
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Scream At A Bum

I can't believe what I saw on the street corner today.  Whenever I go to have lunch with Phylly, I pass the busiest intersection in Oklahoma City.  That intersection ALWAYS has one or more men holding up a cardboard sign hoping cars will stop and give them money.  Evidently, a lot of cars DO stop and DO give them money, or they wouldn't always be there.  Usually, the sign says "Out of Work" or "Homeless" or "Hungry and Out of Gas" or some totally unlegible scribble.  I saw a man one time holding his cardboard folded in half so you couldn't read it all.  The writing on some of the signs is so tiny, you can't read them either. 

But today when I got to that intersection, I saw something different.  There was a man holding up a large cardboard sign.  He had straps attached to the back of the sign so he could hold it without blurring any of the words.  He was walking swiftly down the street holding the sign high up in the air with both arms.

My first thought was, "He can walk and his arms work fine -- why can't he work???"

As I got closer to him, I could read the sign with its very plainly written large black letters.  This is what it said:

"Are you mad? 
 Are you infuriated? 
 Scream at a bum.  50 cents per minute."

If I had been in the lane next to him, I would have rolled down my window and asked if I could take his picture.  The light was green, and traffic was moving, so I had to go.  I did not notice anyone screaming at him or giving him money.  CRAZY!

It was a beautiful day, and I was glad to get to see Phylly for lunch at The Heath Bar (Olive Garden).

It has been so long since I've seen her you know.

You may recall, I am here in Edmond not only for the sewing class we just attended, but to get all new windows put in our house.  The project stopped last week because one of the guys had to get home early.  I told them to just come back this week because I was going to be gone Thursday and Friday of last week. 

Well, here it is Thursday -- a week later -- and nobody has shown up.  I called Monday to REMIND Window World that I was back.  I talked to Patrick, the owner -- the one who sent us the $50 gift card to Longhorn.  He told me someone would be here Tuesday or Wednesday.  They weren't.  I asked him about it today.  He said, "I'm sure you are on the schedule."  I told him to please tell me WHEN I was on the schedule.  He called back later to tell me he had CHANGED the schedule, and I am suddenly on it again for tomorrow.  WHY, OH WHY is everything having to do with construction like this??? 

I won't keep you.  I'm supposed to be watching a Craftsy class on how to copy ready-to-wear.  I have to watch it before 30 days so I can get my money back if I don't like it.  A very good thing about Craftsy, in my opinion.  There have been a lot of classes that I requested a refund for after the first lesson because the teacher was so boring or the subject was.  There are a bunch more classes that I have really enjoyed and I am keeping forever.  Angela Wolfe, for one.  A GREAT teacher!

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDD, I can't forget to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.  Wish my valentine was here.  He was away on our 38th anniversary on February 1st, and he is gone again now.  I miss him so much.

I hope you really like this valentine bunny because it took me nearly an hour to fetch him from the clipart site I use.  Evidently, everyone in the world is looking for valentine clipart tonight!

Hope lots of love surrounds you today and always.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy