
Friday, October 5, 2012

More Coat Patterns and Paper Dolls

Good Morning Everyone!

It is Friday.  That means tomorrow is Saturday, and Phylly is coming over for an all day play day.  I am so excited because I just happen to have FOUR new coat patterns that need to be fitted to me.  Really, I do, and I will tell you why.

I live -- when I am at this house -- 3 miles away from Hancock Fabrics, and they were having a sale yesterday on Simplicity patterns.  They were $1 a piece, and you could buy 10.  For some reason, I feel it is my DUTY to let Hancock's know how much I appreciate their $1 patterns, so I always go and buy them even though I have more than I can store or ever hope to sew in 10 lifetimes.  I sure hope we have sewing machines in Heaven!

Since I do NOT have my fabric for my Gertie coat with me, I decided to look for another coat pattern.  I could not believe how many coat patterns there were!  I bought 4 of them.  NONE of them have that full skirt that Gertie's coat has, and NONE of them take more than 3 yards of fabric.  They all have really nice details that I want to learn how to do.  I took a picture of each pattern for you:

I bought this one because it says to make it out of Fleece.  Since Fleece is ALWAYS on sale -- and is stacked up to the ceiling at both Hancock's and JoAnn's -- I decided to buy this one.  I have some dark purple fleece in my closet at my other house, so I will use it.

Forget the hat though.  Hats swallow my head completely.  I wrote a blogpost some time back about when I belonged to the Red Hat Society for about 3 months.  I was told I HAD TO WEAR A HAT and, of course, everything had to be red and purple.

I went to Walmart to look for a hat because I darn sure wasn't buying anything expensive.  I could not find a hat small enough for my head, so I ended up buying a strip of that stick-on insulation you put around your doors and sticking it all around the inside of the hat.  I didn't last long as a Red Hatter!

I have NO IDEA what "Project Runway" is, but there were lots of coat patterns in that section of the Simplicity book.  Here are the three I bought for $1 a piece:

I will make the short versions where one is offered.  I really need jackets more than coats.  I live in Oklahoma, and we don't have that much really cold weather.  Besides, you only need a coat while you run from your car into the fabric store! 

And GUESS WHAT!?  I pulled out the instruction sheets from the pattern I decided to P&P (Palmer and Pletsch Fit) to myself since Phylly is coming, and I found this:

At first, I thought it was to cut out and play paper dolls with.

And notice how the model's figure is JUST like mine!

After reading part of the sheet's instructions, I found out that it is a CROQUIS KIT. 


Sounds like something a frog does.

I'm going to use these drawings like paper dolls.  I will color the coat red, and choose the pockets I want and the neckline.  Can't wait!  I LOVE to color.  Don't you?  I couldn't get enough of it when I was a kid, and God help you if you ever colored in my coloring book or messed up one of my masterpieces!

This coat is going to be red with a black lining.

I wonder how it would look with a black collar and black buttons.

I shall color it and find out!

I've got to go.  I haven't even showered yet, and Hancock's has Vogue patterns marked down to
$3.99 today.

Since I just took the Craftsy class from Sandra Betzina teaching pant-fitting, I want to go buy some of her "Today's Fit" patterns.  Evidently, they are designed for the women who have long said goodbye to their girlish figures.  I like Sandra, but her messiness bugs me.  She is always starting to say something, and then just stops and starts another sentence.  That bugs me.  She never can find her stuff either.  Unorganized.  Maybe she and Peggy are secret sisters.  BUT!  Do I have a class on Craftsy? No!  Have I written a dozen sewing books? No!  So I admire her for that, and I really appreciate her knowledge even though her style bugs me a bit.

Gotta go.  Have a terrific day my friends!!!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Good luck with the coats. I look forward to seeing that purple fleece. I have to say, when I was in college in Oklahoma, I thought it was the coldest place on earth :)

  2. I agree with you Carole. Maybe not the coldest place on earth, but cold enough that I want a good warm coat all the way down to my ankles!

    Dolls and paper dolls;I don't know which one I loved the most. I had a huge box of paper dolls and all the clothes that I had drawn for them before we left Texas, but Mom made me get rid of most of them when we moved to California. I was broken hearted! But, it didn't take me long to get more paper dolls and draw more clothes for them. My great aunt Nina saved me all of the McCalls magazines because they had Betsy McCall paper dolls in them. When we visited Oklahoma I spent a lot of time cutting out Betsy McCall and all of her clothes. Sure kept me busy!

    I had lots of fun today and sure hope we can do it again next Saturday before you head back to Kg. Maybe I'll have my coat muslin made by then.
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy