
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Play Day With Phylly and Going Home!

I don't know WHY, but I didn't even think to make a video today with Phylly.  We could have done a great one too.  This is the last day we are going to be together until I come back to town, so we just talked and talked and the time sped by.  I worked on my McCall's pattern and she worked on her dress pattern, and we got them both slit and spread and taped and fitted and ready to sew.  Phew!!!  It is a lot of work, but so well worth it.  FIT is everything when you sew. 

I have gotten so when I am in a store like Dillard's or Penneys or wherever, I don't even look at the clothes, never mind try them on.  I KNOW they are not going to fit me, so why bother? 

I bought 6 yards of coating fabric for my Gertie coat.  It is a black and white houndstooth print.  I am putting a bright red lining in it!  I think we are starting a sew-along-with-Gertie on October 1st.  I will keep you posted.  Of course, I will be using my SFD blueprint for fitting assurance.  I would like to just draw this pattern from my SFD kit, but I'm afraid I would drive Glenda crazy asking her questions.

I've decided Jerry and I COULD actually drive to our church on Sunday mornings, instead of watching church on the internet, and I could wear my coat there.  Nothing else I do requires a coat that pretty.  My usual "coat" is a zip-up hoodie, and my usual church-at-home attire is my pajamas.

The current plan is to drive home tomorrow morning.  I will tear our bedroom apart to make sure their are no relatives of the big scorpion that climbed up Jerry's undershirt while he was sleeping one night still in the room.  Jerry told me he sprayed scorpion spray IN THE VENTS because he thought they came up through the vents.  I told him I hoped he didn't kill the two of us by blowing that poison all through the house!  I will put some fresh sticky traps under the bed so the crawly things will get stuck.  They work really good, and they aren't toxic.  Except for the few times I have stuck one to the vacuum wand, or the time the cat got his paw stuck on one, we haven't had any problems with them.  

Gotta go.  I'll be back tomorrow from HOME!  Countertops are GUARANTEED to be in on Tuesday! 

Hugs, Joy


  1. I haven't bought any clothes since we took our first fit class with Lorraine Henry three years ago. Okay, some undergarments. RTW just doesn't fit my short busty body!

    I bought 6 yards of a wool twill for my coat this morning and six yards of ambiance plus my pattern for the Gertie coat. The lining cost more than the fashion fabric. I still have to get the interfacing, but it was time for church. I watched it twice again

  2. HAd to get the youngest munchkin out of trouble.

    Anyway, I enjoyed our day yesterday. I'll miss you, but I'm glad you finally get to go home.

    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy