
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Paper Doll Coat

This day totally flew by!  Phylly got here about 10 this morning, and she stayed until 4:15.  It seems like she was here for only 2 hours.  We worked really hard all day long Palmer/Pletsching our coat patterns.  Mine is ready to cut out of fabric -- actually TWO of them are ready to cut out, but I don't have the proper interfacing on hand.  I will have to go back to Hancock's tomorrow to see if they have anything nice enough to use in a coat.  Usually, we order our interfacing from Palmer/Pletsch OR a new place recommended by Gertie.  Expensive, I suppose, but if you are going to all the trouble and expense to make a coat, you need the good stuff inside it.

Remember my paper doll?  Check her out in red and black.

I've decided I like that look, so that is how I am going to make my coat.  Since I have to go back to the fabric store, I might look for something to underline this one with to make it warmer.  Maybe flannel.

She isn't colored very good, I know, but that is because this almost new box of 96 crayons did not have RED in it!


Some of them LOOK red, but they aren't.  Therefore I had to color my paper doll with a colored pencil.  I couldn't even find a red Sharpie marker around here.  It still showed me what I wanted to see.  Thank goodness Phylly was here to help me P&P the pattern today because that collar had to be cut down 1/2 inch to keep it out of my ears.  Does everyone have a really loooooooooong neck but me???

It is only 5:45 here, but I'm ready to get in my jammies and head for my glider.  I had an omelet for dinner and a sliced banana in milk for dessert.  It was DELISH!  I'm still on my DESM diet, but I'm stuck at 153 pounds.  If I ever see 152, you will hear me squeal all the way to where you are!  My goal is 148.  Don't want to lose much more or all the clothes I have made will be too big for me.  I already need to take a dart in my bras.  Besides, I can't tell you how many people I know who lost a bunch of weight, and then they put it all back on PLUS some more.  I sure don't want to waste my time doing that.

Gotta go.  It is really cold today for Fall.  Only 50 degrees, and the clerk at Braum's told me it is getting colder tomorrow.  Well, I THINK that is what she said.  She is the CUTEST oriental young woman.  Her name is LENGFUNG (or something like that).  I asked her one time how to say her name.  She repeated it about six times to me, but I couldn't even get close.  She recognizes me every time I walk in, and she wants to talk to me.  She can't understand me, and I can't understand her, so we both just shake our heads up and down and smile and laugh. 

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy