
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Shouldn't Say This, But...

I am a bit inebriated -- and if you know how to spell that, you are a whole lot smarter than I am.  I have a dictionary at my fingertips at all times, and I couldn't even find it in there!!!

It isn't really my fault that I am a bit inebriated.  It is Jerry's.  I bought this bottle of Pinot Noir (pronounced "pee no nore") for us to drink because it is supposed to be good for you -- like dark chocolate -- but I HATE dark chocolate -- so I bought the wine instead.  Jerry won't drink it though.  He thinks it is awful.  I think if you drink enough of it, then you really don't care how it tastes!

And I should tell you that a teaspoon of any alcohol makes me tipsy.  I had only about a third of a wineglass of Pinot Noir with some cheese and crackers.  I am feeling NO PAIN!

I went out to my mailbox to see if the mailman left anything exciting, and I received Glenda's new pants-fitting DVD's today.  There was a bank statement for our business also, but for some reason, I didn't even open it.  Probably because it wouldn't be a good idea to try to balance the bank right now.

OH!  I also got a darling valentine's card from Margaret.  Sooooooooooooo sweet!  Thank you, Margaret.  I would call you about supper, but I'm afraid I better stay off the roads in my condition.  Maybe tomorrow night.

I spent FOUR hours this morning trying to remake my Louise Cutting pattern for a blouse that had too-small armholes and a too-high collar.  That thing had so many alterations, Jerry actually asked me when he saw it if I would like to go to work for him fitting people in wheelchairs!  At 1 PM, I wadded it up in a ball, threw it in the trash, and took out my SFD pleated blouse.  I have the two fronts done on it, and I will have it finished tomorrow.  Pictures will be forthcoming!

I better go.  Glenda's new DVD's are calling me! 

Hugs, Joy


  1. Alright, Tipsy Tootsy, did you ask Louise how to increase the size of the armholes? Did you try the pattern without a collar or band? I'm just trying to think of ways to fix your pattern. It is one of my favorites. Was it the top of the capped sleeve that bothered you or the lower part? You could cut the sleeve back so there isn't a cap if it is the top. If it is the lower part, did you try cutting the armhole a little lower? I don't understand why my top was comfortable in the armholes for you but yours wasn't. We used the exact same size. I finished the armholes on my second top tonight. Next is the hem, then the collar and the buttons. Maybe I'll finish it Saturday or Sunday. Grandkids are back tomorrow. (Sigh! )
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Don't know and don't care. Tired of the hassle. Back to SFD for me, at least for now. Without LC here to help, I do not know what to do. The armholes are strange.
    Hugs, Joy

  3. Sorry you wasted your time with LC. I have great luck with her instructions and patterns.

  4. I decided to buy another pattern, and I will start over. So many love her patterns, and she does have amazing instructions. I'll let you know how my second try turns out on the blouse. I must love a challenge!
    Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy