
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Muslin #4 of LC Relax-A-Little

Wow!  I am worn out on this project.  I had buttonhole issues this afternoon, and it took two hours to do what should have taken 20 minutes.  I don't know what was wrong.  I could make buttonholes all day long on a sample, but on the actual blouse, the 1st line of stitching would sew 20 feet if I didn't stop it.  I ripped out so many stitches in this blouse, it is a wonder it is wearable.

I took Skye's suggestion, and I made the blouse with a collar just to see how I would like it.  I'm not sure how I like it.  The collar is pretty stiff, and the blouse won't lay open.  Maybe it doesn't matter.  I don't know.  I know one thing.  I am going to make something different tomorrow!

Here it is.  Muslin #4.  It is not washed so you will see orange marker smudges here and there.  This blouse hikes up in the front, and the last one didn't at all.  Don't get that.  I also had to remove one inch round back correction where Louise put it at the back yoke line.  I don't need round back there.  I need it way up high.

It looks to me like I could fit a basketball up the front of this blouse.  I need to take out some more ease, I suppose. 

Notice this one has two pockets also.  I just took a chance and put them where LC had shown placement marks.  Worked out.

I think this will be one of those blouses that I will like sometime in the future when I find it hanging in my closet and wonder when I made it and how it got there.

I am shocked that it is hiking up in front after a ONE INCH FBA and taking one inch out of the back RBA.  I don't get it.  How many muslins does a girl have to make to get it right?

Too late to take waist darts in the front because of the pockets.

Something else I don't like that I did on this back.  I placed the yoke on the same fold line as the bottom back.  I wish I had changed that so the design doesn't repeat.  I'm just weird that way.  Phylly says that doesn't bother her at all.  

I had a surprise visit from my daughter and granddaughter today.  That's two days in a row with a surprise!  This one wasn't very happy, as it turns out.

My gd was not happy at all because her Mom is changing living arrangements.  She's leaving Dad's house and returning to Mom's house.  Divorce is so horrible for the children.  My gd expected my support for her position.  She wants to stay with Dad where there is ZERO supervision.  I totally agreed with her Mom, however.  I doubt I am her favorite grandmother anymore.  Actually, she probably hates me now.  She walked out on us mid-conversation and sat out in the car with that **** cell phone texting her friends -- friends she shouldn't be allowed to even know, in MY opinion.  Not that anyone asked my opinion, of course!  Teens these days have WAY TOO MUCH freedom and WAY TOO LITTLE respect for authority.  Very sad.  I hope my daughter can handle this.  I gave her my usual Motherly advice, and it was probably unwanted.  Mainly:  Keep her busy.  Take her to church.  Supervise her.  Know who she is with and what she is doing.  Don't let her bad mouth you or talk back to you without consequences.  Good heavens!  Even Dave Ramsey will tell you that.

Jerry and I are nearly at the end of the 5th, and last, season of Alias.  I can't count all the people that were killed and then came back to life.  The main star's fiance' was killed.  He was shot a dozen times or more with a machine gun.  They had a funeral and buried him.  But last night, he suddenly shows up alive.  HOW STUPID!!!

Suppertime.  I better get.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy,
    I've never posted to a blog before. I was confused by the "comment as......."?!! I selected anonymous. I posted a few days ago while clicking through your site. It was last February's post about the C. Jonson top. I guess you shouldn't comment on old threads! I wanted to know if you always use your Sure-Fit sloper to adjust commercial patterns. I really like the C.Jonson top. I've also been doing alot of reading on the Sure-Fit too. Your blog has inspired me to sew again.


  2. Hi Linda,

    Yes. Responses to old posts don't show up on the current post. I have no way of knowing they are there unless I look for them.

    I do always use my SFD blueprint to check new patterns, but some things are hard to see. Especially, when there is a big difference in ease. I am hoping Glenda does some more videos on that subject.

    Thanks for commenting. I really love it when someone comments. And I really like the C. Jonson top I made. I used Slinky, and it is really a different "animal" then cotton and knit.

    Hugs, Joy

  3. Pretty fabric - pity that it rides up.

    My DH calls my projects like this my charaity sewing because I end up not wearing them and donating them to local hospice or Salvation army shops.

    Nice jackets/suits go to the charity dress for less - woment re-entering the work force with no suitable clothes can go there and get given a set of work appropriate clothing.
    Sometimes it feels like all I ever do is sew for charity Ha Ha!

    You have certainly perservered longer that I would have done with this pattern.


  4. Hi Joy, your RAL top is cute on you. You look good with that little collar. Nice for a different look. One thing I have done with some of these patterns that tend to ride up is to cut a curved shirt tail on them, no way they will ride up! Just an idea. Barb

  5. How funny...I just checked to see who "Barb in Ga" was, since I am also in Georgia, and I know her, because we are in the same sewing club! Anyway, I posted earlier about LC's patterns so I won't repeat, but I do love that fabric!

  6. That 's me, Carole. See you at ASG meeting.


TO COMMENT: Scroll down a bit and find the word "comments". It may have a number in front of it. Click on it, and you will be able to leave a somment. I realize you have to choose Google, Facebook or Anonymous or ? to post a comment. If you choose "Anonymous", you will be able to post a comment, but please leave your first name in your comment so I know you aren't a machine.

I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy