
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Skinny Screws and Not-So-Gorgeous Red Blouse

Hello friends on Thursday.  This week is flying by like all the others in 2012.  It is suppose to be 76 degrees outside today.  That's just not right for December!  It is lovely for shopping, however, so I did stop at the Liquor store last night on my way home.  It is a former worn out gas station or dump -- not sure -- but I have always been afraid to stop there even though I drive right by it every day on my way home from our store.  I wasn't even sure it was a store, but there was a lit up "Liquor" sign hanging in the window, so I thought it was either some teenager's bedroom or a store.  Decided to find out. 

There was a very nice man inside who informed me he wasn't allowed to sell anything that didn't have liquor in it when I asked him if he had any stoppers to put in the wine bottle after the cork was removed.  He had my favorite, Reunite Lambrusco, and I was very surprised that he also had Kendall Jackson Pinot Noir (sounds like "pee no more" -- thanks Deanna).  It is the one that is suppose to be good for you, so I've decided to learn to like it even though it does cost 3 x as much as Lambrusco.

I don't know HOW I got off on that subject.  I was going to tell you about the skinny screw.  You know what that is, don't you?  It is a screw that has such a tiny slot in it that when you put your sewing screwdriver in it to turn it counterclockwise to loosen it, you jam the screwdriver into your thumb and slice it open.  Yep!  That is how my day started.  Funny thing is, when I picked the screwdriver up, I thought to myself, "I hope I don't cut myself with this."  Shoulda been a sign, huh???

I decided that my red blouse was boring and looked just like all my other blouses -- except for the fabric -- and I wanted to do SOMETHING to make it different.  It actually does have a different sleeve -- a 2-piece sleeve -- but you can't really tell.  I decided that I had just enough fabric left to put a ruffle on the sleeve, and I remembered that ruffler contraption I had paid a small fortune for a few years ago.  I got out the ruffler attachment and that is where the skinny screw was that I had to loosen.  After that bloody event, some Neosporin and a bandaid, I continued with the ruffle adventure.  FIRST, I had to remember how to use the crazy thing because Bernina doesn't believe in putting directions in the box.  I fiddled with it for quite awhile, and I figured out how to make it work.  Here is what I came up with:

Of course, I had to make two of them.  It took me a long time, so I hope you are impressed!  I put the two ruffles on the end of my sleeves, and I put the blouse in the washing machine.  I took a shower, ate lunch, ironed my blouse and put it on.  I thought I would be thrilled with the fit, but I wasn't.  I think the fabric is just really stiff though, and the blouse is fine.  While I was pressing my new blouse, Jerry suddenly appeared in the doorway.  Since he left to go to another town this morning, I was really surprised.  I told him I would be down to fix his lunch as soon as I got my blouse on. 

Then it happened.  I walked into the kitchen with my new red blouse on adorned with darling ruffles, and I might as well have had my pajamas on for all the notice it got.  That is when I decided it must not look very good -- or it looks like all my others.

So here's a picture.  I'm trying to show off the ruffles.  I'm going to start a knit top next, I think.  Either that, or think of some more people I know to send Christmas cards to.

When Jerry left to go back to work, I came upstairs to take this picture for you.  That went well UNTIL I tried to download it into PhotoShop.  The most INSANE thing happened.  PS would open but I would get an error message saying the world was coming to an end -- or something like that -- and I had to close it immediately or else!!!  I closed it, and tried again -- and again -- and again.  I rebooted.  Same thing.  I decided I was going to have to call those people in India to figure out what to do.  I SWEAR, those people don't have a clue what they are doing, and they just read little help sheets to you. 

I guess there is a new law that you can only TALK to one of those India guys if you have the LATEST version of PS.  Since PS 11 has come out, my PS10 is now an OLD version.  Hence, you cannot talk to a person -- you have to CHAT with a person.  Here is how my afternoon went:

From 1:12 PM until 2:18 PM, I chatted with Santosh.  Got disconnected.
From 2:25 PM until 3:07 PM, I chatted with Gokul.  Got disconnected.
From 3:41 PM to 4:30 PM, I chatted with Tanvi.  Got disconnected.

At 4:30, Tanvi was in my computer trying to figure out what to do.  He told me I needed to make him a temporary Administrator or he couldn't help me.  As I was TRYING to do that while wondering if he was going to see everything in my computer and if he was really some kind of spy, our chat disconnected, but not before I got Jerry on the phone to ask him how to do something Tanvi told me to do.  That caused me to have to LOG OFF and LOG BACK ON.  Would you believe that doing that somehow miraculously has cured PhotoShop?  I had already lost the chat with Tanvi, so it had nothing to do with him.  Three people, and none of them could help me.  AARRGGHH!!!  And people think I am not patient.

Time to run.  Have to make supper for the Master!

Hugs, Joy


  1. I love your blouse - the ruffles are great, and it's a very good color for you!

  2. Hi Joy
    This really is a nice looking blouse and suits you well, what a great finish too with the ruffles. Your blog is so helpful and your sense of humour despite the everyday trials and tribulations of life is wonderful. I come here for a cheer up.!
    Love to you.

  3. The blouse looks great. Men never notice stuff like that, just post them and we will let you know. I hear you about Indian helpful don't, don't let them take over your computer!

  4. Joy Joy, The blouse looks great! As you have said before, Jerry has a one track mind. You could probably stand naked in front of him and if he is focusing on something else he would not even notice. My DH is that way if he is watching TV or playing a computer game.

    Anyway, I love the ruffles on the sleeves. The just make the blouse!

    Hugs, Phylly

  5. Joy, the blouse is beautiful! Do you have enough material to add a ruffle down the front or maybe around the collar too?

    I love you blog and check every day to see what you are up to and become inspired by your ingenuity! I have not left a comment in a while because I forgot my Google password - a dementia moment or two.

    Your blog has inspired me to sew again. I have just completed three recycled (from their dad's jeans) denim skirts and will be making Christmas tree tops to go with the skirts.

    My dear hubby gave me a new serger for Christmas. I have made three dozen rolled hem napkins! RAH!

    Next on my wish list is Sure Fit Designs because you have such success with the patterns. I am anxiously awaiting this so I can begin sewing for myself!

    Bless you!

    Debora from New Mexico

  6. Debora,

    LOL! I made a hundred napkins when I first got my serger too! I still have them. Think I'll start using them again. They are really nice. Just easier to grab the paper ones. Think I'll take a pic of some of them for my blog today.

    What is a "Christmas tree top"?

    1. A shirt with a ruffled Christmas tree appliqued on it. It is so cute. I serged and ruffled the fabric all at the same time! Amazing! I will try to take a picture when they are done and insert here - not sure if I can do that or not - but will give it a try.


  7. The blouse does look good! I too read your blog often, so thought it was time to make a comment. I love the cartoons you find to add to the flavor of your blog entries.

    Here's what I learned a long time ago: if something on your computer does not behave, do not call anyone. Instead, logoff or shut it down and come back later. Nine times out of ten that will work. Good advice from another commenter to not let them take over your machine, unless absolutely necessary.

  8. Hi Glorm!

    Let me know in a current post when you have a Christmas tree done, and I will give you my email so you can send me a pic to post for you.
    Hugs, Joy

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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy