
Friday, December 7, 2012

Dancing with Jesus

Wow!  You never know what you are going to get when you order music these days -- even Christian music.  I ordered some CD's for Christmas gifts, and I put them in my CD player this morning to listen to them to see if they are any good.

One of the songs is SO BEAUTIFUL.  I have played it over and over and over.  I feel like Jesus walks into this room and dances with me every time I play it.  It makes the hair stand up on my arms.  It is sung by Matt Hagee and is called "The Table".  It is about Jesus coming to sit at a table with you or me, and it describes what WE bring to the table and what CHRIST brings to the table.  I believe it is referring to communion.

The music is a waltz, I think.  I want to learn the words so I can sing it to Jesus myself.  Awesome!

Here are the words:

What we bring to the table
is our need for a Savior,
our longing for the sacrifice
that cleanses us from sin.

What He brings to the table
is a body that was broken,
with a flood of mercy flowing
as our souls are fed by Him.

He says come take and eat,
He says come drink your fill,
Without price -- without shame,
Come and taste heaven's meal.

Grace divine, love so real.

What we bring to the table
is our fear of tomorrow,
the shadow of uncertainty
that darkens all our days.

What He brings to the table
Is a hope that is eternal,
A peace beyond all reason
and a vision of our way.

He says come take and eat,
He says come drink your fill,
Without price -- without shame,
Come and taste heaven's meal.

Grace divine -- love so real.

What we bring to the table
is our need for a Savior,
What He brings to the table
meets our every need.

The music makes it soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful.  I'm going to go turn it on again.  This CD may be worn out before I give it away!

There is another song that gives me goosebumps too.  It is called "After the Rain".

I need to clean up this room.  I've been wrapping presents for Hollie and John all morning.  They live in Alaska, and I want to be sure they get there before Christmas.  I was going to fly them here for Christmas, but the rates tripled and it would have been over $4,000.  I wanted them to get the tickets months ago, but they really couldn't because they didn't know John's schedule at work or Hollie's for school.

Better start dancing with the vacuum in this room!

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy