIGH ever since.  He really is the MOST MARVELOUS, AMAZING man! 

Can you tell I missed him just a tad????

We are suppose to go home TOGETHER on Sunday, and I, hopefully, will get to STAY there for a real long time.  We shall see.  I just called to check on the countertop/sink installation that was suppose to be FOR SURE September 17th.  But NOOOOOOOOOOOO.  Now the boss is saying the 18th. 

If I haven't developed sufficient patience through this ordeal, I doubt I ever will.  The owner keeps telling me he can't believe how patient I have been.  Well, what choice do I have?  I could go down there and strangle him, but I doubt that would speed things up! 

I guess I could send another email to King Kong.  (Read the post prior to this one.)  He could start an investigation!  That was his response to my email to him.  He informed me that these things take time, and they have to go through proper channels, and they have to do an investigation.  I emailed him back and suggested he make a 5-minute phone call to the Manager of Countrywood and tell her the problems and how to fix them.  #1.  CLEAN the cabinets and drawers.  #2. Get rid of the mice entryways.  #3.  Tell the employee she can't bring her kid to work.  and #4, and #5....  He emailed me back and told me he could handle it, and an investigation has been started.  Wait!  Is Countrywood owned by the Government???  I don't think so. 

I found the FUNNEST thing to do for my seamstress friends.  Go to
and read down until you see her new Butterick 5824 coat pattern.  She is going to have a SEW ALONG on Twitter so whoever wants to can sew the coat with her help.  It is a darling coat pattern, although I prefer a straight skirt on my coats.  I tend to slam the car door on my coats.  I hate to even wear them, but one can't freeze, can one?  It is fully lined, and I would like to make it just to refresh my memory on how you line a garment.

Gertie is the tattooed young lady that has released her first book and now has her own pattern line.  She is a very-fast-rising star in the sewing world.  She just released her first book, and now she has her own pattern line.  She loves retro styles of the 50's.  I love them too because that is how my Mom used to dress.  I always thought she was so pretty in her white lace blouses and full-circle satin skirts.

Gertie's blog referred me to the following website that displays lots of pictures of the coat made up. 

I may run over to Hancock's real quick to see if they have 5 yards of a lightweight coating fabric.  Heaven knows, I won't find any in Kingston, OK.  I HATE heavy coats.  I bought a fake fur coat made up by Donna Sawyers many years ago at a sewing event.  She was selling her samples, and I was very fortunate to get it.  I think I have -- maybe -- worn it twice in all these years.  It is just so warm!  It doesn't get that cold here in Oklahoma.  I would send it to Hollie in Alaska, but her whole body could probably fit inside the sleeve!  She is so tiny.

Better get.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. You know if you strangled the countertop guy you would go to jail and you wouldn't have to worry about the countertop. All youbwould have to do is have your lawyer only choose woman jurors. A. Jury made up of women would never convict you. It would be justifiable homicide!

    Yes, that is the coat pattern that I love and want to find.

    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy