
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Phylly is 60 Today

This was Phylly's real birthday, but I didn't see her today.  I did talk to her on the phone though.  The people she works with -- our employees -- brought her a box of chocolate covered cherries (her favorite) and a chocolate mousse pie.  She invited me to come, but I knew we would laugh so much, it would annoy everyone. 

I don't want the other employees to dislike Phylly because we are BFF's.  And her boss, Lu, would be too kind to me -- her boss -- to tell me to PLEASE LEAVE and quit annoying everyone.  I hardly ever go to our store because of that.  Lu already has to tolerate Phylly having long lunches out with me whenever I'm in town.  Phylly always makes up her time though, and we don't do it over once or twice a week.  And, remember, I'm not even supposed to be here as this isn't my real home.  If it wasn't for the window fiasco, I would have been long gone.

So join me in wishing Phylly a Very Happy Birthday, and some of you can welcome her along with me to the SIXTIES!

My daughter is coming over this evening to bring me fresh eggs from her chickens.  I don't know who she will have with her.  THAT is always a surprise.  It could be one of a dozen dogs, or a cat, or a kid.  She has never brought one of the chickens, and I am very glad about that!  She offered to check in on our cats, Bootsy and Barney when we go on our mini-vacation in a few weeks to Branson, MO to hear Rev. Hagee and Matthew Hagee and whoever else.  It will be fun to see them in person even though it will be from a distance.  We got a "special invitation" to join them at a breakfast on Saturday morning, March 23rd.  I'm sure thousands of others received the same invitation, so it's not like we will be anywhere near their table.  I sure would LOVE that though!

I better scat.  Need to jump on the trampoline before the eggs arrive.


I ran back in here to show you what Tammy brought me.  I am SO SURPRISED!  Two of the eggs are GREEN!  I thought green eggs were only in Dr. Seuss books!  Aren't they pretty???  Lindy was out in the car, so I ran outside to give her hugs.  She was behind the wheel.  I didn't even realize she was driving these days.  She seemed really happy.  One of Tammy's dogs had puppies last night, so I'm sure that helped cheer Lindy up.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Felicitations to Phylly on the milestone birthday! I have commented on your blog previously as a SFD seamstress and appreciator of all things Glenda. I think your experience with the LC pattern is a living testimonial as to why I love SFD. The pleat blouse is so much cuter than all 4 of the LC versions put together. And, I know you didn't have to endlessly fuss to get the fit. I would like you to please include a video on how you use bias tape instead of neckline and armhole facings. Mine come out rugged, to say the least. I am sure there is a detail I am missing. Next time you are in the mood for a video, this would sure help me out. Thanks, Carol.

  2. Hi Carol,
    You are so right! I love SFD. I just feel awkward designing new styles with it, and I have so many commercial patterns already designed. I learn more every time I make a garment though.
    I'm surprised there isn't a video out there somewhere on bindings for necklines. I did make a video on binding a woven neckline with a long strip of knit. It worked out great. I NEVER have used bias tape except on quilts. I'll experiment soon with it as Spring and sleeveless tops are right around the corner.
    Hugs, Joy

  3. I think there is a tutorial on that on Amanda's blog ( Its a great blog to read.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes. I have had a great day ending with going out to dinner with my dear husband and spending some time at my cutting table working on a new pattern. My daughter was sick so she kept the kids home with her. So, I didn't have to babysit tonight. Yeah!

    You sixty isn't a bad age. I feel free. I don't have to prove anything to anyone anymore. I don't have to be the best wife, mother, employee, CEO, or grandmother anymore. I just have to be me. OK, maybe I better try to be the best wife I can be as long as it doesn't mean I have to be the best housekeeper. I'm just going to be me. Maybe I can even ease my way out of keeping the grandkids all the time.

    Oh, and the candy wasn't any candy, it was DARK chocolate covered cherries; my very favorite. Now, I've got to find some place to put them so I really have to think three or four times before I finally go get one and eat it. I really don't want to pig out on them. I had two today and that was one too many.

    Joy Joy, those look like Easter eggs.

    Hugs, Phylly

    1. Happy Birthday Phylly!!. Thank you so much for posting about just being yourself. I just turned 59 and I want to join that club now. What a Great way to look our lives now.

      best to you,

  4. Happy Birthday, Phylly!

    I will be joining you next month - the fearless ladies who will red with purple and not care :)



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Hugs, Joy