
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Friends, Gifts and Surprise Calls from Alaska!

Hello everyone.

I'm a few days behind in Bloggerland.  Actually, I figured everyone is so busy right now, they really don't care if I do a blog post or not.  So much going on with Christmas preparations. 

Phylly and I got together for lunch today at our used-to-be favorite restaurant, TGI Friday's.  It was really good for a long time, but the last few times we went the manager was different every time.  The last time we went the newest manager came over to inform us that the rules had all changed and ALL the other managers had been fired.  He was a jerk, and neither one of us liked him.  We decided we just wouldn't go back.

Today, however, we decided we would go back to see if that mean manager had been fired yet, and maybe a nice one had come on board.  Phylly and I ate there so much we knew the guy at the front desk, and he knew us.  When we walked in today, a different man was there.  We asked about the other guy.  We were told that he had a stroke and was in bad shape.  SO SAD! 

Our favorite waitress, Ashley, was on duty today, and even though we weren't in her section, she told the girl waiting on us to be sure we got our FREE chips and salsa.  Phylly and I had decided we weren't even going to bring that up today as it always sends the manager into convulsions.  The thing is, about a year ago there was a promotion at TGIF's.  If you gave them your life history and filled out a card, you were promised FREE chips and salsa every time you came in.  Well, Phylly and I don't just forget a deal like that.  TGIF did forget it, or change it, and I guess we were the only two on the planet that actually cared.  Ashley cares too, and that's why we like her.  I stuck with my DESM diet and removed the top bun from my Cheeseburger and ate only about 4 french fries that I didn't realize came with the burger.

Last night, Margaret and I went out for dinner at Outback.  We had our usual Mixed Grill with Mahi, Shrimp and Scallops.  It was delightful!  We exchanged our Christmas gifts and talked and talked and talked.  She gave me a tall mug -- the kind you put hot chocolate or fancy coffee in -- and it says "You Are Special" and "You Are Loved".  She also gave me one of those cute little notepads that has the elastic strap around it that you can keep in a small pocket in your purse.  It says, "The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength". 

Love them both.  THANK YOU, MARGARET!!!

Tomorrow is a free day, so I am going to finish wrapping gifts.  I need to do some baking for Christmas day at my sister's.  I am so looking forward to it.  It is such a blessing to have my sister back in my life.  She is a very generous and loving person.  I want to find her something really special for a Christmas gift, but she has everything in the world in the way of nic-nacs and kitchen tools and clothes.  I think everyone does when they reach 60 years old.  I'm easy though.  Give me fabric or notions.


Hollie.  All the way from Alaska where it is now FORTY below zero!  We talked for nearly an hour, and we have planned out her and John's whole future.  We have decided -- she and I -- that they can build a house on the five acres next to us.  I can home school all of their children.  Hollie can be a Dental Hygenist (?) or Dentist (she isn't sure yet), and John can take over Family Medical Supply (our business). 


I told him we had planned his whole life, and he said Hollie told him.  He thought it was a great idea.  They both called to thank me for the Christmas gifts I sent.  They arrived there today.  He also told me that he may be going to Arizona for five weeks because they are changing his job.  Can't the Army make up it's mind??!!  At least, it isn't 40 degrees below zero in Arizona.  It's the complete opposite.  I grew up in Arizona, so I know all about that.

I better go.  I'm sure there is something I need to be doing.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy