
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let it Snow, NOT Blow

I am sitting in my recliner in the den listening to the wind HOWL outside.  We have had so many gorgeous days here that the sound outside is shocking.  Sounds like a springtime thunderstorm.  It isn't very cold, and I don't hear any rain.  Our office Christmas lunch is tomorrow, and I hope the weather isn't 50-mile-an-hour wind gusts!  I'm not one of those people that looks good after being blown across a parking lot.  Since I am the owner of the company, I'd like to look half-way sane when I walk into the restaurant instead of like an electrocuted Albert Einstein! 

Let me see......  What did I do today? 

OH!  I talked to my sister, Judy, for a long time this morning, and I'm glad I did.  I found out that she NEVER wears necklaces or earrings because she can't stand the weight of them.  Since I spent hours and hours making her a necklace and two sets of earrings, I had to start over on her.

It is SO HARD to get the perfect gift for someone.  Even Jerry.  He is SO PICKY about socks.  He has about 60 pair of this one certain kind of socks we bought probably over 10 years ago at Dillard's.  They are Gold Toe and they are called Juarez (or something like that).  Evidently, Jerry is the only man on Earth that cares for them, so Gold Toe quit making them long ago.  Jerry's socks are sooooooooooooooo old, most of them have holes in them and they are faded from being washed ten thousand times.  Every time I buy him new socks, he won't even try them on.  He says he only likes that one kind.  WELL, GUESS WHAT?  Jerry is getting socks for Christmas -- like it or not.  I'm tired of folding worn out socks. 

The label on the gift says: " To:  Jerry    Please don't complain until you at least try these on!"  I didn't put who the gift was from, but since I'm the only one who even gives him a gift, it won't be too hard to figure out.  (-;

After I talked to my sister, I went to lunch at a little Mexican restaurant.  Then I went to Hobby Lobby where I found two really cute theater-style pics to hang in our movie room in Kingston.  I think most homes these days have a movie room, so those pictures are fun.  If they weren't in the trunk of my car right now, I would take a picture for you.  I also went to the fabric department to find some fabric to match my new COLORED jeans.  I am THRILLED that colored jeans are back in style because I love them!  Our dress code at work says you can wear any color jeans but blue as long as they don't have holes or raveled hems.  For some reason the term "blue jeans" seems to indicate one should dress as a total slob.  If Jerry had his way, the employees would dress in business attire.  I don't want to dress that way, so the employees don't have to. 

I came home after that, washed my 3 new pieces of fabric, folded some clothes, wrapped the socks, made a bracelet and earrings for myself to match the orange tee I was wearing, made dinner, prepared a new Butterick pattern with all necessary alterations, and now I'm typing this.  A nice quiet day.

Here's the orange jewelry:

I love the way this set turned out.  The flat orange beads had holes in the center, and I strung the gold round bead inside each one. 
I'm headin' to bed where, hopefully, the wind isn't quite so loud!  It is scary because it rattles something at the top of the chimney and makes a loud bangy noise, and I know it isn't Santa comin' down!
Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy,
    You are a very productive person...I need your energy and creativity. My hubby received socks too for the same reason - holes! Throw them away I say.

    Also, no picture of the Christmas Tree shirt for the granddaughters. WADDER! I ruined three shirts and have finally given up for this year.

    Bless you my blog friend.

    Debora - NM

  2. Oh, no! Don't you hate when that happens? You are smart to just toss them though. I consider projects like that "lessons".

    Merry Christmas My Friend!

    Hugs, Joy

  3. You were beautiful as you always are when you arrived today, wind or no wind. Lunch was wonderful. I shared the other half of my Cheesecake with the grandchildren and they loved it. Their Daddy got the job he was applying for, Praise God!

    At least you found out Judy doesn't wear necklaces or earrings before you gave them to her.

    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy